IRONY at its BEST.. vol. blacks and gay marraige. + digg!

this should get good....

*waits for people to come in and make the "being gay is a conscientious choice" argument*
The same reaction of uncomortableness and hate that many of you posses toward homosexual's is no different than how many people feel/felt around blacks.

Discrimination is discrimination, and I find it dissapointing that the black community is as homophobic as it is, and OP, though he is a moron has a point. Notto say homosexuals had to go through the same !**% blacks had to, but many of you were never thrown out of your house simply because of your sexualorientation, and completely rejected from your own community like many gays are.

I'm not saying the level of unjustice is equal by why should that matter? These people are still being robbed of there rights either way.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?



only thing me and fede agree on....

also, the one thing i hate about NT is that there seems to be a constant stream of the same posts, posted by some new jack cat...

this argument has been in hundreds of threads, and it always ends after i make like 13 posts in a row, and noone can respond again...

not having access to "rights" that are unconstitutionally granted by the government is IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM compable to the black struggle forequality...

not even near.

not even close.

and frankly, it's disgusting and offensive EVERY TIME someone makes a correlation...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?



only thing me and fede agree on....

also, the one thing i hate about NT is that there seems to be a constant stream of the same posts, posted by some new jack cat...

this argument has been in hundreds of threads, and it always ends after i make like 13 posts in a row, and noone can respond again...

not having access to "rights" that are unconstitutionally granted by the government is IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM compable to the black struggle for equality...

not even near.

not even close.

and frankly, it's disgusting and offensive EVERY TIME someone makes a correlation...

Exactly what he said.
Originally Posted by 92

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


FedeDPT, ur a republican arnt u??
don't you prefer a hands off gov't?
Yes and Yes I presume.
So, then why would you be opposed to the gov't granting rights to homosexuals to marry??
If the gov't has the right to not recognize gay marriage, doesn't that give them the justification to not recognize muslim marriages, hindu marriages or jewish marriages or anyother type of marriage??
by agreeing w/ the prevention of gay marriage, you are agreeing w/ putting more power into the government's hands.

, you aren't serious, are you?


"you want the government to have less power, so how are you not for them stepping in, violating the constitution and basically flexing their politicalmuscle?"

this is the dumbest response i may have ever read...




it's unconstitutional from the start.

kids these days...

Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


Maybe something more along the lines of Human Rights Vs. Human Rights???????

Yeah because they just installed "Gays only" bathrooms and water fountains, right? Marriage is not a inalienable right.
Just because they struggles weren't on the same level, gays shouldn't get the same rights?

, what same rights?



lol, so what "same rights" are you talking about?

lol, you think the leaders of the civil rights movement were concerned with marriage whatsoever?


no, they were more concerned with being treated like human know, not literally beaten and oppressed by the system?

what same rights?




im done in this post...ive posted three times just from reading back through the post...
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Not this again.


u are right. it is not accepted, but maybe it should be. maybe that way, we won't have so many dudes on the DL infecting straight women with the bug. thenit would be less likely for us straight men to get infected. although we have some responsibility too, cause there are those times when we don't strap up.

but the whole DL thing is a HUGE problem imo.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Not this again.

Being gay is not accepted in the Black and Latino community.
Being black is not accepted in the white and asian community.
Shut your dumb #*@ up. You know exactly what I meant. The DL phenomena hasn't helped either.
Im not saying its the same, but you cant compare the 50' to present day.

Im pretty sure gay people had it bad back then also.
Originally Posted by Halftime718

Im not saying its the same, but you cant compare the 50' to present day.

Im pretty sure gay people had it bad back then also.
, cause there were so many openly gay people in the50s....

when a gay white man walks into a room, what is he? a white man

when a gay black man walks into a room, what is he? a black man

never going to be the same.

Originally Posted by Essential1

Cedric.. People are offended by rap, other genres of music, tv, movies, books, news, politicians and society what should we do about it? Ban everything that people find offensive? And being gay is wrong? Wrong to who? Who says it is wrong? Not the laws of the U.S. and 114 other of 195 countries in the world.

And with your gays kissing in public, a guy can't kiss a girl in public either then. Now I wouldn't be able to kiss the woman I love in public. A kid will see my tongue in my gf's mouth vice versa and then you have to explain that to a kid.. Also you says gays should only be gays behind close doors? Yet you say we should treat them with respect and like regular people? Is respect telling someone they can be gay only if no one knows? Sounds similar to when black servants could only enter their master's house through the back door. Because they could not be seen entering a white man's house. Also look up Matthew Shepard for your gay people getting killed and there are thousands more of those cases.

Cedric.. Are you saying if a gay guy hits on a straight guy he should be killed? I know many gay people and if anything they ask and keep it moving. 99% of the time they won't even ask because they are not sure and don't want any trouble.. How bout this anytime a guy hits on a girl more than once who is not interested the girl has the right to stab, shoot or whatever she wants to the guy.

