ohh my... the biggest e-war!!!
niketalk vs. instyleshoes

Dont get it twisted. There is no war. Its like if Roc-A-Fella seriously beefing with Def Jam. Roc-A-Fella is in existence BECAUSE of Def Jam!!! Get my point?

To those that know him well, Steve is all about the surface. He looks the part and plays the part... but at the same time, he's as shady as they get when it comes to actual business dealings and things involving $. He has to. He's a shrewd businessman. Being sleazy is part of his trade in being successful . Most outsiders simply don't know. Just don't be fooled by his act in public.

Ive got about 18 peoplegrown @#%$ men, deep and respected in the sneaker communitywho can verify that statement, but chooses not to waste energy posting here (its a slow summer for me, and I have time to waste on NT in the mornings). I had to experience it myself to actually believe it...

But personally, what disrespectful words to those still waiting on their money after months...

And, if the "25% to 20% markdown" doesn't tell you anything...

In the words of Flavor Flav back in the day, "You blind baby! You blind to the facts! You blind!"

Restoring order to the Shoe
Expect the Unexpected​
Whoever posted about Steve being shielded by incorporation really does not know the law of bankruptcy and its relation to LLCs, Corporations or partnerships. If steve comingles funds, violates the business judgment rule, or does not follow corporate formalities the "veil" that protects the corporation will be pierced and homedude will be personally liable. So his cars, houses and whatever else can be taken. Read a book on corporations before you make a blanket statement.
Dont get it twisted. There is no war. Its like if Roc-A-Fella seriously beefing with Def Jam. Roc-A-Fella is in existence BECAUSE of Def Jam!!! Get my point?

Whoever posted about Steve being shielded by incorporation really does not know the law of bankruptcy and its relation to LLCs, Corporations or partnerships. If steve comingles funds, violates the business judgment rule, or does not follow corporate formalities the "veil" that protects the corporation will be pierced and homedude will be personally liable. So his cars, houses and whatever else can be taken. Read a book on corporations before you make a blanket statement.


[table][tr][td]>[email protected][/td][td]AIM: bga7x[/td][/tr][/table]​
.....Pull the trigger and the nightmare stops.....
Ya'll need to take a chill pill...!

Coming from someone who hasn't lost thousands in money that should have been received months ago. This is a sad state of affairs. I'm not the one to bash on I$$ but to be honest, all this veil and cover up sounds so incredulous, how could Steve be taken seriously?

Checks bounce for reasons that are generally not good. Enough of the "well you should have... or could have." It's probably being understood now after the fact so it shouldn't have to be reassured again. It's sad that responses are only given after being brought to the spotlight. Hopefully everything works out in the end because if this stuff continues to happen, the sneaker community as a whole will be tarnished.

to be honest, i dont know what to think of this entire situation. I agree that ISS should never have made the mistake in the first place....but what happens if it really was a mistake? Does that make everything okay? Ofcourse not but you guys gotta understand is that a lot of things happen in this world, and not all of them are meant to be. SOmetime times things really just do happen.
Steve came on and explained the situation, Im sure he isnt happy about what is happaned just like nobody on here would be if we were involved.

I highly doubt that ISS is out to take your money, they dont need it that bad. Im sure everything will be fixed, you will get your money....why would they just fraud you, it doesnt make sense...steve would not let that happen to his buisness, just like any other person would hate to see this happen to something they created or are affiliated with. it simply isnt worth the risk.

In the future however i urge you all to be cautious in your dealings, especielly when it involves a large amount of your personal possesions and money. These things are hard to comne by, so watch them closely. whether it be ISS, NT, eBAy or the shoe spot down the way. Take into great consideration what you are doing, if at anytime through the process you feel uncomfortable, then dont do it. Simple as that

Read up, be knowledgable about every situation. Always stay posotive, when things become negative is when things go wrong.

I am really sorry though man, I hope everything works out for you in the end.

this ISS and NT hate needs to stop as well, both have their own places in this shoe culture we are ever so fond of. Just be happy that there are so many places for us to enjoy and converse with one another over the things we love and cherish.

thats all i have to say



aim-Kixslf mike

NT...where haters run rampent
wow! i never liked ISS..rape prices as stated..but now FRAUD?

damn i wanna knoe how this ends!

"..and them haters get ate just like thanksgiving turkey.." -Mac Dre-

I think the problem here is ... funds don't just get "moved around". Steve may not be around to answer questions all the time, but I'll be damned if there's a dime floating around that he hasn't accounted for. If you run a business, the only, and I mean the only thing you don't forget to check is the money. Plain and simple.

Blaming it on a "system malfunction" isn't really a viable option to me. Why? Because money doesn't magically decide to transfer to different accounts (but hey, maybe it did).

Truthfully, they shouldn't be taking more than 5-10% to cover their tracks for this.

Offering a 5% subtraction of fees to the customers cost is about as useful to them as telling them to pull down their pants and touch their toes.

Bottom line ... if someone takes my money, holds it, then blames the delay (15+ weeks mind you) all on a system malfunction of the computer that they had no prior knowledge of, I'm gonna get pissed.

If ISS did comingle funds, they better pray nobody files a lawsuit.

