iPad Mini Thread vol. Every Inch an iPad


Go to the store, try both out and get back to me.

In other news, I'm hearing that there may be shortages since Apple and Samsung, a major supplier of the touch screens, are nearing the end of their business relationship.
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I think the size is just perfect to carry along. The reg iPad is too big to take with you everywhere. Will be copping for wifey and mini me but will probably jack mini me after a few days lol
If you have an iPhone 5 + a Macbook i don't see any need for this toy.

But if you got money to blow...
Did you dudes just spend the last four pages explaining why you WON'T get the device and how you think it's overpriced?

Save your breath. This thing will sell and it doesn't need to have retina display to justify it's price tag or it's worthiness. It's one of the fastest-selling device of all time in a pint-sized version. Dudes crying that there aren't a gazillions pixels on a 7.9" display.

Okay, then go with the iPad 3 then. Don't **** on this thread because you think Apple releases crap or because you think they could have come harder.

At the moment, this tablet fits my conmuting lifestyle nicely. I don't need a "retina" display. Truth be told, it's hard to tell the difference between a retina display regular-sized iPad and the non-retina. So imagine how great the screen resolution will actually look in something two inches smaller.
The retina display difference is definitely noticeable between the iPad 2 and 3. See for yourself. Do a Google search and every single person was saying how much better the new Ipad looks, and how dull their iPad 2 looks in comparison.

I was eager to buy this product -- I still might because the size is so perfect for me -- and I'm a fan of Apple products (I'm on a new Macbook Pro that I love), but that doesn't mean I can't ever criticize Apple. I understand getting annoyed by the "it's just a bigger Iphone" comments, but retina display was something I think most of us were expecting. 
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Did you dudes just spend the last four pages explaining why you WON'T get the device and how you think it's overpriced? :smh:

Save your breath. This thing will sell and it doesn't need to have retina display to justify it's price tag or it's worthiness. It's one of the fastest-selling device of all time in a pint-sized version. Dudes crying that there aren't a gazillions pixels on a 7.9" display. :rolleyes

Okay, then go with the iPad 3 then. Don't **** on this thread because you think Apple releases crap or because you think they could have come harder.

At the moment, this tablet fits my conmuting lifestyle nicely. I don't need a "retina" display. Truth be told, it's hard to tell the difference between a retina display regular-sized iPad and the non-retina. So imagine how great the screen resolution will actually look in something two inches smaller.

The retina display difference is definitely noticeable between the iPad 2 and 3. See for yourself. Do a Google search and every single person was saying how much better the new Ipad looks, and how dull their iPad 2 looks in comparison.

I was eager to buy this product -- I still might because the size is so perfect for me -- and I'm a fan of Apple products (I'm on a new Macbook Pro that I love), but that doesn't mean I can't ever criticize Apple. I understand getting annoyed by the "it's just a bigger Iphone" comments, but retina display was something I think most of us were expecting. 
I haven't owned a retina iPad but I have seen it in person. It doesn't really do much for me.

The iPad 2 was my last ipad and the resolution suited me well. I just wish it was more compact. Now I have that with the Mini.
while the retina-less mini is ok....u can't help but doubt that apple wont refresh it in like 6 months. This just seems like it was all they could put together to launch something competitive before the holiday season.
: lol really? Can't buy the nexus 7 from best buy? Do you really think before you type? You can call whoever a hater but you in the same damn boat
I just check Best Buy Return policy...

"60 days for eligible products for Reward Zone[emoji]174[/emoji] program Premier Silver members."

I am a Silver Premier member. Bought my Ipad 3 end of August. i still got 5 days for that 60 days.I think Im going to try tomorrow if i can return it then pick up 4th gen on Nov.2... I dont know if they will have it on the 2nd though.
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Some of yall are too much 
 with the riding

And to the cats thinking these ain't gonna sell this holiday season are crazy.. Anything Apple makes will sell

 @ why these threads always gotta turn into a fanboy war between android and ios.. get what the hell you like it's all personal preference 

What I'm saying is these thangs gonna fly off the shelf no matter if it's priced at 329 no retina, no care with these people.. 299 would have been more reasonable imo.. but regardless it's gonna sell like hotcakes this holiday no question about it. But sales doesn't make it superior to anything, they just got a following like that..
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I love Apple, I own a lot of Apple products, and I develop apps on the various Apple platforms using one of Apple's development platforms. But I think I speak for most when I say

My sentiments exactly. $329 for a mini compared to $399 for an iPad(16GB) :smh:

I copped my iPhone 5 and iPad3+VRZ LTE from Best Buy back on Sept. 28 and I'm a Rewards Zone Silver Memeber too!!!!:smokin

I'm going to get the iPad 4, but since they added Sprint to the mix, I going to wait to see what plans (hopefully prepaid) they are going to offer since my iPhone 5 is on Sprint.

In my opinion, the iPad 4 is worth copping because it adds another carrier (and I know that Sprint's LTE isn't as wide range as the others), it's faster, and it's moving in the direction of the the company (innovation wise with the lightening cord).
In other news, I'm hearing that there may be shortages since Apple and Samsung, a major supplier of the touch screens, are nearing the end of their business relationship.
Will not be an issue.

