IRONY at its BEST.. vol. blacks and gay marraige. + digg!

Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.
Do people think before they post?

Who the hell would choose to be gay? And who still thinks that's how it happens?
Good question, yeah I thought before I posted. I thought hard. How about this, people don't choose to be gay, the same way that middle aged men don't choose to be attracted to little boys and people don't choose to be sexually attracted to farm animals. It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes.
Too bad those last two examples do not involve two consenting parties, hence they are classified as sexual abuse. We're talking marriagebetween to consenting parties, not child molestation. The fact that you bring that up demonstrates sheer ignorance or homophobia.

And "human development?" What? Who cares, "gayness" is not going to magically spread if gay marriage is legalized.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.
Do people think before they post?

Who the hell would choose to be gay? And who still thinks that's how it happens?
Good question, yeah I thought before I posted. I thought hard. How about this, people don't choose to be gay, the same way that middle aged men don't choose to be attracted to little boys and people don't choose to be sexually attracted to farm animals. It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes.
Too bad those last two examples do not involve two consenting parties, hence they are classified as sexual abuse. We're talking marriage between to consenting parties, not child molestation. The fact that you bring that up demonstrates sheer ignorance or homophobia.

And "human development?" What? Who cares, "gayness" is not going to magically spread if gay marriage is legalized.
I'm not talking about marriage here, I'm talking about the attraction between a human and another being, human or not and whether peopleare born with that attraction or not, which is the basis of the argument for and against gay marriage. Follow me, you're all over the place.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.
Do people think before they post?

Who the hell would choose to be gay? And who still thinks that's how it happens?
Good question, yeah I thought before I posted. I thought hard. How about this, people don't choose to be gay, the same way that middle aged men don't choose to be attracted to little boys and people don't choose to be sexually attracted to farm animals. It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes.
Too bad those last two examples do not involve two consenting parties, hence they are classified as sexual abuse. We're talking marriage between to consenting parties, not child molestation. The fact that you bring that up demonstrates sheer ignorance or homophobia.

And "human development?" What? Who cares, "gayness" is not going to magically spread if gay marriage is legalized.
I'm not talking about marriage here, I'm talking about the attraction between a human and another being, human or not and whether people are born with that attraction or not, which is the basis of the argument for and against gay marriage. Follow me, you're all over the place.


You compared homosexuality with beastiality and child molestation, a terrible analogy at best. There's nothing comparable about those. As I said already,one is between to consenting adults, the other two are sexual abuse.

There's nothing left to say about that.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.
Do people think before they post?

Who the hell would choose to be gay? And who still thinks that's how it happens?
Good question, yeah I thought before I posted. I thought hard. How about this, people don't choose to be gay, the same way that middle aged men don't choose to be attracted to little boys and people don't choose to be sexually attracted to farm animals. It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes.
Too bad those last two examples do not involve two consenting parties, hence they are classified as sexual abuse. We're talking marriage between to consenting parties, not child molestation. The fact that you bring that up demonstrates sheer ignorance or homophobia.

And "human development?" What? Who cares, "gayness" is not going to magically spread if gay marriage is legalized.
I'm not talking about marriage here, I'm talking about the attraction between a human and another being, human or not and whether people are born with that attraction or not, which is the basis of the argument for and against gay marriage. Follow me, you're all over the place.
says the man bringing pedophilia and bestiality into the conversation
My friend of 3 years just made the choice to be gay. Well Bi. It seems more like a craving for attention then what he actually wants. He has never really hadmuch luck with the females so that could also be a contributing factor for him. Its a long long story that I'm still getting details on. But yeah Heofficially came out last week.

Still not a choice? For some at least?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

My friend of 3 years just made the choice to be gay. Well Bi. It seems more like a craving for attention then what he actually wants. He has never really had much luck with the females so that could also be a contributing factor for him. Its a long long story that I'm still getting details on. But yeah He officially came out last week.

Still not a choice? For some at least?
craving for attention means he's not actually gay. he's just pathetic. sorry.

theres a difference between actually being attracted to a sex and just doing it for attention.

girls that kiss each other at the club to get attention from guys, gay? no...they're just attention *##%@+. and god bless em
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by RKO2004

My friend of 3 years just made the choice to be gay. Well Bi. It seems more like a craving for attention then what he actually wants. He has never really had much luck with the females so that could also be a contributing factor for him. Its a long long story that I'm still getting details on. But yeah He officially came out last week.

Still not a choice? For some at least?
craving for attention means he's not actually gay. he's just pathetic. sorry.

theres a difference between actually being attracted to a sex and just doing it for attention.

girls that kiss each other at the club to get attention from guys, gay? no...they're just attention *##%@+. and god bless em

OK. I got more questions though. If a dude has sex with men in jail/prison because there aren't any females in sight but when He gets out, He'sstraight. What would you define that as?

