iPad Mini Thread vol. Every Inch an iPad

the mini is great for those who need a smaller tablet, fits right in your hand and can maybe fit into a pocket and carry around easier. better than carrying around with 2 hands a much bigger regular ipad
My 2 month old Ipad 3 is OUTDATED!!! :evil:

f#&k Tim cook!!...f#ck Apple as a staff and as a mother f$%king crew!

yes im MAD!:lol:
Be on the lookout for the iPad Mini 2 in March with the retina display
Funny thing is...I was just thinking about that...

The sales will take off once this iPad Mini is reduced to 239, and then people will be gushing about how the iPad Mini 2 is a steal for $329.   

And all the while, Apple will have already sold millions of 1st gen iPad Minis at a price that's not really justifiable by the hardware and performance specifications.
Apple just beating people over the head with their prices. 330 without a Sim card slot and underwhelming specs.

I'm tired of buying apps twice for my Nexus 7, IPad 2, and 4S. Some things gotta give.
That ipad mini is mad cute.
will make great gifts especially with my anniversary coming up, as well as my mom and dads birthdays all in november :lol:

might have to put that imac on hold to cop a few of these.
it's also kind of annoying that apple is impeding technology with their lawsuits and other protection.
Got any ideas that I can steal from you and make billions off of? PM me. Thanks.

ask Xerox, do you even know the history of Apple?

I'm not anti Apple, just the uneducated consumers, case in point... what I quoted.
I'm disappointed. It's definitely got some nice hardware, but the screen resolution and that price point are two pretty big issues. I'll stick with my Nexus 7.

Edit: Although that 13" rMBP... :evil: :smokin
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Any news on non-Apple pre-orders?

I want to try my luck at Best Buy on Friday. Going for the 16GB.
Ok, just to be somewhat of a voice of reason here especially someone with tons of Apple products already.

If you never owned an Ipad before, there should be no one stopping you from choosing what YOU want. When it comes to the Ipads themselves, The fact Apple kept the 2 around is kinda two fold. 1 is they already used a majority of the parts from the 2 for the Mini, so why not get out what little we can before a total refresh. 2. Those that will want the size of the Ipad Retina for a lower price with lower specs.

The Mini is a BEAUTIFUL device, but as mentioned here, the complaints of display, chip set, and overall performance will most likely be addressed in an update in Feb/March (Just after the holiday season when the SHEEP go an buy these products) Now before you go jumping down my throat, we forget sometimes on this board that many of us are well adverse in technology and understand these things. That statement is for those people who whose the terms "Small" "thin" and "In" as a reason to buy it rather for the reasons why I am telling people it is not worth it SPECS. Best Buy just had a sale where you could of gotten the Ipad 2 for 349.00 just a few weeks ago and I am sure some stores still have this sale going. So were talking a 8 inch tablet to a 10 inch tablet. (Sorry, I don't round down from 7.9 or 9.7 lol.) That pretty much has the same guts accept for some minor tweaks. (Oh boy, 720p camera recording on one of the worst type of devices to use a video camera on to record anything). If I was talking to someone that wanted to be in the IOS system. Then by all means the choice is yours. If your looking for a tablet to have a tablet, then you would be wasting money on a Mini compared to it's competition in the Kindle Fire HD just to say you have an Apple Product (Nexus has not impressed me enough and the Nook HD just seems to be Niche audience.)

Does it suck about the Retina display Ipad, yeah but the excuse was there to get these Lightning adapters in so why not try the new chip set. So the person next you loads a page 2 seconds faster than you. It does not make a big enough difference for people to be throwing fits about.

The Imac is STUNNING even with the optical illusion screen. Think Original Flat screen television. Flat front but just enough of a round back to hold everything. They are still worth the purchase specs and all (People need to get over that the CD is being put out like the floppy and 3.5 disk. Buy an external for 15.00 at a comp. show that burns DVDs and CDs if you do need to burn for music or have businesses that require DVDs.)

Same goes for the MBP Retina 13in but again, I think it is worth it to just buy a regular one compared to the retina (Although they are stunning which makes it so hard but the price just does you in to say no.)
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Apple done did it again. I didn't even want the iPad mini. Now I want it. smh 

why do u want it? bc its two inches smaller?????? or is it bc your a hypebeast?

If you are looking at the stream, you can see that its obviously ******** on anything Android.

They're physically breaking it down against the Nexus 7...

Apple is going right at the competitions throat today.

How is out ******** on the nexus 7 please explain.. How are thru going at the competition throat?
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