Hopefully everything gets settled. If anything, Steve needs to find more help. You can't exactly bring up running a multionmillion dollar business, then mention that the reason we are "struggling" is because we have two people handling all the orders. It just doesn't add up.

<!-----<hr /><!-----<!-----<div style="text-align:center">Restoring order to the Shoe<br>Game</div><!-----<!-----<a href=""><!-----</span><!-----<div style="text-align:center">Expect<br>the Unexpected</div><!-----<br>
1 mil? I doubt ISS is doing that type of numbers.

i'd say they are doing far more every year, and if not they're seriously underperforming. if we can do 10% of that from australia, i've got no doubt ISS would be doing $1m plus in sales a year
Whoever posted about Steve being shielded by incorporation really does not know the law of bankruptcy and its relation to LLCs, Corporations or partnerships. If steve comingles funds, violates the business judgment rule, or does not follow corporate formalities the "veil" that protects the corporation will be pierced and homedude will be personally liable. So his cars, houses and whatever else can be taken. Read a book on corporations before you make a blanket statement.

Whoever wrote this needs to study law and go to a real courtroom before jumping to conclusions. Until you get into the real world, you have no idea how things work by just reading a book. Interpreting the law and practicing are completely different things my friend.

First of all, there's NO PROOF whatsoever that Steve has 'violated the business judgement rule'. Look at all the PUBLIC corporations in the business rule where this kind of malpractice has occurred with public income statement, cash flow and balances and you STILL can not convict anyone 'personally' in real life. Only in the past few years has some major company executives been prosecuted - and mostly for show and most of them get off with a wrist slap. And those cases involved MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars, let alone such a small case like ISS.

There are MANY different ways to LEGALLY transfer funds between two different companies. To transfer $ from ISS to SC can be very easy. Many small, med, big companies do this. There's no way you can prove in court what transaction are valid expense/revenue if Steve wish to cover his tracks with basic accounting principles. What Steve did could be LEGAL and still be frowned upon by the board here (of course, having bounced checks is another issue) - however, in a court of law, he'd be in good shape. In another words, screaming Fraud on a forum is much easier to do than proving it beyond a reasonable doubt in the courtroom.

To add to the post... having steve respond only after things become public is so typical of his business practices... like i said before, it's all about the public image with him.
Jordans collector- think before you speak homeskillet. You know nothing about me, my qualifications, what I have or have not done. I merely corrected an incorrect statement. Prove me wrong about my statement being incorrect. You are right, experience does come in the courtroom (hint*) and not necessarily from a book. I have dealt with Corporations, LLPs, LP, LLCs and Partnerships. Prove my statement incorrect. Oh, I also deal with Ch. 7 and 11.
Another thing Jordans collector. Don't use the term "beyond a reasonable doubt." If you had any legal knowledge or experience you would know that the burden of proof in a civil court is a preponderance of the evidence. Big difference. Ask OJ.
off topic:


one of my favorite words that is so rarely used :lol:

on topic:

it's a wrap for ISS

"When am I gonna come to my good senses?
Probably the day Bush comes to my defenses."

U r still missing the pt and if you have ever stepped into a courtroom to argue a case in bankruptcy or fraud, prove it. Don't ask someone else to read a book when you've never practiced law in cases that we are discussing.

ISS is not steve. He's merely an owner and a big advantage of having a company as a Corp. And there is no evidence of any sort that says Steve himself committed any fraud or wrong doing here, just speculation and opinion (some of which I gladly shared). If ISS is a messed up company, that "corporation" is responsible for whatever mistake they've made... and therefore it can not touch Steve, all you have said is contrary to THAT point.

Finally, even if you COULD bring him to a civil trial, you'd not win... that is just speaking from actual experience of how these cases are handled in life. In another words, reading about basketball and its rules doesn't mean you got a wicked jumpshot homeskillet.
You obviously don't know what chapter 11 and 7 means. I have a JD/MBA from a top 50 lawschool with the mba from the same school's business school. I am qualified (more so then you because you are either a paralegal or office assistant based on your ignorant comments) to make comments on bankruptcy proceedings as I have been before bankruptcy courts more than enough. As the hero that you are, you know that one mistep, such as personally signing a negotiable instrument (UCC Articles 3 and 4, but maybe you don't know what that is) and not on behalf of the corporation can hold an individual liable. Comingling assets is also another problem. I get what you are saying about the basketball analogy, maybe you should apply it to your own life and just stop posting on this topic. Homefry
Oh, and furthermore, you don't even know what the business judgment rule is from your statement.
Top 50 and you are proud of it? Son, if it is not the top dogs, it means nothing in our cutthroat field. I hate to sound like Harvard laughing at Rutgers but it's funny how you try to throw rudimentary terms that you learned from school to impress the folks on a public forum. How many times did it take for you to pass the bar? I've been practicing for the past 15 years and currently representing one of the big 3 in NYC. I argue cases as well as being the lead of my teams during litigation?

One day when you've learned to be humble and not hide behind some degree on a piece of paper and want a real job PRACTICING what you've learned, come and find me for a hookup. I'll include my full credentials which includes all the case #'s I've done rather than the name of the top 5 law school I went to *EYEROLL*. :stoneface:

Sorry for hijacking this thread.. this will be my last post, contact me via PM if you want a job and my creds. Pz
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