IRONY at its BEST.. vol. blacks and gay marraige. + digg!

Ok I want to ask a serious questions guys.
To those who believe that people are indeed born gay.
That would mean that a male would crave penis correct instead of the jayjay?
Also how many people in this thread were born gay?
I dont think that I would ever believe that people are born gay...
But im really just interested in what proof backs this theory up?
Gays should be given every right a person should have...but I dont think they
should bend the natural law of mankind to justify their sexual preference.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

"It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes. "
I think you are a confused person. How can you say science has proved people aren't born gay and say sometimes it's not a choice?

How can being gay be scientifically proven?

If you argue Nature v. Nurture I have a scenario for people...

My girlfriends brother is gay, their father and mother are Evangelical pastors and both are Puerto Rican. They have 2 other siblings and obviously they grew up in the church where homosexuality is an "abomination". From the evidence I just presented, he sure as hell wasn't nurtured to be gay. What's the other option? Yeah, nature. So what is the diagnoses?

i would argue he rebelled against what he grew up with...maybe not a conscious, overt rebellion but maybe something inside him drew him down a path different than what he was always around. That's a natural thing that happens with many people especially young people

I see your point. Can you say that homosexuality is reversible then?
nah i wouldn't say its reversible and i dont know why it would matter if it was. All I really want to add to this discussion is that being gayis a natural thing that stems from the environment you are around. Just like being a straight person stems from environment. And by saying that I really meanthere is no scientific or religious or any explanation. Everything anyone does in life is influenced by surroundings and preferences...and everyone hasdifferent surroundings and preferences they grow up in. Its kinda like saying "it all depends on where you were at this particular time."
At the end of the day, why wouldn't we want gay people to be together? That leaves more wiminz for us straight guys, no?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

let me ask this...

for the gay marriage supporters: would your opinion on homosexuality and their rights change if homosexuality was proven to be a choice?

for those in opposition to gay marriage: would your opinion on homosexuality and their rights change if homosexuality was proven to be genetic?

Me? nope.

I oppose gay marriage and I know for a fact one is born gay.
How do you know for a fact?
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

My friend of 3 years just made the choice to be gay. Well Bi. It seems more like a craving for attention then what he actually wants. He has never really had much luck with the females so that could also be a contributing factor for him. Its a long long story that I'm still getting details on. But yeah He officially came out last week.

Still not a choice? For some at least?

Are you sure he isn't just coming out of the closet? With such accepting friends as yourself, are you really that surprised that someone would just now be coming out of the closet? "Hmmm....I am am outspoken PETA activist. I just now learned that my friend is a hunter. WEIRD!"
I've had gay friends in my life. And He didn't come out because He wasn't sure what He was feeling. He met a guy that helped bring itout if you know what I mean. Keep thinking you know who or what I am. I still treat dude just as I did the previous three years of knowing him. EVERYONE justfound out in the past three months. And another thing, in my personal life, I don't even discuss this stuff unless I'm asked about it.

Atheist complain and belly ache about us religious people so much, but you are really the most annoying. You sit here on you're high horse and you judge uslike you accuse us of. You and people alike you are the biggest hypocrites around but you act as if you're upstanding and self righteous. You complainabout acceptance but call us mindless sheep every chance you get. So save you're B.S. for those that don't know you're game. You shamelessly panderto the masses that you are the most accepting but you are no different than the religious people who hate others for not believing what you do.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

let me ask this...

for the gay marriage supporters: would your opinion on homosexuality and their rights change if homosexuality was proven to be a choice?

for those in opposition to gay marriage: would your opinion on homosexuality and their rights change if homosexuality was proven to be genetic?

Me? nope.

I oppose gay marriage and I know for a fact one is born gay.
How do you know for a fact?

I am blessed with God given common sense.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

let me ask this...

for the gay marriage supporters: would your opinion on homosexuality and their rights change if homosexuality was proven to be a choice?

for those in opposition to gay marriage: would your opinion on homosexuality and their rights change if homosexuality was proven to be genetic?

Me? nope.

I oppose gay marriage and I know for a fact one is born gay.
How do you know for a fact?

I am blessed with God given common sense.
Please explain?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by kash55

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Not this again.

Being gay is not accepted in the Black and Latino community.
Why is that notion accepted?

You can disagree with someone's lifestyle choice, but that does not mean you can hold back their civil liberties.

