Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits

I mean I still liked the movie and all, but that's maybe because Iron Man is my fav hero. Movie was still cool but I think what really messed it up for everyone was the Mandarin.

He's supposed to be Iron Man's main adversary!
Just got home from seeing it.

Spoilers to follow, do not read if you haven't seen the movie, I repeat, do not read.


Too. Much. Humor.

Knock that **** off. Stay serious, let Robert Downey Jr's natural charisma handle the tongue in cheek humor. STOP writing the "humor" in. It's pointless and takes away from the film. Avengers had some humor, but it was small, casual, didn't alter the story any. If this movie stays serious the entire time, it's Dark Knight level.

The actual story was solid for the most part. The serious portions. The extremis, the man behind it all, the legit danger to Tony, Pepper, the president. The casual way they showed you that the vice was dirty. (nice touch) The double cross by the chick from the Town.

Too much out of body work. The movie is IRON MAN, not Tony Stark. Stop havin him climb walls with christmas ornament bombs and ****. Stop screwin around. He's Iron Man, he has 30 suits, and he's going to storm a terrorist org with some homemade devices and no protection? :smh: One bullet and the genius Tony Stark is dead in an instant. Come on.

The dude gave his home address on live TV. :stoneface:

LOVED Guy Pearce. He did work. He really really did what you could want out of a villian, I just don't get the "twist". I almost got this feeling like they used Mandarian in the previews to keep us off the scent the whole way. Not one rumor I saw had Pearce being the main bad guy, this must have been the play. I kept waiting, hoping and praying that Kingsley would suddenly turn evil as **** and get us back on track. Dude came out the room with bathroom jokes like he was Ace Ventura. :stoneface:
I suppose, they could bring him back in IM4, or Avengers and show this as some elaborate plan to get Stark to let his guard down, that's a big stretch, and a waste of screen time, but I guess it could be in play, Marvel is always a phase ahead, so maybe. But would still be stupid after what they gave us. An actor. :smh:

Extremis stuff was DOPE. LOVED that angle. Really awesome stuff, was glad they went heavier with that since they let me down with Mandarin. If they keep that Extremis stuff with a SERIOUS Mandarin and this movie goes way next level. They could have blown the doors off the theaters. Black was treating this like another Lethal Weapon, that was a mistake.

Liked a lot of the themes they gave Tony, protecting Pepper with the suit, the nightmares, the suit acting on its own and scaring Pepper, all the suits showing up at the end, the way he took care of the kid at the end (liked that touch, alot) even the way he helped that lady by telling her her son did not kill himself or anyone else, he was used. That's real. That's Tony Stark at his best, they've shown him drunk, out of control, self absorbed, everything, it was also good to see him genuinely help people (outside of saving the world as a whole)

The CGI/Action scenes were pifff. Really well done. Next level **** with the brain scans, the holo files he's able to walk around in and recreate scenes. So much good stuff in the film, they just screwed the tone up with the whole Mandarin angle. If they make him just a bit weaker but still a "serious" attempt at being a baddie, it still stays serious and RDJ and Pearce would have been enough to carry the film to a solid conclusion. ******g up Mandarin just made me feel like I wasn't in on some big punchline. That pisses me off. The movie was solid, there was so much greatness in it, hell, if they REMOVED Mandarin, the movie plays so well still. A REAL bad guy, a true evil dude, smart as Tony, a true threat, still have some humor even if it was a bit much, but it would have been better even erasing Mandarin's part. That's just dumb. Why they did that makes no sense.

I almost feel like the Prometheus writer wrote the Mandarin part, just to **** with me. :smh:

I say 7/10, if I skip the Mandarin part I bump it to 8, if they nailed his part the right way it woulda been a 9.5/10. We were robbed.
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The lines for this movie were longer then gas lines after a hurricane!