Or if a guy gets turned out and He starts rolling that way because He wants to? How would you define that?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by RKO2004

My friend of 3 years just made the choice to be gay. Well Bi. It seems more like a craving for attention then what he actually wants. He has never really had much luck with the females so that could also be a contributing factor for him. Its a long long story that I'm still getting details on. But yeah He officially came out last week.

Still not a choice? For some at least?
craving for attention means he's not actually gay. he's just pathetic. sorry.

theres a difference between actually being attracted to a sex and just doing it for attention.

girls that kiss each other at the club to get attention from guys, gay? no...they're just attention *##%@+. and god bless em

OK. I got more questions though. If a dude has sex with men in jail/prison because there aren't any females in sight but when He gets out, He's straight. What would you define that as?

Or if a guy gets turned out and He starts rolling that way because He wants to? How would you define that?
it's about who you're actually attracted to. if you're attracted to the same sex, you're gay. if you're attracted to theopposite sex, you're straight. if you're attracted to both, you're bi i guess. it's about attraction, and attraction is something you can'tcontrol. same way some dudes like skinny girls, others like thick girls, and yet others like whales. you can't help what you're attracted to.

as far as your actions, you can choose. you can have sex with someone you're not attracted to (i assume that's what happens in jail)...doesn'treally mean anything regarding one's actual sexuality tho.
This thread is halirous everytime we have it. Its always filled with IDIOTS, People for, People against,reglious and the people who parrot others.

Why cant we just let live?

Discrimination is the same no matter what the case just not as bad in some
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Wait a minute. You do know that the PEOPLE have the power in this Republic, right? The people have the right to vote to repeal anything.
um no people do not have absolute power in our government The average citizen isn't informed or most intelligent enough to make some incredibly important decisions. Call me an elitist if you want but most of the people in thread prove my point.

if it was up to a vote by the people there will still be segregation...... that's the real irony of black people voting yes on prop 8. What ended segregation? a democratic VOTE? or the supreme court!

Im sure if M16 had his way there would be a seperate country for them.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.
Do people think before they post?

Who the hell would choose to be gay? And who still thinks that's how it happens?
Good question, yeah I thought before I posted. I thought hard. How about this, people don't choose to be gay, the same way that middle aged men don't choose to be attracted to little boys and people don't choose to be sexually attracted to farm animals. It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes.
Too bad those last two examples do not involve two consenting parties, hence they are classified as sexual abuse. We're talking marriage between to consenting parties, not child molestation. The fact that you bring that up demonstrates sheer ignorance or homophobia.

And "human development?" What? Who cares, "gayness" is not going to magically spread if gay marriage is legalized.
I'm not talking about marriage here, I'm talking about the attraction between a human and another being, human or not and whether people are born with that attraction or not, which is the basis of the argument for and against gay marriage. Follow me, you're all over the place.

"It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and thenatural process of human development, yes. "
I think you are a confused person. How can you say science has proved people aren't born gay and say sometimes it's not a choice?
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.
Do people think before they post?

Who the hell would choose to be gay? And who still thinks that's how it happens?
Good question, yeah I thought before I posted. I thought hard. How about this, people don't choose to be gay, the same way that middle aged men don't choose to be attracted to little boys and people don't choose to be sexually attracted to farm animals. It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes.
Too bad those last two examples do not involve two consenting parties, hence they are classified as sexual abuse. We're talking marriage between to consenting parties, not child molestation. The fact that you bring that up demonstrates sheer ignorance or homophobia.

And "human development?" What? Who cares, "gayness" is not going to magically spread if gay marriage is legalized.
I'm not talking about marriage here, I'm talking about the attraction between a human and another being, human or not and whether people are born with that attraction or not, which is the basis of the argument for and against gay marriage. Follow me, you're all over the place.

"It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes. "
I think you are a confused person. How can you say science has proved people aren't born gay and say sometimes it's not a choice?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

My friend of 3 years just made the choice to be gay. Well Bi. It seems more like a craving for attention then what he actually wants. He has never really had much luck with the females so that could also be a contributing factor for him. Its a long long story that I'm still getting details on. But yeah He officially came out last week.

Still not a choice? For some at least?

Are you sure he isn't just coming out of the closet? With such accepting friends as yourself, are you really that surprised that someone would just now becoming out of the closet? "Hmmm....I am am outspoken PETA activist. I just now learned that my friend is a hunter. WEIRD!"
Originally Posted by M16

With all the "ayo" "pause" "nh" I see on NT I'm surprised how 98% of NT has become die hard gay rights activists in this thread.

Just because NT is homophobic does not mean NT is ******ed.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Not this again.