And what about the gay black community?...Which the gay community could care less about apparently.
Also, I would bet all I own that pic is a photoshop. Like yea they cared enough to vote against it, but seriously how often do we care about anything enough tomarch and protest it, particularly something that wouldn't even have a direct effect on us? If we exhibited that kind of passion on other issues, we'dbe in a whole different place right now than we are as a community.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

My friend of 3 years just made the choice to be gay. Well Bi. It seems more like a craving for attention then what he actually wants. He has never really had much luck with the females so that could also be a contributing factor for him. Its a long long story that I'm still getting details on. But yeah He officially came out last week.

Still not a choice? For some at least?

Are you sure he isn't just coming out of the closet? With such accepting friends as yourself, are you really that surprised that someone would just now be coming out of the closet? "Hmmm....I am am outspoken PETA activist. I just now learned that my friend is a hunter. WEIRD!"
I've had gay friends in my life. And He didn't come out because He wasn't sure what He was feeling. He met a guy that helped bring it out if you know what I mean. Keep thinking you know who or what I am. I still treat dude just as I did the previous three years of knowing him. EVERYONE just found out in the past three months. And another thing, in my personal life, I don't even discuss this stuff unless I'm asked about it.

Atheist complain and belly ache about us religious people so much, but you are really the most annoying. You sit here on you're high horse and you judge us like you accuse us of. You and people alike you are the biggest hypocrites around but you act as if you're upstanding and self righteous. You complain about acceptance but call us mindless sheep every chance you get. So save you're B.S. for those that don't know you're game. You shamelessly pander to the masses that you are the most accepting but you are no different than the religious people who hate others for not believing what you do.
I already said I didn't think you are a mindless sheep. Although, with such cut-and-past rhetoric on Atheist, I am willing to reconsider. I amtolerant and accepting of the faithful, I just think you are wrong. To me, you are wrong. To you, I am a sinner. There is a huge difference. If you want toplay the martyr or the part of the oppressed, fine.

You have stated plenty of times before that you don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle and that is why I said that about you and your friend. I onlybased that one the drivel you spew here.
I was gonna make a new thread but I don't want to seem redundant after a 15 page thread so here

Massachusetts sues federal government over marriage law

(CNN) -- Massachusetts sued the U.S. government on Wednesday, challenging the constitutionality of a federal law that defines marriage as the union of a manand a woman.
The state of Massachusetts says the Defense of Marriage Act denies same-sex couples essential rights.

The state of Massachusetts says the Defense of Marriage Act denies same-sex couples essential rights.

"We're taking this action today because, first, we believe that [the Defense of Marriage Act] directly interferes with Massachusetts'long-standing sovereign authority to define and regulate the marital status of its residents," Attorney General Martha Coakley said Wednesday afternoon.

"Massachusetts has a single category of married persons, and we view all married persons equally and identically," she said.

"DOMA divides that category into two distinct and unequal classes of marriage."

The lawsuit argues that the act, which became law in 1996, denies same-sex couples essential rights and protections, including federal income tax credits,employment and retirement benefits, health insurance coverage and Social Security payments.

"In enacting DOMA, Congress overstepped its authority, undermined states' efforts to recognize marriages between same-sex couples, and codified ananimus towards gay and lesbian people," the state wrote in the lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday in federal court.

Massachusetts, the first state to legalize gay marriage, said that about 16,000 same-sex couples have been married there since 2004, when it began issuingmarriage licenses. Since that time, the lawsuit said, "the security and stability of families has been strengthened in important ways throughout thestate. "
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The state is challenging Section 3 of the law, which defines marriage as "a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife" and aspouse as "a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife."

Before the act, the lawsuit argues, defining marital status was the prerogative of the states.

The law "eviscerated more than 200 years of federal government deference to the states with respect to defining marriage," it said.

The lawsuit also argues that the law forces Massachusetts to treat same-sex married couples differently from heterosexual married couples, particularly throughdetermining who qualifies for the state's Medicaid program, known as MassHealth, and whether a same-sex spouse of a veteran can be buried in a veterancemetery.

"But for DOMA, married individuals in same-sex relationships in the commonwealth would receive the same status, obligations, responsibilities, rights, andprotections as married individuals in different-sex relationships under local, state, and federal laws," the lawsuit said.

The defendants named in the lawsuit include the Department of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, theDepartment of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki and the United States itself.

Charles Miller, a spokesman for the Department of Justice, said the department will review the case but noted that President Obama supports the legislativerepeal of the Defense of Marriage Act.

In March, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders -- the same Boston-based group that successfully argued in 2003 for same-sex marriage rights inMassachusetts -- also sued the federal government over Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act.

Besides Massachusetts, three other states recognize same-sex marriages: Connecticut, Maine, and Iowa. Vermont and New Hampshire will join their company whensame-sex marriages become legal later this year and early next year.
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