Wish I could go see it but I have yet to see the second one.
sh was cray today. i thought it was bad opening day when i was working but today folks was still lined up to see it :smh: got off work at 4, can't eem imagine how the theaters lookin right now. :rolleyes
I enjoyed it. I learned not to get bent out of shape when Hollywood's ego gets huge w/ certain movies. Pepper saving him was kinda obvious being that she was injected w/ the stuff and was pretty much a broad w/ lava and stuff in her. :lol:
What was don cheadle's purpose in this film?
token black guy. :rolleyes :lol: not srs but seriously...they for some reason keep making his character seem kinda lame, growing up i used to favor war machine, dude was bad A but in these movies, big :smh:
Saw this a couple hours ago and it was terrible. Such a huge let down. And the scene after the trailer was the icing on the cake. Felt like a huge slap in the face waiting all that time for the credits to finish just to see that waste of a scene. good thing i didn't see this in 3d. But still the 10 bucks i spent was too much.
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Sad part is, as much as I hated the movie, I will most likely buy it on Blu-Ray since I have the first 2 already... :smh:
Ya bugging man. This was the best one in the series. After a 2nd watch (first time I went with groups of friends) i went solo In the afternoon and really focused, it was dope.

Could have been better? Ofcourse. Weak at times but it delivered, all that matters
Movie was solid for me. I'm mainly a Batman fan so I don't know much about Marvel but I sympathize with those who didn't enjoy IM3 for not sticking to the source material. I trust that if Kingsley remained as the villain the film would have been much better.

I thought Guy Pearce had a brilliant performance but I felt as if his character was way underdeveloped. Way too much comedy for my liking. IM2 and IM3 were INCREDIBLY formulaic. I think Thor 2 will be much better though.
Movie was solid for me. I'm mainly a Batman fan so I don't know much about Marvel but I sympathize with those who didn't enjoy IM3 for not sticking to the source material. I trust that if Kingsley remained as the villain the film would have been much better.

I thought Guy Pearce had a brilliant performance but I felt as if his character was way underdeveloped. Way too much comedy for my liking. IM2 and IM3 were INCREDIBLY formulaic. I think Thor 2 will be much better though.

A question for those who DID like the movie. Did you guys grow up watching the 90's cartoons or reading the comic books? Or are you average movie goers and/or fans of the Marvel movie universe?

I noticed the same issue with Spider-Man, Transformers, you name it. There seems to be a divided opinion between fans of the comic or series and new fans of the movies. When something is misinterpreted or portrayed incorrectly, it can make fans angry. Just look at Michael Bay and his alien Ninja Turtles or Transformers movies.
I'm not a die hard fan.. and I actually like Iron Man 2 aside from the anti-climatic final fight with Whiplash lol. But the Mandarin is one thing THEY SHOULD HAVE KEPT TRUE TO ITS SOURCE MATERIAL.
That's bullcrap. I understand the casual audience and the regular people who feel like their knowledgable about the marvel universe because they watched all the movies leading up to avengers :rollseyes but no one can dare justify what they did in this movie. If you didn't grow up on the comics than chill out with the "mandarin twist wasn't that bad comments". Hollywood just gave us comic nerds the biggest middle finger. It's obvious to see that they just need source material as a blueprint for the film. They're just cashing off the name now
That's bullcrap. I understand the casual audience and the regular people who feel like their knowledgable about the marvel universe because they watched all the movies leading up to avengers :rollseyes but no one can dare justify what they did in this movie. If you didn't grow up on the comics than chill out with the "mandarin twist wasn't that bad comments". Hollywood just gave us comic nerds the biggest middle finger. It's obvious to see that they just need source material as a blueprint for the film. They're just cashing off the name now
even if i knew nothing about the comics, the mandarin is just a better and more interesting character than guy pierce's character. 
Just got home from seeing it.

Spoilers to follow, do not read if you haven't seen the movie, I repeat, do not read.


Too. Much. Humor.

Knock that **** off. Stay serious, let Robert Downey Jr's natural charisma handle the tongue in cheek humor. STOP writing the "humor" in. It's pointless and takes away from the film. Avengers had some humor, but it was small, casual, didn't alter the story any. If this movie stays serious the entire time, it's Dark Knight level.

