IRONY at its BEST.. vol. blacks and gay marraige. + digg!

Gay marriage should not be put in to fact because of the word marriage not because of the gay issue.
Oh and let me state that I don't vote and may never vote so don't come saying I'm denying anybody anything.

Oh and I don't hate gays. I just disagree with the lifestyle. But I've had gay friends in the past in school and life. I don't dislike theperson/people. Just the direction they chose to go in their life.
Originally Posted by Diego

Just let the people do what they want. I personally dont care either way, being that if will not affect me one way or the other.
It just boggles my mind how people are still trying to protect something that lost its sanctity when you have Elvis and Shaft impersonators marrying people.

And as for the gay does not equal blacks stuff, you are right there is no way you can compare their struggles.
What you CAN compare is that they are being denied something which should not be denied to anyone, not only that but they have been been hated on for something that (as the argument holds) they did not decide, nor can they help.

Nobody is denying them from getting married. If you can find a Rabbi, Priest, Pastor, or whatever to marry you they will do it.

Personally, I don't care if they get married or not, it just shouldn't be determined by the Federal Gov't. There isn't a United States MarriageLicense.

Marriage is a privilege, not a right.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

If ya'll don't stop comparing the struggle of blacks to that of the gay community I swear....

It is NOT the same thing, in any way shape or form.

Here's a question for ya'll. If ya'll want gay marriage so bad, why can't people marry more than 1 person also? Since ya'll wanna go and shake up the idea of marriage.

And here lies my point, if gay marriage should be allowed, as should polygamy. Hence why it will NEVER be instituted nationally.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

If ya'll don't stop comparing the struggle of blacks to that of the gay community I swear....

It is NOT the same thing, in any way shape or form.

Here's a question for ya'll. If ya'll want gay marriage so bad, why can't people marry more than 1 person also? Since ya'll wanna go and shake up the idea of marriage.
I dont want it so bad. I just dont oppose it so bad either.

Marry multiple people, oh you mean like a Mormon or something?
Where do I sign up?
don't ever compare some gay struggles to the struggles of blacks and other bun lovers kill me with that stuff
if marriage is so special and should be kept btwn man and woman all that, why the hell do 50% of all marriages end in divorce? I thought part of thinking thatmarriage is this sacred bond that the more conservative POV takes is that it is an eternal bond that lasts forever? I think that in today's society thatbond of marriage has been broken, and the prevailing view of marriage needs to be reconsidered.

and therefore, nobody should give two flying %!*#$ about gay people getting married. As for this pic...very ironic. Fighting for gay marriage is fighting for acivil liberty and a civil right. They are going through the same thing, no matter how long the prejudice has taken place for.
I could care less whether gay people get married or not.

It is dead wrong, though, to compare the gay struggle to the civil rights movement.
I dont want it so bad. I just dont oppose it so bad either.

Marry multiple people, oh you mean like a Mormon or something?
Where do I sign up?
My statement wasn't towards you.

And here lies my point, if gay marriage should be allowed, as should polygamy. Hence why it will NEVER be instituted nationally.
Exactly, but I bet the same people who support gay marriage would show up in droves aganist polygamy. Now thats ironic

don't ever compare some gay struggles to the struggles of blacks and other bun lovers kill me with that stuff
and therefore, nobody should give two flying %!*#$ about gay people getting married. As for this pic...very ironic. Fighting for gay marriage is fighting for a civil liberty and a civil right. They are going through the same thing, no matter how long the prejudice has taken place for.
DF! (and i don't mean "dungeon family" either)

So you get followed around the mall because you're gay, pulled over because you're gay, get unfair loans because you're gay, and get harassed bythe police because you're gay to right?

The same thing? Really??

And if not letting 2 people of the same sex marry is infringing on "civil rights" then not letting me marry 5 women is infringing on my civil rightsalso...
I believe in the alienable right of the American Dream aka "the right to pursue happiness."
our country was NOT founded on this notion . originally it was 'the pursuit of property' not 'the pursuit of happiness' .it was later changed . also what they meant by happiness back then isnt what you associate with the word today
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


Maybe something more along the lines of Human Rights Vs. Human Rights???????

Yeah because they just installed "Gays only" bathrooms and water fountains, right? Marriage is not a inalienable right.
Just because they struggles weren't on the same level, gays shouldn't get the same rights?
Originally Posted by Prez T

I believe in the alienable right of the American Dream aka "the right to pursue happiness."
our country was NOT founded on this notion . originally it was 'the pursuit of property' not 'the pursuit of happiness' . it was later changed

You serious? So because that wasnt the original foundation then the "pursuit of happiness" should not apply to gay people.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

If this isn't propaganda I don't know what is.
Granted those 2 black children are holding American flags and there are "Vote yes On Prop 8" signs in the back but please believe that picture couldhave been manipulated and those signs could've have seen messed with. Then you have the text that you see on the bottom of this picture that is def. doingit's job. Just the right bit of nastiness but not too overt. Yes the children are our future but really you have IRONY in bold white capital letter on ablack background right up under the boys so that your eye goes right to them and then you have the older black woman in the mid-background right at theshoulder framed with the flags...Really? Whoever chose the picture knew what they were doing because this picture can be interpreted many different ways butthe text underneath is glorious in that it does its job.

Take a look at the message "Irony: because who needs civil liberties anyway"...those little black boys are not old enough to truly hold an opinionbut in this picture they are the main targets. Why? The way the flags are framed around them and that one sign in particular being held up over the littleboys head with the widest smile who probably doesn't even know what's going on and smiling because a camera is there b/c kids do that...peopledon't even care anymore about the covert.
They aren't dressed like hoodlums but are dressed in button-ups with their shirts tucked in and lookpleasant. I say this to say you have to be careful when you look at a picture like that with a message underneath it that went so underhanded to get at kids tofurther their own agenda.

