Have you dated interracially?

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  • No

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  • I want to

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She wanted me to do come visit her in China during winter break and told me I could drive one of her three Benzs. She told me most if not all the international students are balling like a B since they get no financial aid. Plane ticket was $ and she was so sprung so didn't do it though.

^LOL! Too funny. Wasn't willing to buy you J's though huh?
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I'm in an interracial relationship (she's puerto rican/black, I'm hispanic) now. Spent Thanksgiving with her fam down in South Carolina and it was cool meeting people from all walks of life and ethnicity (her family is full of mixed people). I never thought I would be in an interracial relationship, but I never thought that I wouldn't be either. I met a person I liked as a person, we hit it off, and the rest is history.
Are you black?
Its funny how most of the people who say they are actively in an interracial relationship are interracial themselves or involved with someone interracial.
Dated Black women pretty much through high school and my first few years in college. (I'm White) Went well for the most past, but I'd say 90% couldnt take the staring.

Married a Puerto Rican.
Never been in an "interracial" relationship. I've always been attracted to white women but tthey don't seem to like brown skinned latinos and the black girls I'm attracted to usually just date black dudes. Asians ain't even part of the equation cuz they dont like mexicans at all. In other words, I'm f'd :/
Mexican women don't date black dudes though... Mexican women worship the ground Mexican men walk on, unless their white, then she'll risk death and being disowned to be with him.

...Asian women too, pretty much ALL women except white women don't openly date black guys.
Never been in an "interracial" relationship. I've always been attracted to white women but tthey don't seem to like brown skinned latinos and the black girls I'm attracted to usually just date black dudes. Asians ain't even part of the equation cuz they dont like mexicans at all. In other words, I'm f'd :/

Mexican women don't date black dudes though... Mexican women worship the ground Mexican men walk on, unless their white, then she'll risk death and being disowned to be with him.

...Asian women too, pretty much ALL women except white women don't openly date black guys.

They do. The ones that do date black dude ONLY date black dudes.

From what I've been told from an Hispanic homegirl, theres a LOT of brainwashing going on over there.
This i dont get though...

Maybe I just got lucky through my years of interacting w/ black women...

but whenever they get an attitude, i check that **** w/ the quickness... and if it continues, I just move around.

Maybe i'm just choosing the right ones luckily... because I dont come across the amount of combative black chicks that other people do...

i work w them so i can never ignore them. do dislike their gross attitude
My friend lives in Florida and he just plain out won't date black girls. All the girls he's every been with, or talked to, have been Spanish or White.

Also I know like 3-4 NY ****** that say they only date white girls because NY black girls are ratchet and loud and ghetto.
Idk how true that is, but that's what they tell me
My friend lives in Florida and he just plain out won't date black girls. All the girls he's every been with, or talked to, have been Spanish or White.

Also I know like 3-4 NY ****** that say they only date white girls because NY black girls are ratchet and loud and ghetto.
Idk how true that is, but that's what they tell me

The company you keep... Yeesh.
The company you keep... Yeesh.
Like I said I call bs on the NY dudes because I've been to New York, and other than the attire and fast pace, not much is different.

And I think a black girl hurt my friend or sumthin because he don't have a reason :lol:
I'm bi-racial and will only date bi-racial/white girls. My pref is def mixed girls though. They get my struggle ya'll.
I'm in a relationship right now but, damn I wish I got with a dark skinned girl in the past, met son many fine ones but didn't do ****. Only messed with medium and light-skinned black women.
Mexican women don't date black dudes though... Mexican women worship the ground Mexican men walk on, unless their white, then she'll risk death and being disowned to be with him.

...Asian women too, pretty much ALL women except white women don't openly date black guys.
That's BS to the max. You must not live in Cali.
I had a ONS w/ a FOB Asian and when I told her to show me what that mouf do, she said, "I don't know how they do it in Africa, but we don't do that in China!" :wow: :rofl: :smh:. I was FWB with another FOB Chinese girl. I stroked her out and next thing I know . . . she's talking about "I look at only Black guys now . . . the way they walk, talk," and they're bigger. Had me :rofl:. She was cool af and extra submissive (maybe too much for my liking): take off my Js for me, pay for meals, etc. Our cultural differences conflicted. She didn't understand my humor sometimes due to her language barriers and she was talking about settling down less than 2 months of seeing her :x :stoneface: . I didn't want ole girl to get hurt so told her to move on. She ended up taking this 25 yr old white guy's virginity :lol: and marrying him a year later. Cool experience but haven't gone Asian since just White and Latina.

How were the Asian yambs?

Where did yall meet?
I had a ONS w/ a FOB Asian and when I told her to show me what that mouf do, she said, "I don't know how they do it in Africa, but we don't do that in China!" :wow: :rofl: :smh:. I was FWB with another FOB Chinese girl. I stroked her out and next thing I know . . . she's talking about "I look at only Black guys now . . . the way they walk, talk," and they're bigger. Had me :rofl:. She was cool af and extra submissive (maybe too much for my liking): take off my Js for me, pay for meals, etc. Our cultural differences conflicted. She didn't understand my humor sometimes due to her language barriers and she was talking about settling down less than 2 months of seeing her :x :stoneface: . I didn't want ole girl to get hurt so told her to move on. She ended up taking this 25 yr old white guy's virginity :lol: and marrying him a year later. Cool experience but haven't gone Asian since just White and Latina.

How were the Asian yambs?

Where did yall meet?

Nothing special about them. Have had great Asian P and mediocre Asian P just like any other ethnicity
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