iPhone: Post everything here

leaving your phone on keeps the battery calibrated correctly. That what ive been told anyway. If you always turn your phone off to charge it, it doesnt givethe most accurate measure of battery usage time left.
So I got my iphone back in September it can with 1.0.2 or something like that. i upgraded to 1.1.2 and now i want to downgrade to 1.1.1 can i just download1.1.1 from apples website and be fine or is there a special version?
Originally Posted by DJ bana

If youre not updating it, it wont brick. If you plug it in and it updates.. it will.

I see it like this, it will be a never ending cycle. People unlock the phones, Apple closes those loopholes via updates. When people find more ways around the blocks, Apple will find those out and block those too through later updates.

And youre totally right about the updates, but to me its just an inconvenience and a chance i wouldnt risk taking with such an expensive phone (i paid full price for my iPhone), so i wouldnt want to risk it. Luckily for me, i've been an ATT user for 7 years, so i never had to deal with it. I know a lot of people that want iPhones with different service providers, so i can understand why one would want to unlock it. But again, just know that between all the back and forth updates/hacking, there is a big risk youre taking.
Well thats why I was saying if you had auto update turned off and you know what you're doing as far as upgrading/hacking then you will be good. Ifyou can't do that simple thing then yes, keep it simple and legit with AT&T. On a side note, popular hacked and bricked devices have been known to beunbricked and made usable again. I'm not worried though cause i've unlocked several iphones and each one has been working perfectly with out anyproblems. Just read and follow directions if you want to unlock/jailbreak.
It is the film. I got my iPhone replaced and right when it was reactivated my phone immediately rang with the screen protector on it. I was saying "HELLOHELLO!" and i could hear a faint voice. Then I pealed back the clear film and bam i could finally hear my cousin who was calling me.
anybody know how far away the next gen of iPhone is? i'm about to make the plunge, but if the new one is coming out in like 6 months, i'll just getsomething crappy and hold out.
How do i cue an mp3 I own to start at a certain point then set it as a ringtone? I tried using iToner and it just starts from the begining if I cue it iniTunes. I'm on 1.0.2
what happened to the offical apple thread?

anyways did this today thought id share. added leopard theme and gameboy advance. stacks was too hard to set up

it feels like everyone is getting the Iphone lol, sucks.
Pros: Great-easy to use phone- Wifi is sick with it - fast, unscratchable surface, sexy/sleek. cons: Finger prints, speaker phone is not loud, kinda expensiveto keep up with, AT&T worst connections (call getting lost and what not), if you are expecting to take crystal clear pictures- it is not the right phonefor you lol.
well i have it and it is great and all but there are other phones that are just as good or even better. Check the BB's - i am planning on getting anotherphone soon. But being a previous Verizon costumer this phone is one of the best i ever owned lol.
Originally Posted by In The Line For VIIs

Is it worth it to jailbreak? I mean other than some games and being able to put wallpapers, etc. is there any app that is a MUST HAVE?
Appollo (AIM), iSolitaire, and Summerboard are the 3 apps i find myself constantly using. many people say the iphone isnt worth it without jailbreakingit
^^good look cwrite with the help, much appreciated.

O yea, anybody with nes emulator? I installed it but i need roms and stuff, dont know how to do all of that. Is it easy?

Also where do i go to get updated and new applications?
Do you mean that the update doesn't start downloading when you click 'Check for Updates' in iTunes or that the new functions and featuresaren't working after installing 1.1.3?

Have you looked to see if anyone else was experiencing this problem in an Apple forum?
yo, i just bought an iphone and was wondering how i can get different themes or wallpapers. i guess i got the new firmware or whatever but is there anyway forme to get that stuff. i dont know what week my iphone is or even how to find out. i dont need to unlock it for another carrier i just want some new apps andthemes. any help is appreciated.

Looks like the soon-to-be-released iPhone firmware 1.1.3 has quite a few surprises. We were able to get a look at it, and here is what we found:
  • The ability to send an SMS message to multiple people is now there
  • Google Maps application can now pinpoint your location using cell tower triangulation
  • Google Maps can now display the Hybrid map view
  • You can now drag and drop application icons on your home screen
  • The home screen supports pagination
  • You can now add web bookmarks to your home screen









Originally Posted by Jordan23mj45

^^^ yea thats what i meant. I installed it, should the themes automaticaly load on my phone or do i have to find it somewhere on my iphone
you have to select the themes. go to the summerboard icon and the 3rd option should be themes.. should be there. after u do that.. the bottom rowsshould ask u what part of the theme u want to use (i haven't used my iphone in months so i'm not 100% sure if what i'm telling you is right..so trythat, if it doesn't work. sorry, wish i could help)
Originally Posted by DJ bana

I can make as many opinions as i like, come at me for that , sure. But all im doing is stating a fact about a topic that was previously discussed in this thread, and you already come at me in a rude manner. This has nothing to do with HT or anything of the sort, but any time youve posted towards me it hasnt been friendly. I apologize if you misinterpret my tone, but it is nothing more than friendly and helpful, especially when speaking about facts. My opinion on products are allowed to be stated, especially in threads entitled "i want a mac, making the swtich, opinions, etc." just as much as youre allowed to address whomever you like- so be it.. go ahead, continue. I dont really care anymore.

Moving on.
unfriendly matter? um, didn't know you could tell tones over the web. yeah your opinions are allowed to be stated.. im not taking it away from you.but don't be so biased about it, especially when it comes down to spending serious $$$ (we both know apple is far from cheap.. i have the cheapest MBP andit still ran me a pretty penny). and you can't front about not saying that you've said macs don't get viruses.. that's all im getting at. ifyou're going to 'drop knowledge' that's fine.. 90% of the time the person asking for product info has already made up their mind... they justneed you to justify spending so much cash on it, but give them the good and the bad. macs are becoming a little more popular so this whole 'macs don'tget viruses' will be a thing of the pass (and yes, there are macs for viruses for doesnt that think there aren't.. some guy even claimed that he canhack into one through airport express but never came through backing it up)
i won't 'attack' you anymore since you're so sensitive over internet words. figured you'd have tough skin over your years on NT.
I took all the plastic stuff off of mine and put my gel case on and i can hear loud and perfectly. But the speaker phone is really not that good
*Broken iPhone Story*

So I was at the Pitt/WVU game where WVU got their!#++%$ handed to them and after the game I was walking out by myself covered in Pitt gear (big mistake)because I changed my seat to go over with the Pitt student section and some hick!!%+ girl started screaming at me for going to Pitt (and getting a realeducation). So I yell back and her boyfriend gets into it with me and while im doing this Im on the phone with my friend and some dude comes from behind me andspears me. I hit the pavement and my phone, which prior to the event had been in perfect condition without a case for 3 months went into oblivion. Needless tosay it was all kinds of $*%+@* up. Huge dent in the back and the vibration no longer worked. I took it to the apple store and they tried to tell this kind ofthing wasnt covered and that Id have to pay 250 for a new one. I gave him the "aw hell naw" face and went all lawyer mode on his!!%+. I went with"so because apple chose not to reinforce the back of the phone with a stronger casing especially in the area with one of the key features...thats myfault?" The dude gave me the "wow, this kids got a point" face and gave me a new one for free. All it takes is a little attitude and somehowblaming apple for it and youre golden. Thanks for reading.
best advice:

at the very least, get a screen protector. the crystal film they sell at apple work great.
question if i email a picture to my self how do i save it??? and how is it if some one sends me a pic and i dont get it
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