iPhone: Post everything here

Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

finally got it done ....




Did you use customize to get your home screen to say flashing lights? And what's the name of that theme you're using?
i changed the system strings in customize to say flashing lights, and added the yellow and white highlight mask through cyberduck on my imac.
the theme is called macos. i took the dock away as well as the labels. simple, and i like it that way.

btw, i have not noticed a decline in my battery life while playing spore.
That sounds like alot of work.. And I'm sort of hesitant about putting customize back on my phone. Back on 1.1.4 it gave me alot of problems.
hmmm, it was pretty easy actually. on the iphone through cydia, i installed an app called openssh. then on my imac i already had cybderduck. the settings werestill there from when i jailbroke my ipod touch, so i just changed the ip addy and it was connected. so i could see all files and folders on the phone throughmy imac.

i did a simple google search for highlight masks... put the yellow highlight mask in the right folder and applied it through customize making sure i kept theog color if i wanted to go back. pretty simple.

changing the words is a part of the main menu in customize.

customize is a funny app, crashes here and there, but if you know what it is capable of, you can use it to your advantage.

i just dont customize anything wallpaper related through customize, cause it is a pain to change wallpapers back. it saves them and you can't change back.i had to use cyberduck and openssh to remove the lock wallpaper file it created.

other than that i like all functions of the app.
For those of you in the NYC area how's the signal for the 3g Iphone? I plan on either getting an Iphone or Blackberry Bold within a month or two butI've been hearing stories about dropped calls with the iphone.
^ see i work for AT&T and its not a matter of the iphone droppin calls its the 3G network period. so yea the phone may be dropping calls, but
since at&t is still trying to get all the towers to 3G...its droppin calls because of the 3G to EDGE toggle.
What exactly does SSH'ing your phone mean? And since you seem to be quite knowledgeable(sp?) about the iPhone would you happen to know the answer to myquestion on the last page?
SSH is a service that you can install and run on the iPhone that allows you to access the phone's files / folders from your PC or Mac

what was your other question you had? im sorry i missed it.
I was curious how do I change the title from "photo Library" to something else when I sync pictures through iTunes?
you mean so it looks like this right?


create a folder.. name it whatever you like... in this case... mine is called TOUCH

inside that folder... make sub-folders... name them what you like, put the pics in each folder that correspond

should look like this:

then in itunes, click sync selected folder, navigate through find the main folder you created, with the sub-folders inside, check that one and sync

should look like this:

the title photo library will never go away, it is the main library on your phone. but you can break it down by category, so it will be more organized and morevisually appealing!

pretty simple, right?
Well now I wanna know how do you have all those different folders?... but my initial question was you see how that says "photo library"? I waswondering if there was a way to change that?
the title photo library will always be there from research ive looked into. it is the whole lot of pictures you have stored on your phone.

as far as the folders, i posted a mini-tutorial for you via a recent edit i did on my post... so at least it will look cleaner.

hope that helps fam!

I may have my first phone ever (besides a stupid trac fone when i was in middle school) by friday. I think i'm just gonna jump to an iPhone. This will behistoric for me.

That is of course if those mad scientists in Geneva don't destroy the world on Wednesday.

No mention of background push notifications were made, however, which were originally planned for a September release. imageimage

I'm still waiting for highlight/copy/cut/paste ability before I even consider purchasing an iPhone. Even then, I'd also like to see arrows on thekeyboard and landscape support for e-mail and sms. Picture mail would seal the deal for me.

I'm stuck with Windows Mobile for now.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

No mention of background push notifications were made, however, which were originally planned for a September release. imageimage

I'm still waiting for highlight/copy/cut/paste ability before I even consider purchasing an iPhone. Even then, I'd also like to see arrows on the keyboard and landscape support for e-mail and sms. Picture mail would seal the deal for me.

I'm stuck with Windows Mobile for now.

Hopefully we can see these come in firmware updates not new devices
but yes MORE landscape support and highlight/copy/paste/cut are very necessary..everything should be able to turned into landscape. What do you mean by picture mail though? like sending images in SMS ? Because you can view pictures inemails. As for the arrows on the keyboard, there is a cursor you just tap the screen and it brings up a cursor and you can navigate around the text. Haha..with all the knowledge you were providing in this thread i thought you already owned an iPhone.
What do you mean by picture mail though? like sending images in SMS ? Because you can view pictures in emails.

Sure, but not everyone using a cell phone can send pictures via e-mail. That takes a data package and many users only have a messaging package. So, when theydo send a message to an iPhone, the person using the iPhone has to navigate to a URL and memorize a login and password to view the picture! Itwouldn't be so bad if the iPhone would auto-populate the login and password or even allow for the highlighting, copying, and pasting of the login andpassword, but it doesn't.

Let me also add that when I send a picture via MMS, the response is sent back as a text message for which I receive an instant notification. When I send out apicture via e-mail, the response is sent back to my e-mail account so, I've got to wait until I manually check it just to see if the recipient of my e-mailreceived the picture!

As for the arrows on the keyboard, there is a cursor you just tap the screen and it brings up a cursor and you can navigate around the text.

Yes, but I've had a lot of difficulty navigating the text entry box when sending PMs to people through Yuku. The browser on the iPhone doesn'trecognize that I'd like to scroll within the text box rather than the whole page. That's where arrow keys on the keyboard would help greatly.
Originally Posted by realxfresh

can anyone link me to custom themes? and some custom icons for the iphone?

Same here. Can you have custom icons like a lot of people on NT have for their Mac?
so i have 1st gen. 1.1.4 .
shuld i upgrade????????? to 2.02 or watever it is?
if i do how can i hack it?
not trying to read like 60 pages
n e help.
^^ you can't get custom themes or icons with jailbreaking your phone.. but try.. or look through cydia for themes and icons


wow this thread is epic...tons of great info here. as soon as i get my unlocked first gen iphone (tomorrow morning), il be sitting at work browsing this verythread.
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