It was chosen for a reason and they could have come better and classier than that.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Prez T

I believe in the alienable right of the American Dream aka "the right to pursue happiness."
our country was NOT founded on this notion . originally it was 'the pursuit of property' not 'the pursuit of happiness' . it was later changed

You serious? So because that wasnt the original foundation then the "pursuit of happiness" should not apply to gay people.

not what im saying at all , im actually for gay marriage . i just think people confuse the actual meaning of the term 'pursuit of happiness'when it was used back then . it wasnt in terms of 'people should be free to pursue whatever makes them feel good inside' , it was 'you have theright to make as much money and own as much property as you can work hard enough to get' . i also think people need to differentiate between MARRIAGE andCIVIL UNIONS
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Not this again.

Being gay is not accepted in the Black and Latino community.
especially when they foolishly compared it to da black civil rights movement.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


FedeDPT, ur a republican arnt u??
don't you prefer a hands off gov't?
Yes and Yes I presume.
So, then why would you be opposed to the gov't granting rights to homosexuals to marry??
If the gov't has the right to not recognize gay marriage, doesn't that give them the justification to not recognize muslim marriages, hindu marriagesor jewish marriages or anyother type of marriage??
by agreeing w/ the prevention of gay marriage, you are agreeing w/ putting more power into the government's hands.
aint nobody gonna compare the PLIGHT of gay people in America to the PLIGHT of black people in America...but the fight for gay marriage is similar in everyrespect to the specific fights of blacks in say...the 50s or so.

Why are gay people denied the right to marry? It's because of the same washed up beliefs that are steeped in the history of this country, and the samebeliefs which denied black people basic civil rights all those years following the removal of slavery. Stop being so ignorant saying they are not similarfights cause they are.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Dunkaroos

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


Maybe something more along the lines of Human Rights Vs. Human Rights???????

Yeah because they just installed "Gays only" bathrooms and water fountains, right? Marriage is not a inalienable right.
In this case, marriage IS a Human Rights issue.


GTHOOH Fededpt
Civil rights = a class of rights and freedoms that protect individuals from the government and state power and assure theability to participate in the civil and political life of the state.
Civil=applying to ordinary citizens
Let me ask you again, how does marriage not apply to civil rights???
How then does gay marriage not apply to civil rights???
Originally Posted by Prez T

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Prez T

I believe in the alienable right of the American Dream aka "the right to pursue happiness."
our country was NOT founded on this notion . originally it was 'the pursuit of property' not 'the pursuit of happiness' . it was later changed

You serious? So because that wasnt the original foundation then the "pursuit of happiness" should not apply to gay people.

not what im saying at all , im actually for gay marriage . i just think people confuse the actual meaning of the term 'pursuit of happiness' when it was used back then . it wasnt in terms of 'people should be free to pursue whatever makes them feel good inside' , it was 'you have the right to make as much money and own as much property as you can work hard enough to get' . i also think people need to differentiate between MARRIAGE and CIVIL UNIONS
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is one of the most famous phrases in the United States Declaration of Independence. These three aspects are listed among the "inalienable rights" of man.

While it may have changed since it's inception. What the American dream stands for remains the same regardless of words used of phrases. That is thePURSUIT of happiness as it applies to society today.
The phrase "pursuit of happiness" appeared in the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court case, Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967)[sup][3][/sup], which focused on an anti-miscegenation statute. Chief Justice Warren wrote: "The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.

For those who don't believe it is an inalienable right.
Nostrand Ave68- If they voted for McCain it would be worse. So should they have voted for Barr or Nader and wasted a votethat could have made McCain closer to a victory? Also from Obama's words he will do something big for the gay community either the end of this term or thenext he asked them to be patient.

Cedric.. People are offended by rap, other genres of music, tv, movies, books, news, politicians and society what should we do about it? Baneverything that people find offensive? And being gay is wrong? Wrong to who? Who says it is wrong? Not the laws of the U.S. and 114 other of 195 countries inthe world.

And with your gays kissing in public, a guy can't kiss a girl in public either then. Now I wouldn't be able to kiss the woman I love in public. A kidwill see my tongue in my gf's mouth vice versa and then you have to explain that to a kid.. Also you says gays should only be gays behind close doors? Yetyou say we should treat them with respect and like regular people? Is respect telling someone they can be gay only if no one knows? Sounds similar to whenblack servants could only enter their master's house through the back door. Because they could not be seen entering a white man's house. Also look upMatthew Shepard for your gay people getting killed and there are thousands more of those cases.

Cedric.. Are you saying if a gay guy hits on a straight guy he should be killed? I know many gay people and if anything they ask and keep itmoving. 99% of the time they won't even ask because they are not sure and don't want any trouble.. How bout this anytime a guy hits on a girl more thanonce who is not interested the girl has the right to stab, shoot or whatever she wants to the guy.

Diego- got it 100% right on the way it is comparable.

Malik- How does homosexuality lead to polygamy? I really don't get it. It actually makes no sense. But while we are onthe subject of polygamy I have no problem with allowing it as long as it is CONSENTING ADULTS, all agreeing to it.. Only kind of marriage I am against are 2minors, and 1 minor and 1 adult. Also check the Bible see what it says about Polygamy, extra-marital affairs, and concubines.. They condemn it but also allowit in certain extents.

Kix4kix- What in the blue hell does it matter if it is unions or marriage to you?

Fede- if marriage is a privilege why do people in prison have the right to marry? Also in order for them to marry they mustgo to a state that it is legal. Which in the next 20 years will be all so I guess patience is key but also stop with the Federal Government shtick I understandyou hate the Fed being intrusive (and that is ok and your opinion fine)but this is not intrusive this is oppression of one singled out person
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