Have you dated interracially?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I want to

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I didn't feel like getting too deep today but F it

The relationship between black men and women have been a tumultuous of rip. Straight off da ships black men were demeaned and made to look less the human, even less than they were already being perceived as. This was done intentionally in front of women as to assert dominance. For this reason and others a lot of times black people operated under a matriarchal construct, much like we see today. Added to the fact that they were being forced to mate and women especially were being bedded on a regular basis by there owners, ish was not good.  Later on the implementation of the welfare system where a male couldn't be present  in household didn't help either. So @ryanjumpman420
 i think what you are saying has truth but there are a lot of factors that can be attributed to the dysfunction that may happen sometimes.
I agree. Owe u rep, I'm out at the moment.
i know that these message boards are like being in the army, "you can be all u can be" on the Internet and lie to everyone to make u seem like someone u ain't. So i understand if u don't believe me when I say some of the things I say. And like aNYone aNYone said I honestly don't feel like gettin that deep myself today either. Prob should have thought about that before I made the post and then lit up.
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Any man who says otherwise is lying too
Yup Men have far less put far less value on a womens race generally speaking

I think woman do that much more often,

To us P is P, even the most bigoted person is at least smashin if they have the chance
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Yup Men have far less put far less value on a womens race generally speaking

I think woman do that much more often,

To us P is P, even the most bigoted person is at least smashin if they have the chance
Lol and that's cause P really is just P. There is also a big difference in having an interracial relationship and having interracial intercourse. In my opinion anyway.
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lol miami > cuban , babys mother is nicaraguan

last gf was cuban 

new gf is from barbados 
Can't take anybody serious that never dated within their race....I don't care what race you are
like I said the opportunity never presented itself. I've "talked" to plenty females within my own race. But for whatever the reason being at the time , we just weren't able to take it that 1 step further. So would you take a guy seriously who bashes women in his own race and let's serve as his reason for picking fruit from a different tree ?
lol miami > cuban , babys mother is nicaraguan

last gf was cuban 

new gf is from barbados 
thats not interacial bruh.... those is countries

Unless your different colored cuban and she is a different color.
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I dont know man, out here in cali, i see a bunch of black dudes with latinas. In fact, i see more black dudes dating everything but black chicks out here. It does bother me that white ******* will date pretty much any kind of race but won't mess with non light skinned mexicans or central americans. It's racist and if it's happening out here in LA, i can imagine how bad it is in other parts of the country. Like i say, dark brown Latinos are too dark for mexicans girls and not dark enough for white ********

Noqw that is something I don't see often. A white dude with a brown girl that isn't black.
I'm the white guy who gets told by other black folks that he's black. Honest to God been having black guys tell me that since I can remember. And that doesn't have anything to do with the way i try to dress or speak by the way. But because of what I've been through and who I am. I'm white, I still believe I have the right to an opinion on the matter of interracial dating. Where as I wouldn't wanna hear anything from a white guy from privlage who can't relate.
What if they cant.

Ive only dated 1 black girl.

They give me the MOST pushback for reason.

What does push back mean? They won't let you get reckless with them?

Either Im not good enough or Im too good.

Chick once told me, "Man you too cool, you gonna hurt me.." tf?!

Then the ones that work, they want you to chase them to the ends of the earth, as soon as I dont reply to text in a timely manner, they're done.

Then again, Im in my 30s in Houston, aint nothing but damaged goods out here at this point.
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