iPhone: Post everything here

If I update to 2.1 and itunes 8, will it get rid of my custom ring tones and the free ring tones glitch on my itunes?
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

To the people that have updated... Was your phone previously unlocked/jailbroken before you updated? I know that it's not now that you have but were there any complications because of it being so?
Did anyone have trouble updating? After the extracting software part I keep getting an error and its taking like 5000hrs to back-up. Anyone have issuesupgrading?
- I have a jailbroken (w/ pwnage) 1st gen iphone 2.0
- I just jailbroke it again with pwnage to get 2.1
- Unable to restore with old backups
- Am I SOL?
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Did anyone have trouble updating? After the extracting software part I keep getting an error and its taking like 5000hrs to back-up. Anyone have issues upgrading?
Nevermind I didn't sync one last time before upgrading to iTunes 8
So is jailbreaking worth it? I really do not want my phone to mess up because I heard that the warranty is void once you jailbreak it. Is there a way that itcan be set back to original settings?
^ jailbreaking through dev team method (example pwnagetool and winpwn) are reversible. So yes, if your phone does mess up just restore to the original factoryfirmware and return it. <- this is especially for the 3g, 2g might be difficult if you unlocked, seeing as you can downgrade the baseband.
Originally Posted by kingofny04

Originally Posted by just reason

Originally Posted by Triple Homicide

My og iphone is to the point where its on its last leg. It aint been able to ring in months (just vibrates); sounds like sand is in the phone when it vibrates and now the headphone port is bent up. I have to force the audio cable into it when im in the car.

So, with all that said and all the problem people have had, is i worth it to go ahead and get the 3G???

once you jailbreak it... the best phone out..

video recorder.. ringtone creator.. themes.. customize strings.. dtunes(which is like limewire for the iphone).. nes roms etc..

copy & pasta and mms soon.

I just switched from a blackberry to a 3g iphone today. I am completely loss to everything, from first steps to jailbreaking? its consequences? ringtones? themes?

I come to this post and its 175 pages long and the first couple were just about cases, so if anyone would like to directly help me out greatly appreciate it..
anyone wanna help me out? I quoted my questions up top..
^ go to www.iclarified.com
it has tutorials on how to jailbreak your iphone. follow it precisely and you will be fine. if you have any questions, address them here and i will try to bestanswer them when i can.
An update from my water damaged iphone:

(nobody wanted to help me but just want to let you guys know what happened) I made an appointment at the genius bar yesterday, they checked my iphone throughthe headphone and charger with a flashlight (my guess that they where checking for the water sticker if it changed color or not. I told them that I downloadedan app, and it crashed my phone. A couple minutes later, the dude brings out a brand new iphone, updates it, and gives it to me... for free!

has anybody tried out the new "genius" feature on itunes 8? I am kind of skeptical of using it because it says it send info to apple about mysongs/albums/etc. and 100% of all my songs are downloaded from a 3rd party source...
I was almost read to update and jailbreak my OG to 2.0.^ but then I read the best thing yet about unlocking and jailbreaking an iphone....

Since I received many requests for updates,
here you have a few:

At the moment I'm testing and tweaking what could be
the next ZiPhone version.

As it happened the first time, I'm not rushing and
as it already happened in february I'm not even sure I
will release it.

As of now, my own iPhone is on 1.1.4 (and happy to be).
My test iPhone is on 2.0.1.
My iPod is on 2.1 (unmodified).

I'm also working on a few other things:

I just found something that can crash any iphone/ipod
and exploitability is being investigated.
This vulnerability anyhow affects all models and firmwares.
I can't tell you more about this.

Since this bug is VERY serious I have yet to decide what to do with it.
If Apple is interested I think they know my email address.
If they are not… well they will know sooner or later.

Anyhow, the ZiPhone "proof of concept" I'm using had no problems with
the new iTunes 8 release. And the bug I found works on 2.1 too.

- Zibri
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Option to wipe data after ten failed passcode attempts
I don't get this... can someone elaborate?
I don't like this feature, what if someone is playing around on your phone trying to guess the code and then everything is erased. It'sgonna be a bia to reload everything.
Okay? And did you also know that previous versions of ziphone were no very stable and had a few complications also?
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Okay? And did you also know that previous versions of ziphone were no very stable and had a few complications also?
As with anything software wise you are going to have issues. I think people are losing fact that Apple is doing something that is very new adndifferent from any other phone with its software and there are going to be many a issue with software in the start of it all. I must admit that I even hadissues using Zibri software at the start, but due to the work that is put in on his part, I have come to trust his work. Dev team has put together a greattool, but it still takes to much for me to settle with if I know Z is going to or may put out something. I still may jailbreak my OG with Dev team and then redo it, with Z's crack if he drops it, but I will tell you this, I am very happy to have not upgraded to 2.^ It seems to be a lot of trouble.
Ok so I have officially jailbroken my phone, can anyone point me to the next step, such as adding applications and such??
I got a 3g iphone, 2.0.2, I still dont know how to work cythia, such as a ringtone program, and other must have apps..
How can I put photos on my iPhone without having to sync OR how do I stop my apps from syncing? I tried just unchecking the App Sync section but it says itsgoing to delete all the apps on the phone if I do that.
also I downloaded the customizer app, how do I change the theme as all the sections are empty? Where can I find themes?
I'm debating getting another 3G...
current phone is so messed upand my last iPhone ran away from me.

8GB or 16GB?
I'd say go with the 8GB its cheaper and unless youre going to be storing lots of music and movies on there then theres no point.

If you are using it as an iPod though then you may want the 16GB and as a bonus its white
I might go for the 8GB. How's that simplify media app working? any updates that make it better so far?
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