iPhone: Post everything here

just finished making this...
Although the iPhone has nothing to do with it. The service in my house has gone down the toilet. When I first bought the phone I could leave my phoneanywhere in my room in the basement. Now. I have to leave it in one spot and don't touch it. If I get a text and start to type to reply the service goesaway and I have to find a new spot. The places where I spend most of my time in the house it has bed service. So, with that said I think I'm gonna beswitching service providers soon.
Originally Posted by LeroyTheGreat38

Although the iPhone has nothing to do with it. The service in my house has gone down the toilet. When I first bought the phone I could leave my phone anywhere in my room in the basement. Now. I have to leave it in one spot and don't touch it. If I get a text and start to type to reply the service goes away and I have to find a new spot. The places where I spend most of my time in the house it has bed service. So, with that said I think I'm gonna be switching service providers soon.

the phone does play a part in the reception you get..but if your getting terrible reception its probably mostly the service..but at least if you wanna keepthe iphone you have the option of going to T-mobile to see if its any better..
Doe anyone else's AT&T service with their iPhone just absolutely suck? Dropped and failed calls for days. In normal places too.
And to think it only costs me 70-90 dollars a month.
Originally Posted by Dunks206

just finished making this...

How do you change the T-Mobile logo? I installed the "TMobile carrier logo" tweak in installer but I have no clue how to get it to work
honestly, i don't know what the problem is... i installed the same "tmobile carrier logo", but it worked for me, and all of my other friends... ihave 1.1.3, some have 1.1.3 and some also have 1.1.2. it worked for all of us.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

Doe anyone else's AT&T service with their iPhone just absolutely suck? Dropped and failed calls for days. In normal places too.
And to think it only costs me 70-90 dollars a month.

Mine doesn't drop calls or anything like that. The service just sucks for me. The other day my dad and uncle were outside of my house to pick me upand I had my phone lying on the computer desk and barely had any service and they were trying to call. My dad came and got me and showed me that he calledlike 3 times and my uncle called twice.
Originally Posted by lawncrest3

does anyone know if At&t will ever give us more then 200 texts??

uuuuh, upgrade your plan maybe? you can get 1500 or unlimited if you upgrade your plan. i highly doubt att will go anywhere in between those numbers forw/e reason


so how can i hack my iphone. hahah. if n e 1 is nice enough to give me a link so i dont have to look through this thread. but if there isnt n e like that watare dos and donts?
Originally Posted by bjm5295

Doe anyone else's AT&T service with their iPhone just absolutely suck? Dropped and failed calls for days. In normal places too.
And to think it only costs me 70-90 dollars a month.

My service is real good.

Definitely better then what I had with Sprint.
SDK is that supposed to be the place that is gonna let you install apps when the new 2.0 or whatever is supposed to come out?
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

SDK is that supposed to be the place that is gonna let you install apps when the new 2.0 or whatever is supposed to come out?

Yeah... well the SDK is what people are using to create the apps that you'll then be able to buy or add for free to your iPhone oriPhone 2 straight from your iPhone. On your iPhone like how there is a iTunes icon, there will be an Apps icon with the new firmware when the SDK comes out sothat you can do it straight from your phone & not have to do it while connected to the computer.

It should be awesome, I can't wait to see what kind of Apps will be available. It's going to make the iPhone a lot better I think
^^ Yeah..rwfanatic, if I'm not mistaken...basically it's like Apple is letting developers make 3rd party apps for the iphone.
So you can run whatever 3rd party apps they make up without jailbreaking your phone..

(I'm not sure if the apps are going to better..worse..or the same concept as all the apps we can use now on a jailbroken iphone .)
Can't wait to see what they come up with though.
I know this question is probably answered somewhere in the 50 pages of this post, but is there a lock for your text messages or pictures?
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

I'm on 1.1.4

im on 1.1.4 as well as was upset when i couldnt use the y-mobile icon but after reading your post i went on installer and went to 1.1.3 tweaks andinstalled the tmobile carrier app there and it worked!

just a heads up
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