I think black dudes dating interracially, white women in particular.. Is like most things in life, filtered down through media and pop culture. The black pro ball players that eschew his own race, to gallivant with the attractive white girls, the millions of movies and shows we've all seen with the beautiful Caucasian starlet. The fact that alot of us come from tumultuous backgrounds(of varying degree), and may see the stability of a partner of whom that "struggle" is completely foreign, as a form of escape.
I personally think that to many black men, being pursued and seen as attractive by a race other than yours, is an ego-boost, and pervades feelings of being different from others and "chosen". As simply being black has historically carried a sub-standard connotion, and persists in many areas(see russia) even today.
This epidemic isnt solely contained to black men>white women however, as within our own race(black male here), there are countless black women, who primarily seekout light skin, light-eyed men as well, both as validation and in hopes of one day spawning a "mixed" child. This is a monetary and aesthetics driven society, and the average and ugly amongst us, are often left behind.
And just for clarification, no facts, all opinion.