One of two options here:

1. The contract reached its expiry date, and Apple has already replaced Samsung.
2. The companies have reached a mutual agreement to terminate Samsung as the supplier ahead of contract expiration, and Apple has already replaced Samsung.

Samsung is not the one in control here. Apple is. These are prepaid orders for tens of billions of dollars worth of supply. Samsung is not going to cut off its nose to spite its face. Even if they decided to be so foolish, they would be legally obligated to either complete the contract, or come to some sort of mutual agreement with Apple on when production can cease.

Apple has one of the biggest supply chains in the world. They are prepared when issues like this arise.
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My sentiments exactly. $329 for a mini compared to $399 for an iPad(16GB) :smh:
How dense are you guys?

Let me make it easier for you to understand.

You walk into McDonalds and you want a burger. You're looking at a double cheeseburger ($2.70) or a quarter pounder with cheese ($3.00). Quarter pounder is more expensive, but it's a better deal for the amount of food/calories you get. So why on earth would anybody want a double cheeseburger? Because not everyone wants that much damn food.

Same goes for the iPad mini. It caters to consumers who don't want to carry around a 9.7 inch device with them. They don't care that the iPad 2 is only $70 more. It's not iPad mini versus iPad 2. It's iPad mini versus nothing (consumers who only want Apple) or Amazon/Android mini tablets.
How dense are you guys?
Let me make it easier for you to understand.
You walk into McDonalds and you want a burger. You're looking at a double cheeseburger ($2.70) or a quarter pounder with cheese ($3.00). Quarter pounder is more expensive, but it's a better deal for the amount of food/calories you get. So why on earth would anybody want a double cheeseburger? Because not everyone wants that much damn food.
Same goes for the iPad mini. It caters to consumers who don't want to carry around a 9.7 inch device with them. They don't care that the iPad 2 is only $70 more. It's not iPad mini versus iPad 2. It's iPad mini versus nothing (consumers who only want Apple) or Amazon/Android mini tablets.
They just don't get it man lol.
I've been playing with my homies Kindle Fire 1 for a year now...the 7 inch form factor is great as far as portability vs the 10inch iPad and Galaxy tabs.
This mini will sell like hotcakes.
Yeah, people are just being dense / trolling / stubborn. I recently bought a small tablet and it's way better than carrying around a normal sized one. The price does suck for the mini. Price should've been way lower considering it isn't retina display. If the next version comes with the best display then i'll consider spending more money to get it. Right now I have an iPad 2 and Nexus 7 at home that are good for now.
I think the $329 price aligns right up with the fact that Apple products offer you an experience and convenience not found in similar products. READ: you cannot get the accessibility to the App Store, familiarity and reliability of iOS and it's further iterations, a 10-hour battery life, or the pedigree that comes along with owning an Apple product as you would get with any other 7 inch tablet.

Apple has created an entire ecosystem from the ground up with which many are terribly familiar and one that affords them the right to price such a product so high. Their track record has proven you get what you pay for - and then some. Their products seem to create their own niche markets. No different with iPad mini. It will be pushed as a consumer-driven ultra-portable device, but will inevitably finds its way into a new sector that wasn't even thought of.

It will, in essence, come to have a life it's own apart from its sister device, iPad, and the company that breathed life into its existence.
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How's Apple gonna sell it TWICE as much as the Kindle Fire though.  The whole point of the mini was to take people away who were on the edge and wanting a Kindle or a Nexus 7. 
That's not the "whole point of the mini".
I'm on your side man.  Let's be real.  One of the main reasons Apple came out with the mini was just bait to convert non-apples into the fold - to take some Kindle-ites and bring them over.   Do I think the Mini deserves to be at a higher price?  Ofcourse, it's a premium product and a lot better than a Kindle or Nexus 7.  Do I think it should be TWICE as much as the Kindle Fire though? Absolutely not.  

MarketWatch reports that sites specializing in gadget resales saw tremendous spikes in iPad interest yesterday, with resale submissions rising 700-1000% as Apple was announcing the fourth-generation iPad and the new iPad mini.
Some 140,000 devices were put up for sale on Gazelle.com Tuesday – a 700% spike from the day before, says Anthony Scarsella, chief gadget officer at the site. Half of that increase occurred in the hours just before the announcement, he says – and the most common model put up for sale was the “new iPad” released just six months ago. Another resale site, NextWorth.com , reported that trade-ins for iPads rose over 1,000% on Tuesday.
Despite the fact that the new models are not launching until November 2, with cellular-capable models coming several weeks later, it seems that users already moving to unload their current devices in order to purchase the new latest models. According to the report, nearly 70% of resale submissions are for the third-generation iPad, with the 32 GB Wi-Fi model currently registering as the most popular resale at Gazelle.
I was just about to pull the trigger on 2 Ipad 3s. Thanks goodness I didnt, Ipad 4 will be copped two times (one for each of my kids). Will still look at the Ipad mini but most likely will pass on it.
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