It's morally wrong because a man and a woman are supposed to make a baby. your not supposed to have two dads or two moms. it may soundchildish but two wee wee's don't make a baby and two vaginas don't make a baby either.

please don't try to compare a man and a woman kissing to two guys kissing because your making your argument lose all credibility. if i take my kids outand i see a man and woman couple kissing and he asks what their doing ill tell him their showing affection and thats something you do when you get older.

now if i take my kids out and i see two guys holding hands and kissing and he asks what are they doing, i can't say thats something you do when you getolder. its just bad because it misleads kids into thinking that behavior is normal. that and shows like mtv's next do a bad job in misleading ourchildren.

yes im saying they should to their stuff behind closed doors. do it there so no one will judge you or give you problems. you can't be kissing guys inpublic and not expect people to look at you awkwardly.

smh at comparing black servants to gays.

im not saying they should be killed but don't go out hitting on guys expecting them to be feeling that type of stuff. thats why theres gay bars toavoid this type of problem.

and to answer your question if a guy is persistent with hitting on a girl and doesn't understand no means no then gets mad and calls her a b if shewants to pepper spray him or whatever or have her brothers beat him up then whatever stuff happens thats life. you win some you lose some.
There is no way in telling how many gay people there were though.

Like i said i wasn't saying it was the same, I'm just saying.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by 92

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Comparing the struggle of MLK to homosexuals, huh?


FedeDPT, ur a republican arnt u??
don't you prefer a hands off gov't?
Yes and Yes I presume.
So, then why would you be opposed to the gov't granting rights to homosexuals to marry??
If the gov't has the right to not recognize gay marriage, doesn't that give them the justification to not recognize muslim marriages, hindu marriages or jewish marriages or anyother type of marriage??
by agreeing w/ the prevention of gay marriage, you are agreeing w/ putting more power into the government's hands.

, you aren't serious, are you?


"you want the government to have less power, so how are you not for them stepping in, violating the constitution and basically flexing their political muscle?"

this is the dumbest response i may have ever read...




it's unconstitutional from the start.

kids these days...

the government's recognition of marriage may be unconstitutional from the start, but that is something that can't/wont be fixed anytimesoon. Why are you even bringing it up as if it is or ever has been a real issue
and when did i say or imply that the gov't would have to flex their political muscle in order to allow gay marriage.
The people in power are the means by which the public can use to achieve it's goals. So if gay marriage was eventually allowed, the public would be the ones "flexing their political muscle"

Quit coming at me w/ the personal attacks
And BTW why are you putting quotation marks around something that I didn't even say word for word, you do know that the purpose of quotation marks is toQUOTE??
don't you?
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Essential1

Cedric.. People are offended by rap, other genres of music, tv, movies, books, news, politicians and society what should we do about it? Ban everything that people find offensive? And being gay is wrong? Wrong to who? Who says it is wrong? Not the laws of the U.S. and 114 other of 195 countries in the world.

And with your gays kissing in public, a guy can't kiss a girl in public either then. Now I wouldn't be able to kiss the woman I love in public. A kid will see my tongue in my gf's mouth vice versa and then you have to explain that to a kid.. Also you says gays should only be gays behind close doors? Yet you say we should treat them with respect and like regular people? Is respect telling someone they can be gay only if no one knows? Sounds similar to when black servants could only enter their master's house through the back door. Because they could not be seen entering a white man's house. Also look up Matthew Shepard for your gay people getting killed and there are thousands more of those cases.

Cedric.. Are you saying if a gay guy hits on a straight guy he should be killed? I know many gay people and if anything they ask and keep it moving. 99% of the time they won't even ask because they are not sure and don't want any trouble.. How bout this anytime a guy hits on a girl more than once who is not interested the girl has the right to stab, shoot or whatever she wants to the guy.

It's morally wrong because a man and a woman are supposed to make a baby. your not supposed to have two dads or two moms. it may sound childish but two wee wee's don't make a baby and two vaginas don't make a baby either.

please don't try to compare a man and a woman kissing to two guys kissing because your making your argument lose all credibility. if i take my kids out and i see a man and woman couple kissing and he asks what their doing ill tell him their showing affection and thats something you do when you get older.

now if i take my kids out and i see two guys holding hands and kissing and he asks what are they doing, i can't say thats something you do when you get older. its just bad because it misleads kids into thinking that behavior is normal. that and shows like mtv's next do a bad job in misleading our children.

yes im saying they should to their stuff behind closed doors. do it there so no one will judge you or give you problems. you can't be kissing guys in public and not expect people to look at you awkwardly.

smh at comparing black servants to gays.

im not saying they should be killed but don't go out hitting on guys expecting them to be feeling that type of stuff. thats why theres gay bars to avoid this type of problem.

and to answer your question if a guy is persistent with hitting on a girl and doesn't understand no means no then gets mad and calls her a b if she wants to pepper spray him or whatever or have her brothers beat him up then whatever stuff happens thats life. you win some you lose some.


