iPhone: Post everything here

Hey, ya'll!

I got the iphone yesterday. Cheap plan, 450 minutes, $70 with the data plan. So.........if I hooked up the $20 for the unlimited TXT, how much would the billbe?

Yes I know addition, but I'm talking about tax/what not.
Yo retro

updated to 2.1, no prob here

the ONLY prob i have is....how do i get rid of that stupid pineapple logo when i boot up? i've tried to change the applelogo.png and nope, doesn'twork....any help or clues? google had no answers
retro, I got this message


what happened?

edit: nm, I think it worked. took a long #@$ time to figure things out, proving my n00bness

let me browse through the phone a bit
Sooooo.. I went through all the steps for 2.1 jailbreaking using QuickPwn ... and cydia did not appear on my spring board?
Does everyone have to sync their music to put it back on the phone? I used to drag and drop the music while holding ctrl but that is not working for somereason...
Hey guys,

I have a 3g and still operating under 2.0.2 and jailbroken. I don't have that many apps and most of my apps are from the Appstore. Most of my jailbrakingneeds are for different themes and keyboards and such. I know that Quickpwn is available for Windows to jailbreak the 2.1 but doesn't that require you touse OpenSSH and WINscp on your Comp. or something like that? Now i jailbroke my 2.0.2 myself using Winpwn and it was seemless...it took like 5-10 minutes. Doesanyone know if Winpwn has/will have a process for jailbraking 2.1? This Quickpwn backup/restore/update stuff is confusing
....sorry for the long read...btw... i am willing to lose all my apps and stuffif it makes it easier to jailbreak, but not my contacts.
Ok, thanks, the T-zones worked. But now I need to find out how to get NES games on my phone. I am running on 2.1 and got my NES emulator from Cydia. Now whatdo I do?
I seen someone with Street Fighter II Turbo on their Tilt in the WDYWT thread, is this available on the iphone?
^ You dont have to use OpenSSH to Jailbreak. Thats just to access the phone via your computer.

Honestly, if you read the tutorial I pasted a few pages back and do Everything exactly like it says, you'll have your 2.1 firmware Jailbroken in about 10minutes if not less.

Here is the link to the tutorial. http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=567301
SaNTi - thanks for the help...just a couple questions before I try the method on then link you provided (it seems easy)

Before you even think about QuickPwning, if you have a bunch of apps installed (I had 4 pages worth) DO NOT QUICKPWN! Doing this will MOST LIKELY cause your iPhone to get stuck on the Apple logo upon reboot after QuickPwning, and doing this twice through Vista and XP confirms this. If you're like me and have LEGIT, NON-Jailbroken 2.1 firmware already running, these are the steps you should take to do a proper QuickPwn:

1. Sync/Backup your iPhone completely. This is important should anything go wrong.

2. Backup that backup. Yes, you read right, navigate to your MobileSync folder and drag the "Backup" folder to a usb flash drive, or external hard drive, or make a copy to the desktop. This is because once we jailbreak and do a backup with jailbroken firmware, it will overwrite your previously clean, 2.1 backup, and we don't want this.

Location of Backup folders in Windows: (credit to SwedishHammer, Mortagon and AFMagnum for additional info):

Vista - C:\Users\(YOUR USER NAME HERE)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup

XP - C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup

Make sure you have folder options set to allow showing of hidden files and folders or you might not find the Backup folder!
So I have 8 themes from cydia/installer, a couple keyboard apps from cydia, and the att logo from cydia. I have 4 apps from the AppStore and 10games from the AppStore. If i skip steps 1 and 2 and 8-10, i will ONLY lose the 8 themes, couple keyboards, and the att logo right? will i lose cydia andinstaller? Will I lose contacts?

All the AppStore stuff remains in my itunes and will come back once i do a sync after 2.1 jailbreak is installed?
4. Make sure you have STOCK, LEGIT Apple 2.1 firmware/ipsw already on your computer (you should have this if you're running 2.1 already). If not, go get it. Google is your friend, so is MacRumors.
So when I open iTunes...it says that there is an available update for my Iphone - version 2.1. will that not work in terms of bringing me to backto stock?
Does this mean I should download 2.1 fw from apples site manually versus automatically having it downloaded to my phone like iTunes instructs?

Sorry for the dumb questions as i am pretty technically challenged...when i jailbroke my 2.0.2 using winpwn...i had no idea that i had to - SHIFT+click'RESTORE' - in iTunes to bring up the pop-up that lets you find the jailbroken fw/ispw...i'm a PC user so i just clicked restore thinking a windowwould pop-up to let me browse and find the new fw/ispw...but nothing my phone just went into the normal restore process of annon-jailbroken iphone and wasconfused as to how to restore with the jailbroken version of the fw/ispw....

Thanks for all the help...
Why do you want to skip those steps?

You wont lose Cydia nor Installer cause those will be installed once you Jailbreak the 2.1 firmware. I'm not sure if you will lose Jailbroken apps orthemes but I doubt it, thats why you back your phone up in the first place. Dont skip that step. You wont lose your Apple apps either because they are saved toiTunes and once you Re-sync they will be added back to your phone.

Updating to the Legit 2.1 should work fine from iTunes.
Jailbroke my iPhone 3G 2.1 firmware today
.. everything went smoothly .. I used this video

It's always funny how young the kids look that are giving me all these instructions.
SaNTi...one more question....
5. Before we QuickPwn, we are going to RESTORE completely to stock 2.1 firmware. This is ok because we made a backup earlier, remember? This way after the restore the iPhone has minimal crap on it and is primed for getting QuickPwned with no problems.
How exactly do you RESTORE to 2.1? I am on 2.0.2 and have downloaded the 2.1 firmware via iTunes but not yet installed it....and I am trying toRESTORE to 2.1 but can't find the location of it on my computer when I do a SHIRT+RESTORE. I can UPDATE it to 2.1 but I dont want to do that right? I wantto RESTORE to 2.1 correct? sorry for my computer illiteracy dude...
I think I got it all working right
thanks Retro for that tutorial

now, what are some must have programs? and how do I get the NES games on here?

upgrade deletes everything you have once jailbroken on the phone. at least with restore there is a still part of it left over so you can go back and refer on.Like i have mention before if you have jailbroken your phone once, never ever update. Always restore. For every new firmware apple releases the dev team willfind a way to jailbreak it.

NotoriousBee yes there was once a way where you had to upgrade first to be at the newest firmware in order to jailbreak. But as time pass the dev team caughtup with the apple team and giving us all the possiblities of a jailbroken iphone.

Keep this in mind, if you have a 2g iphone you can unlock/jailbreak, 3g only jailbreak
Mac users can use pwnagetool 2.1 or quickpwn
PC users at this point can only use quickpwn

and this is in regards to the new 2.1 firmware
Besides YouTube, is there another site where I can stream video content on my iPhone, more specifically like EPs of Entourage or other types of show? So far Isee only YouTube works and others give me a bluebox with a ? mark in the middle.
^^ umm not that I know of. If you have a tv tuner or some type of program that plays tv on your computer..
you can stream it to your iphone via the OrbTV app for free. http://www.orb.com/en/orblive I don't have a tvtuner on my comp..but ill get one soon.
I know this has been posted already..but I can't find it....

Does anyone have a Tut. for uploading hacked IPAs ?? THANKS
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