The actual story was solid for the most part. The serious portions. The extremis, the man behind it all, the legit danger to Tony, Pepper, the president. The casual way they showed you that the vice was dirty. (nice touch) The double cross by the chick from the Town.

Too much out of body work. The movie is IRON MAN, not Tony Stark. Stop havin him climb walls with christmas ornament bombs and ****. Stop screwin around. He's Iron Man, he has 30 suits, and he's going to storm a terrorist org with some homemade devices and no protection?
One bullet and the genius Tony Stark is dead in an instant. Come on.

The dude gave his home address on live TV.

LOVED Guy Pearce. He did work. He really really did what you could want out of a villian, I just don't get the "twist". I almost got this feeling like they used Mandarian in the previews to keep us off the scent the whole way. Not one rumor I saw had Pearce being the main bad guy, this must have been the play. I kept waiting, hoping and praying that Kingsley would suddenly turn evil as **** and get us back on track. Dude came out the room with bathroom jokes like he was Ace Ventura.

I suppose, they could bring him back in IM4, or Avengers and show this as some elaborate plan to get Stark to let his guard down, that's a big stretch, and a waste of screen time, but I guess it could be in play, Marvel is always a phase ahead, so maybe. But would still be stupid after what they gave us. An actor.

Extremis stuff was DOPE. LOVED that angle. Really awesome stuff, was glad they went heavier with that since they let me down with Mandarin. If they keep that Extremis stuff with a SERIOUS Mandarin and this movie goes way next level. They could have blown the doors off the theaters. Black was treating this like another Lethal Weapon, that was a mistake.

Liked a lot of the themes they gave Tony, protecting Pepper with the suit, the nightmares, the suit acting on its own and scaring Pepper, all the suits showing up at the end, the way he took care of the kid at the end (liked that touch, alot) even the way he helped that lady by telling her her son did not kill himself or anyone else, he was used. That's real. That's Tony Stark at his best, they've shown him drunk, out of control, self absorbed, everything, it was also good to see him genuinely help people (outside of saving the world as a whole)

The CGI/Action scenes were pifff. Really well done. Next level **** with the brain scans, the holo files he's able to walk around in and recreate scenes. So much good stuff in the film, they just screwed the tone up with the whole Mandarin angle. If they make him just a bit weaker but still a "serious" attempt at being a baddie, it still stays serious and RDJ and Pearce would have been enough to carry the film to a solid conclusion. ******g up Mandarin just made me feel like I wasn't in on some big punchline. That pisses me off. The movie was solid, there was so much greatness in it, hell, if they REMOVED Mandarin, the movie plays so well still. A REAL bad guy, a true evil dude, smart as Tony, a true threat, still have some humor even if it was a bit much, but it would have been better even erasing Mandarin's part. That's just dumb. Why they did that makes no sense.

I almost feel like the Prometheus writer wrote the Mandarin part, just to **** with me.

I say 7/10, if I skip the Mandarin part I bump it to 8, if they nailed his part the right way it woulda been a 9.5/10. We were robbed.
You wrote all that for sucked
movie was solid, Didn't like the way they did Mandarin though being that is Iron Man main villain. hoping if they do an Iron Man 4 they put MODOK as the next villian
I can't support the franchise now because it's ruined. It took Fast and The Furious franchise two sequels and a prequel to bounce back from John Singleton's massacre of 2 Fast 2 Furious. 

Don Cheadle is the homie and has been since Meteor Man...but he sucked as War Machine. It was down hill from there,  Terrance Howard in a the War Machine suit would've made the film a CLASSIC franchise. 

If Marvel can't afford the best just don't do the film because they are hacking apart CHILDHOOD favorites and Marvel's legacies.

Mandarin was duct tapped together by lazy writers. PERIOD. Who probably didn't know enough about the Iron Man universe to make a decent story.