- no matter how many times i come across people like you it still amazes me. glad to see you not afraid to express you opinion though....
Gay men and women have every right to show public affection towards each other.... As long as it's on a remote desert island where they can't get backto civilzation. Homosexuality is not natural nor is it normal. The gay community even call themselves +###%. Just as they have a right to say what they want sodo I.
Originally Posted by phobguy

Homosexuality is not natural nor is it normal. The gay community even call themselves +###%. Just as they have a right to say what they want so do I.

whats so shocking about what i said. i have no problem with gays but if they think they can go around and do some of the things they do and think the generalpublic is going to be peaches and cream about it then their on something.

i just have two questions for those that are down with the boy on boy public kissing.

if you had a son would you want him to be gay and how would you react if he was gay?

thats your child so you have to love him and accept him regardless of what he does but how would you feel if he came out that way
i personally am completely against gay marriages and it is no way the same as the black civil rights movement, but in america it should be allowed but outsidethese borders thats a completely different story
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

It's morally wrong because a man and a woman are supposed to make a baby. your not supposed to have two dads or two moms. it may sound childish but two wee wee's don't make a baby and two vaginas don't make a baby either.

please don't try to compare a man and a woman kissing to two guys kissing because your making your argument lose all credibility. if i take my kids out and i see a man and woman couple kissing and he asks what their doing ill tell him their showing affection and thats something you do when you get older.

now if i take my kids out and i see two guys holding hands and kissing and he asks what are they doing, i can't say thats something you do when you get older. its just bad because it misleads kids into thinking that behavior is normal. that and shows like mtv's next do a bad job in misleading our children.

yes im saying they should to their stuff behind closed doors. do it there so no one will judge you or give you problems. you can't be kissing guys in public and not expect people to look at you awkwardly.

smh at comparing black servants to gays.

im not saying they should be killed but don't go out hitting on guys expecting them to be feeling that type of stuff. thats why theres gay bars to avoid this type of problem.

and to answer your question if a guy is persistent with hitting on a girl and doesn't understand no means no then gets mad and calls her a b if she wants to pepper spray him or whatever or have her brothers beat him up then whatever stuff happens thats life. you win some you lose some.

You do know if we allow gay marriage there will still be more heterosexual couples right than homosexual couples right? That if we allow homosexual marriage itwon't drive millions to homosexual marriage.. And it's not natural did you know that one of the 1st settlements in the U.S. had homosexuals on it? Alsosince Greek Mythology is very much like religion and many believe it to be true check your loved Valentine's day... Cupid or Erros the god of love..Happened to be the god of Homosexual Love.. Trippy isn't it.

1 you say it is something some grown ups choose to do, most people are in a heterosexual relationship (explain that to them) while some are in a homosexualrelationship.. Describe some of it, a child can grasp more things than "adults" think...If you can't explain it to a kid you are intellectuallylacking to be able to explain ..

How in the hell does MTV's Next mislead the children? I see you didn't condemn porn.

*+*# I'm looked at ackwardly for being white and rocking a backwards new era or Crooks & Castles... Believe me don't try to say I know nothingabout black people because it is a bad move. I look at gay people ackwardly, fat people, ugly people, stupid people.. It don't matter but I don'tDISCRIMINATE or CALL THEIR LIFESTYLE IMMORAL BECAUSE SOME FOG TOLD ME TO (not shouting just wanted it to jump out to you)

Yes there are gay bars to avoid the confusion and that ackwardness of a gay guy hitting on a straight guy but you obviously didn't read my whole post.

You also compared a woman pepper spraying a guy to a guy beating and killing a gay guy.. Classy and say SMH to my black servant comment, in which you literallytold them to only be what they are when no one is watching.
people again taking what they learn in religion and treating it as the absolute truth...
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

whats so shocking about what i said. i have no problem with gays but if they think they can go around and do some of the things they do and think the general public is going to be peaches and cream about it then their on something.

i just have two questions for those that are down with the boy on boy public kissing.

if you had a son would you want him to be gay and how would you react if he was gay?

thats your child so you have to love him and accept him regardless of what he does but how would you feel if he came out that way

1. I would rather him carry on my name BUT if he is gay, nothing I can do. I don't care. The kid is my seed and I accept it and love him exactly like I didbefore I knew he was gay but not ignoring his being gay.

You only asked one question.
i asked two 1. would you want him to be gay? and how would you react?

i disagree with alot of the stuff you posted in the long response you made above but i can completely respect your answer on that question though.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

whats so shocking about what i said. i have no problem with gays but if they think they can go around and do some of the things they do and think the general public is going to be peaches and cream about it then their on something.

i just have two questions for those that are down with the boy on boy public kissing.

if you had a son would you want him to be gay and how would you react if he was gay?

thats your child so you have to love him and accept him regardless of what he does but how would you feel if he came out that way

- yes you do. call it what it is....

- dont flatter yourself. you said nothing shocking. im shocked that people that think likeyou still exist (not that im ignorant to people like you just that no matter how many times i hear your BS justifications it never ceases to amaze me).
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