Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits

A question for those who DID like the movie. Did you guys grow up watching the 90's cartoons or reading the comic books? Or are you average movie goers and/or fans of the Marvel movie universe?

I noticed the same issue with Spider-Man, Transformers, you name it. There seems to be a divided opinion between fans of the comic or series and new fans of the movies. When something is misinterpreted or portrayed incorrectly, it can make fans angry. Just look at Michael Bay and his alien Ninja Turtles or Transformers movies.
Never read the comics, but watched some of the cartoons when they were on. The ones that had Stan Lee talking at the beginning before going into the actual cartoon.
Never read the comics, but watched some of the cartoons when they were on. The ones that had Stan Lee talking at the beginning before going into the actual cartoon.

Lol was that the marvel power hour w/ the fantastic four. Ahh the good ol days
Well its good to know that my nerdy comic book knowledge makes me seem "clever" and "intelligent"
Thanks guys :wow:

Here's another thing. Is Kingsley really "The Actor" a man who could impersonate anyone he saw, who first appeared in tales of suspense 42 (june 1963). The Actor was also a part of the 616 universe along with Killian. So I really think it's entirely possible that we still havent seen the real Mandarin. It would be an easy double twist seeing as the Mandarin can control anyone, but Iron Man.

But then again I understand that the 616 universe is entirely different from The Marvel Cinematic Universe(Earth-199999)
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I barely watched the toon

I remember the title sequence more than what transpired during the actual show

I actually dont know much about comic mandarin

But i was a BIG batman fan and id be pissed if they make the Joker into a guy who was strictly a stand up comedian who made violent jokes and didnt actually kill anybody
I wish yall stop making excuses the movie SUCKED and it was a slap in the face to REAL Iron Man fans... I was offended when I left the theater and felt "HAD".
@ you being a "real" iron man fan, what makes your opinion any more valuable then the next person?

The movie was great
Saw it last night.. It was alright, but some parts were stupid as ****. The whole project and the effect it had on people was also stupid as ****. You'll know what im talking about when you see it, no spoilers.
Should I stay after the credits?

You can probably just catch the end on youtube or IGN in a couple days.
That's certainly plausible but why would they go through all that trouble to put a twist on top of another twist? I mean they can mess with us like that. I feel like the mandarin was too complex for them to interpret on film but they wanted to use the name to generate buzz amongst the comic purists. All we needed was 1 fin fang foom reference and I might've been ok, but we couldn't even get that!
there technically was a Fin Fang Foom reference in Iron Man 1 

I have been thinking about this whole Mandarin fiasco and I have some thoughts.
In the comics the Mandarin, through mastery of his Chi and with the help of a Makluan headband, used to locate the 10 rings, had the ability to transfer his consciousness to another body and take it over. Then using the matter rearranger ring he could change his appearance.

Knowing this, is it possible that the REAL Mandarin was controlling Aldrich Killian using his Mento-Intensifier ring?
The reasons I say this is because...
In the movie when Kingsley is shooting the fake video he says that "you will never see me coming, which makes me believe that Kingsley and Aldrich Killian are being controlled. Even Tony tells that guy's mother that her son was being controlled.
That is the only explanation I can come up with as to why they chose to destroy the memory of Iron Man's greatest rival
Apparently Aldrich Killian in the Marvel Cinematic Universe IS Mandarin. They took Iron Man's main nemesis and in the movie, made him a made-up front for a petty narcissist with a chip on his shoulder from 13 years ago. I don't think the script writers for IM3 (who seemed to put more work into creating straight-to-TV kids movie humor) are clever enough to create a scenario that deep.
That would actually be pretty sick but with Thanos lurking.... I don't see how they'd have time to tackle that..... unless there is a next wave of IM films. But even then I don't think the solo hero films can follow/continue a story line from film to film..... every solo movie has been a new story 

Should I stay after the credits?

If you've made it a habit/tradition to stay after credits for all Marvel films, then you might as well stick around.

That's why I stayed.

This >>>>>>>>>>IM3

I like the theory Fresh Like Will presented though.

Maybe it'll unfold in the next Avengers flick?

:lol: Probably not but there's nothing wrong with hope.
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^well we know Thanos is being saved for the Avengers 3.... So who the villain is in Avengers 2 is unknown still :nerd:
^well we know Thanos is being saved for the Avengers 3.... So who the villain is in Avengers 2 is unknown still :nerd:

What? I didnt know he was being saved until Avengers 3! Lol. RDJ is getting old man and i dont see anyone who could replace him
Well this thread and my homeboy have officially made me wait for this to hit redbox or Netflix
I guess ironman actually needed prep time for this movie and script lol
Is Thanos really being saved for Avengers 3? Avengers 2 will be loaded including GotG so I thought Thanos is all in for the Avengers 2?

Marvel can't just giving us Thanos' minions just to try and milk the franchise, then again they did with the suits and product placements in IM3 so who knows. Sadly, they know people will watch no matter what, IM3 is now second to Avengers in first weekend numbers.
Is Thanos really being saved for Avengers 3? Avengers 2 will be loaded including GotG so I thought Thanos is all in for the Avengers 2?

Marvel can't just giving us Thanos' minions just to try and milk the franchise, then again they did with the suits and product placements in IM3 so who knows. Sadly, they know people will watch no matter what, IM3 is now second to Avengers in first weekend numbers.
Look how bad fantastic four turned out, I mean galatcus was a ucking cloud
So the possibility of thanos being saved for Avengers 3 is very plausible and probably will happen
Also look how they did venom for Spider-Man 3
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