Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits

What's going on in this shot? It doesn't look like Tony. But it kind of looks like he has one of Tony's arc reactors in his chest.

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Yeah. It kind of looks like Jon Favreau. And I'm assuming that's Mandarin sitting in front of him.

Maybe Mandarin is out to straight up RUIN Tony. He's going after everyone. Even his assistant/chauffeur.
Looks like this has more unique twists and plots that'll keep your eyes peeled the whole movie so you don't miss anything. Can't wait for May. **** Superman.

It seems as if this will be a mix of the Extremis arc and the "sentient armor" arc.

Julius F. Wrek
[quote name="SwagKingCole" url="/t/345512/iron-man-3-movie-thread-05-03-13-trailer-to-debut-on-10-23-mandarin-pg4/180#post_16484294]
"Who's the guy in the iron man suit though attacking Tony? Gotta be Guy Pearce's character. Who's Aldrich Killian? Was he in the comics?[/quote]

He's going to be a doctor/scientist who created the Extremis virus.
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^Oh ok, thanks. I was gonna change the edit lol.  So Guy Pearce is a good guy then?  I'm wondering who they put in the suit.  Screenshot I took from my phone.  
I gotta check this Extremis series on Netflix.  I don't know but the first time I saw about 20 or 30 minutes of it,  it was type boring.  
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^Oh ok, thanks. I was gonna change the edit lol.  So Guy Pearce is a good guy then?  I'm wondering who they put in the suit.  Screenshot I took from my phone.  

Someone at work told me that at point in the comics the suits start to have a mind of their own and actually become jealous/envious of Tony Stark.

Any truth to this?
^Oh ok, thanks. I was gonna change the edit lol.  So Guy Pearce is a good guy then?  I'm wondering who they put in the suit.  Screenshot I took from my phone.  

Bad guy, in the comics he created the virus and sold it to the terrorists. It'll likely be changed for the film though. They already changed it so that he is working for AIM, there might eb a Modok reference in the film somewhere.

That sequence in the screenshot could be a dream.
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"Who's the guy in the iron man suit though attacking Tony? Gotta be Guy Pearce's character. Who's Aldrich Killian? Was he in the comics?
He's going to be a doctor/scientist who created the Extremis virus.
I thought that doctor was a good guy...... 

rest of the question in spoilers
or is he playing the doctor who actually created the virus and got killed off pretty quick...
I thought that doctor was a good guy...... 

rest of the question in spoilers

or is he playing the doctor who actually created the virus and got killed off pretty quick...

The one killed off early in the comics.
I forget the chick in the comic's name.... but I could see them combining that character into Potts
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I forget the chick in the comic's name.... but I could see them combining that character into Potts

She'll be in the film played by Rebecca Hall so it won't be combined into Potts.
Watched the trailer 4 times already. :lol:
Found some things in it. Is that Cap's shield tattooed on the back of Mandarin's neck?


Extremis virus is an attempt to replicate the Super Soldier Serum so there is a connection there to this film, just not sure how it connects to Mandarin in the film.
..and like you said I could see that being a dream sequence of the Iron Man suit attacking Tony.  He did mention in the trailer about the nightmares but plus, I couldn't even imagine someone being able to steal his freakin suit. That woulda been crazyyyyyy. 
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