I wish yall stop making excuses the movie SUCKED and it was a slap in the face to REAL Iron Man fans... I was offended when I left the theater and felt "HAD".
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I have been thinking about this whole Mandarin fiasco and I have some thoughts.
In the comics the Mandarin, through mastery of his Chi and with the help of a Makluan headband, used to locate the 10 rings, had the ability to transfer his consciousness to another body and take it over. Then using the matter rearranger ring he could change his appearance.

Knowing this, is it possible that the REAL Mandarin was controlling Aldrich Killian using his Mento-Intensifier ring?
The reasons I say this is because...
In the movie, in that video Kingsley released to the media he says that "You know who I am but you dont know where I am" and "you will never see me coming, which makes me believe that Kingsley and Aldrich Killian are being controlled. Even Tony tells that guy's mother that her son was being controlled.

That is the only explanation I can come up with as to why they chose to destroy the memory of Iron Man's greatest rival
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I have been thinking about this whole Mandarin fiasco and I have some thoughts.
In the comics the Mandarin, through mastery of his Chi and with the help of a Makluan headband, used to locate the 10 rings, had the ability to transfer his consciousness to another body and take it over. Then using the matter rearranger ring he could change his appearance.

Knowing this, is it possible that the REAL Mandarin was controlling Aldrich Killian using his Mento-Intensifier ring?
The reasons I say this is because...
In the movie when Kingsley is shooting the fake video he says that "you will never see me coming, which makes me believe that Kingsley and Aldrich Killian are being controlled. Even Tony tells that guy's mother that her son was being controlled.

That is the only explanation I can come up with as to why they chose to destroy the memory of Iron Man's greatest rival

That's certainly plausible but why would they go through all that trouble to put a twist on top of another twist? I mean they can mess with us like that. I feel like the mandarin was too complex for them to interpret on film but they wanted to use the name to generate buzz amongst the comic purists. All we needed was 1 fin fang foom reference and I might've been ok, but we couldn't even get that!
I have been thinking about this whole Mandarin fiasco and I have some thoughts.
In the comics the Mandarin, through mastery of his Chi and with the help of a Makluan headband, used to locate the 10 rings, had the ability to transfer his consciousness to another body and take it over. Then using the matter rearranger ring he could change his appearance.

Knowing this, is it possible that the REAL Mandarin was controlling Aldrich Killian using his Mento-Intensifier ring?
The reasons I say this is because...
In the movie when Kingsley is shooting the fake video he says that "you will never see me coming, which makes me believe that Kingsley and Aldrich Killian are being controlled. Even Tony tells that guy's mother that her son was being controlled.

That is the only explanation I can come up with as to why they chose to destroy the memory of Iron Man's greatest rival

Apparently Aldrich Killian in the Marvel Cinematic Universe IS Mandarin. They took Iron Man's main nemesis and in the movie, made him a made-up front for a petty narcissist with a chip on his shoulder from 13 years ago. I don't think the script writers for IM3 (who seemed to put more work into creating straight-to-TV kids movie humor) are clever enough to create a scenario that deep.
I have been thinking about this whole Mandarin fiasco and I have some thoughts.
In the comics the Mandarin, through mastery of his Chi and with the help of a Makluan headband, used to locate the 10 rings, had the ability to transfer his consciousness to another body and take it over. Then using the matter rearranger ring he could change his appearance.

Knowing this, is it possible that the REAL Mandarin was controlling Aldrich Killian using his Mento-Intensifier ring?
The reasons I say this is because...
In the movie, in that video Kingsley released to the media he says that "You know who I am but you dont know where I am" and "you will never see me coming, which makes me believe that Kingsley and Aldrich Killian are being controlled. Even Tony tells that guy's mother that her son was being controlled.
That is the only explanation I can come up with as to why they chose to destroy the memory of Iron Man's greatest rival
You're giving too much credit to bad writers. They aren't that intelligent to do something like that in a movie which is largely geared to kids.
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