Being gay is not accepted in the Black and Latino community.
Why is that notion accepted?

You can disagree with someone's lifestyle choice, but that does not mean you can hold back their civil liberties.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.
Do people think before they post?

Who the hell would choose to be gay? And who still thinks that's how it happens?
Good question, yeah I thought before I posted. I thought hard. How about this, people don't choose to be gay, the same way that middle aged men don't choose to be attracted to little boys and people don't choose to be sexually attracted to farm animals. It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes.

Well it has also been scientifically proven that you are born with it in others studies. There is no definitive answer to it. But considering that animalsexibit homosexual practice and behavior also it looks as if it is not so much that homosexual humans are just choosing to be gay.
Originally Posted by kash55

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Not this again.

Being gay is not accepted in the Black and Latino community.
Why is that notion accepted?

You can disagree with someone's lifestyle choice, but that does not mean you can hold back their civil liberties.

And what about the gay black community?...Which the gay community could care less about apparently.
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

"It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes. "
I think you are a confused person. How can you say science has proved people aren't born gay and say sometimes it's not a choice?

How can being gay be scientifically proven?

If you argue Nature v. Nurture I have a scenario for people...

My girlfriends brother is gay, their father and mother are Evangelical pastors and both are Puerto Rican. They have 2 other siblings and obviously they grew upin the church where homosexuality is an "abomination". From the evidence I just presented, he sure as hell wasn't nurtured to be gay. What'sthe other option? Yeah, nature. So what is the diagnoses?
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

"It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes. "
I think you are a confused person. How can you say science has proved people aren't born gay and say sometimes it's not a choice?

How can being gay be scientifically proven?

If you argue Nature v. Nurture I have a scenario for people...

My girlfriends brother is gay, their father and mother are Evangelical pastors and both are Puerto Rican. They have 2 other siblings and obviously they grew up in the church where homosexuality is an "abomination". From the evidence I just presented, he sure as hell wasn't nurtured to be gay. What's the other option? Yeah, nature. So what is the diagnoses?

i would argue he rebelled against what he grew up with...maybe not a conscious, overt rebellion but maybe something inside him drew him down a path differentthan what he was always around. That's a natural thing that happens with many people especially young people

This thread is rich with ignorance. If the ignorance in here was money, Bill Gates would be my butler.

Thanks General Forum, you never fail me.
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

"It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes. "
I think you are a confused person. How can you say science has proved people aren't born gay and say sometimes it's not a choice?

How can being gay be scientifically proven?

If you argue Nature v. Nurture I have a scenario for people...

My girlfriends brother is gay, their father and mother are Evangelical pastors and both are Puerto Rican. They have 2 other siblings and obviously they grew up in the church where homosexuality is an "abomination". From the evidence I just presented, he sure as hell wasn't nurtured to be gay. What's the other option? Yeah, nature. So what is the diagnoses?

i would argue he rebelled against what he grew up with...maybe not a conscious, overt rebellion but maybe something inside him drew him down a path different than what he was always around. That's a natural thing that happens with many people especially young people

I see your point. Can you say that homosexuality is reversible then?
let me ask this...

for the gay marriage supporters: would your opinion on homosexuality and their rights change if homosexuality was proven to be a choice?

for those in opposition to gay marriage: would your opinion on homosexuality and their rights change if homosexuality was proven to be genetic?

Me? nope.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

let me ask this...

for the gay marriage supporters: would your opinion on homosexuality and their rights change if homosexuality was proven to be a choice?

for those in opposition to gay marriage: would your opinion on homosexuality and their rights change if homosexuality was proven to be genetic?

Me? nope.

I oppose gay marriage and I know for a fact one is born gay.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

"It has been scientifically proven that people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes. "
I think you are a confused person. How can you say science has proved people aren't born gay and say sometimes it's not a choice?

How can being gay be scientifically proven?

If you argue Nature v. Nurture I have a scenario for people...

My girlfriends brother is gay, their father and mother are Evangelical pastors and both are Puerto Rican. They have 2 other siblings and obviously they grew up in the church where homosexuality is an "abomination". From the evidence I just presented, he sure as hell wasn't nurtured to be gay. What's the other option? Yeah, nature. So what is the diagnoses?

i would argue he rebelled against what he grew up with...maybe not a conscious, overt rebellion but maybe something inside him drew him down a path different than what he was always around. That's a natural thing that happens with many people especially young people

I see your point. Can you say that homosexuality is reversible then?
Hmmm....sticky subject I think.... The faithful say it is reversible just as you can convert a sinner away from their sinful ways (
). Those who believe that homosexuality isn't a choice will say that itisn't in need of being reversed and can't be. If the masses of moronic homophobes can't change your sexuality, what makes you think a 'ScaredStraight' camp can?
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