IRONY at its BEST.. vol. blacks and gay marraige. + digg!

Aug 25, 2005

+ a lil bit of hypocripsy


check out the comments on digg.
What disgusts me is you have little children there holding the American Flag proudly while protesting against gay marriage, while they're too young andignorant to even know what they're doing.
Not this again.

Being gay is not accepted in the Black and Latino community.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


Maybe something more along the lines of Human Rights Vs. Human Rights???????
Humm so gays are being segregated in public schools, lynched & persecuted for living in mostly white neighborhoods, being told that they have to eat behindthe restaurant or told to sit at the back of the bus.

This argument is so ridiculous it just makes the gay community look petty and stupid. Gays in 2008 have way more rights than Blacks in the 1950's. Beinggay is a lifestyle & mindset, being a certain racial background is permanent.

Guess which candidate was elected overwhelmingly by the gay community Barack Obama , someone that believes in traditional marriage so i'm not buying thes--- their selling.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


Maybe something more along the lines of Human Rights Vs. Human Rights???????

Yeah because they just installed "Gays only" bathrooms and water fountains, right? Marriage is not a inalienable right.
Here we go AGAIN! Look. People disagree on many things. This is one of them. Gay right supporters act so heroic and self righteous but are the first ones tostart name calling when things don't go their way. I'm not saying the the opposing side doesn't have its flaws because we do but I've seen itfirst hand here on NT. A religious post, primarily a Christianity based post comes up and bam the so called self righteous come in to disrespect our beliefs.So stop it with this shameless Black rights = to gay rights. American rights = You have an argument but don't start this Black = Gays debate again.

And I'm sure the usual people will come through. The same ones who crap on my beliefs any every way, shape and form, arguing that people who disagree arehomophobic.

Whats the word for people who disagree with religion and spirituality?
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


Maybe something more along the lines of Human Rights Vs. Human Rights???????

Yeah because they just installed "Gays only" bathrooms and water fountains, right? Marriage is not a inalienable right.
In this case, marriage IS a Human Rights issue.
eh Gays should be treated with respect and treated like regular people but at the same time they need to realize that what they do is wrong and that people areoffended by it. Don't act suprised when people take offense to two men kissing with tounges. Theres kids around at times in some areas and some of thestuff they do is wrong. If your gay be gay but do the stuff you do behind closed doors.

comparing gay rights to civil rights is a joke imo. the stuff blacks went through in the past is straight horrible, what struggle have gays gone through?around my way i've never seen someone get beat up, lynched, or hung for being gay. also theres two sides to every story, in some of those cases where a gayguy got beat up the media doesn't talk about how the gay guy repeatedly hit on the person and didn't get the point. also the only gays who really haveproblems are the ones who act all flamboyant bringing that negative attention upon themselves. theres some gays who act like normal people and no one bothersthem.
Originally Posted by Dunkaroos

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


Maybe something more along the lines of Human Rights Vs. Human Rights???????

Yeah because they just installed "Gays only" bathrooms and water fountains, right? Marriage is not a inalienable right.
In this case, marriage IS a Human Rights issue.
Its more of a spiritual/religious/church issue. Pretty telling that its always and has always been described as Man and Wife. Now civil unions area different story. Man made in the past 20/30 years maybe?

*Waits to be e-assaulted by a mod and 7 disciples*
Originally Posted by Dunkaroos

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


Maybe something more along the lines of Human Rights Vs. Human Rights???????

Yeah because they just installed "Gays only" bathrooms and water fountains, right? Marriage is not a inalienable right.
In this case, marriage IS a Human Rights issue.

Originally Posted by Dunkaroos

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


Maybe something more along the lines of Human Rights Vs. Human Rights???????

Yeah because they just installed "Gays only" bathrooms and water fountains, right? Marriage is not a inalienable right.
In this case, marriage IS a Human Rights issue.
I believe in the alienable right of the American Dream aka "the right to pursue happiness."

Clearly prop 8 infringes on that idea.

When the OP posted this picture. No where does he state the civil rights movement of the 50's were the same was the movement to give gays the right tomarry.

The two movements obviously separate entities. It is comparing apples and oranges.
Originally Posted by Dunkaroos

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


Maybe something more along the lines of Human Rights Vs. Human Rights???????

Yeah because they just installed "Gays only" bathrooms and water fountains, right? Marriage is not a inalienable right.
In this case, marriage IS a Human Rights issue.

Just let the people do what they want. I personally dont care either way, being that if will not affect me one way or the other.
It just boggles my mind how people are still trying to protect something that lost its sanctity when you have Elvis and Shaft impersonators marrying people.

And as for the gay does not equal blacks stuff, you are right there is no way you can compare their struggles.
What you CAN compare is that they are being denied something which should not be denied to anyone, not only that but they have been been hated on anddiscriminated against for something that (as the argument holds) they did not decide, nor can they help.
If ya'll don't stop comparing the struggle of blacks to that of the gay community I swear....

It is NOT the same thing, in any way shape or form.

Here's a question for ya'll. If ya'll want gay marriage so bad, why can't people marry more than 1 person also? Since ya'll wanna go andshake up the idea of marriage.
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