Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits

Tickets went on sale today for iron man 3!

My girl wants to go to the AMC at Times Square. (Empire 25)

Where the hell do I buy the tickets? Also is it even worth it? Never been to a premiere at this theater. I go there for regular movies sometimes and I hate it.
There's going to be a GOTG movie? :wow: :nerd:



Chris Pratt as Star-Lord

Batista as Drax the Destroyer

Zoe Saldana as Gamora
Mark I: Prototype, built with limited resources in unfavorable conditions. Miniaturized arc-reactor allows for defensive weaponry and short burst of unstable flight through repulsion.
Weapons - wrist-mounted flame throwers, rocket propelled grenade

Mark II: Less limitation on resources, more precise measurements allow for better Arc technology with higher energy output. Sustained flight attained and stabilized using boot and gauntlet repulsors. More durable armor plating. Integration of home-computer AI. Supersonic flight speeds.
Weapons - none beyond repulsors in hands, feet and chest RT.

Mark III: Gold-titanium alloy used to prevent icing at high altitudes, maintains power-to-weight ratio of Mark II. Hot rod red added for aesthetic contrast.
Weapons: Anti-tank missile, auto-targeting small caliber rounds, flares, repulsor tech.

Mark IV: After near-destruction of Mark III armor in battle with Iron Monger, Mark IV is created with easier removal functionality. Helmet can be removed entirely.
Weapons - Assumedly similar to Mark III

Mark V: Suitcase Suit. Useful when Stark needs to suit up far from home or other appropriate location. Lighter and less armored, not built for sustained flight.
Weapons - repulsors in hands and chest RT

Mark VI: Advanced tech built after Stark invented a new element to replace Palladium and perfected his Arc reactor technology. Far higher energy output which we can assume allows for faster flight speeds (Mach 3-4) and more advanced weaponry.
Weapons - Sticky grenades, "one-off" beam and several other wrist and shoulder mounted weapons (used to intimidate Loki).

Mark VII: Rapid deployment armor that targets bracelet mounted beacons. Equipped with additional thrusters on the backs of the feet, calves, and legs. Deployed after Mark VI sustains substantial damage while attempting to repair the Helicarrier.
Weapons - Beyond Mark VI weaponry: Auto-targeting rocket barrage, leg mounted missile compartments, additional thrusters allow for freedom of arm movement during flight.

Mark XV (15) - Stealth Suit "Sneaky"
It is virtually invisible to enemy early-warning systems. A chrome colored coating on the armor can darken or lighten to match the environment.

Mark XVI (16) - Black Stealth Suit "Nightclub"
Similar to Sneaky, it doesn’t have all the weapons and is designed for stealth missions.

Mark XVII (17) - Artillery Level RT Suit "Heartbreaker"
Known as Heartbreaker, it has an oversized chest RT, which can fire powerful blasts. The Heartbreaker can fire narrow or wide beams and can also generate a repulsor shield for protection.

Mark XXII (22) - "Hot Rod"

Mark XXV (25) - Heavy Construction Suit "Striker"
It was designed to help with construction. It’s powerful jackhammer-like arms can pulverize concrete. It can withstand high temperatures and electrical surges.

Mark XXXIII (33) - Enhanced Energy Suit "Silver Centurion"
The Silver Centurion has a slight protective force field, which allows the suit to attract or repulse objects using magnetic polarity. The suit is capable of firing pulse cannons that build in intensity the further they travel.

Mark XXXV (35) - Disaster Rescue Suit "Red Snapper"
Known as Red Snapper, this armor was designed to survive in dangerous places. The suit has extendable arms and claws making it ideal for disaster rescue.

Mark XXXVII (37) - Deep Sea Suit "Hammerhead"
Known as Hammerhead, it’s designed to be able to travel to the deepest parts of the ocean. It can withstand extreme pressure, and it has high-power work lights to allow visibility in murky waters.

Mark XXXVIII (38) - Heavy Lifting Suit "Igor"
Known as Igor, this armor actually wasn’t designed for battle. It was created for heavy lifting and carrying heavy objects.

Mark XXXIX (39) - Sub Orbital Suit "Gemini"
Known as Gemini, it is designed for otherworldly journey. It has an integrated, removable booster pack and zero-gravity maneuvering thrusters.

Mark XL (40) - Hyper Velocity Suit "Shotgun"
It’s designed for hypersonic speed. It can travel in excess of Mach 5.

Mark XLI (41) - Skeleton Suit "Bones"
It’s a black and gold lighter version of a full Iron man suit. It’s purpose is speed and maneuverability.

Mark XLII (42) - Extremis Suit?
Made out of separate pieces that can fly to Tony Stark and form a suit around his body. It’s controlled from a state-of-art chip implanted in Tony Stark’s left forearm. Tony Stark can summon the pieces with just his thoughts.


Iron Monger
Whiplash Mark I
Whiplash Mark II
War Machine Mark I
War Machine Mark II
Iron Patriot

The only true IMAX in NYC is in lincoln square amc in midtown. They will not be showing Iron Man 3.

:smh: not happy about this at all.
Possible post credit scene?
In light of Marvel’s The Avengers winning Best Fight, Best Villain and Movie of The Year at tonight’s MTV Movie Awards, Latino Review’s El Mayimbe has dropped another scoop about Marvel Studios’ first follow-up to superhero assembly: Iron Man 3. According to sources who attended the Shane Black-directed actioner’s premiere in Paris today, the post-credits stringer of Iron Man 3 involves:
You may recall last year that the Mad Titan Thanos cameoed in the mid-credits stinger of The Avengers before Earth’s Mightiest Heroes were seen chowing down Shawarma. Anyhow, what do you think?
never thought I'd be more hyped for a movie than TDKR...well this movie has changed that.

Seriously cannot wait anymore
I saw that post credits scene from the Paris premiere and it wasnt what I was hoping for. Hopefully they will have a different one here in the US.

Universal has been using the same tech with Terminator 3D, Shrek 3D, etc... T3D was mixed with live action though but the concept is the same thing. The seats move, blow air on your face, squirt water and even have the floor move on your feet. Pretty cool experience.
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Universal has been using the same tech with Terminator 3D, Shrek 3D, etc... T3D was mixed with live action though but the concept is the same thing. The seats move, blow air on your face, squirt water and even have the floor move on your feet. Pretty cool experience.

Damn I'm so unaware I need to experience this soon.
Robert Downey Jr. Hints at Retiring From Iron Man

It's been previously reported that Robert Downey Jr.'s contract with Marvel Studios will dry up after this summer's Iron Man 3. We can all hope that the studio will offer him another so he may appear in future Iron Man and Avengers films, but in an interview with GQ he seems to indicate he may be finished with the character. When asked about the injury he sustained on the set of the latest film, Downey got existential.

"It got me thinking about how big the message from your cosmic sponsor needs to be before you pick it up. How many genre movies can I do? How many follow-ups to a successful follow-up are actually fun? Because, as quiet as it's kept, I come from a family of very innovative writers and directors and actors and artists, and the circle of friends they were in were the people I heard having pun-offs playing poker at two in the morning, and it was just the most comforting aspect of my childhood. So there's this kind of legacy of souls from what I consider to be a very particular time in entertainment, and I'm sensing a return to that—it's what me and the missus are doing next. It's not unlike: I heard Brady signed on for three more years with New England, and then he's done being a QB, because he'll be 40. I'm 47, and I'll be 50."

When asked to elaborate on what he meant about what stops when he turns 50, Downey remained mum.

"I don't know. I don't know. Right now I don't have a contract to do anything, and I did for the last five years."
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