IRONY at its BEST.. vol. blacks and gay marraige. + digg!

I really dont see how people can deny that the natural blueprint of all animals alike is Male with Female.
If people are born gay then what will happen if that becomes the most popular preference?
O'course we have sperm banks but mankind wasnt built of that privilige.
Also the {} is the place where the body sends to dipsense of all toxins. I doubt the genetalia is meant to insert there.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DubA169

all of you arguing over gay marrige don't even understand the underlying problem with prop 8

a majority took a vote to take rights away from a minority. Gay marriage was already on the books in cali. Then a vote was taken and rights were taken away. That's what we should be worried about.

Wait a minute. You do know that the PEOPLE have the power in this Republic, right? The people have the right to vote to repeal anything.
taking away rights based on sexual orientation? to me that's not different than taking away rights based on race....ohhhh it's different right, because people cant choose their race but they can choose their sexual orientation...riiiiiiiiiiiiight

MARRIAGE IS NOT A RIGHT! Do yall know what INALIENABLE RIGHTS are? It has NOTHING to do with marriage.

Show me how marriage is a right? Have yall ever read the Constitution or do you just want to add things to it as you go? Heterosexual marriage isn't a right either.

Hell, lets take away the right to marry from the heteros then.
Looking at the divorce rate in this country it shouldnt be a big deal now should it?
I mean with it not being an inalienable right an all..
Originally Posted by THE FAME

I really dont see how people can deny that the natural blueprint of all animals alike is Male with Female.
If people are born gay then what will happen if that becomes the most popular preference?
O'course we have sperm banks but mankind wasnt built of that privilige.
Also the {} is the place where the body sends to dipsense of all toxins. I doubt the genetalia is meant to insert there.
then we would die out....IF it indeed in hidden somewhere in DNA, it's a mutation, one that if it were to become prevalent in the majority ofhumans one day way down the road may lead us to extinction. do i think that's going to happen? no. i'm just saying. in the grand scheme of life onearth, mutations like that cause some species to die out, and others to live on.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

yeah but taking away the ability to get married and some of the benefits associated with marriage hinders their right to the pursuit of happiness...i THINK that's the argument many are making for them.

To pursue happiness is based on Individual Rights, not Group Rights and Group Rights doesn't necessarily mean Human Rights. There is a very big difference.

Hell, lets take away the right to marry from the heteros then.
Looking at the divorce rate in this country it shouldnt be a big deal now should it?
I mean with it not being an inalienable right an all..

Write you Governor, bro. Be my guest.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

yeah but taking away the ability to get married and some of the benefits associated with marriage hinders their right to the pursuit of happiness...i THINK that's the argument many are making for them.

To pursue happiness is based on Individual Rights, not Group Rights and Group Rights doesn't necessarily mean Human Rights. There is a very big difference.
can you just elaborate a bit? im just not following what you mean...
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

yeah but taking away the ability to get married and some of the benefits associated with marriage hinders their right to the pursuit of happiness...i THINK that's the argument many are making for them.

To pursue happiness is based on Individual Rights, not Group Rights and Group Rights doesn't necessarily mean Human Rights. There is a very big difference.
can you just elaborate a bit? im just not following what you mean...

Ok. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is based on Natural Law and inalienable rights. These principles mean that everyone has Individual Rights andthe citizens are free men. Natural Rights arent based on laws, they are endowed by their creator and are universal.

Homosexuals are a group of people and they want specific Group Rights, our constitution wasnt based on that. Blacks in this country were being denied thereuniversal Natural Rights, it is a completely different situation and should never be confused. That is why I never liked the fact that people said MLK wasfighting for Civil Rights, it wasnt about Civil Rights, it was about their universal rights that they were being discriminated agaisnt.

Civil Rights = Legal Rights and are pretty much I guess you can say "morally relative" to cultral and politics.
I don't think ppl are born gay, but I do think blacks protesting gay rights is the most asinine idea since Jews for Jesus...
yeah but taking away the ability to get married and some of the benefits associated with marriage hinders their right to the pursuit of happiness...i THINK that's the argument many are making for them.
And what are these benefits? All this whining and crying about Gays not being able to be married legally because they are taking away all thesebenefits.. well please explain what these benefits are?

Because in my state of California... they provide gays the same rights as hetero based on the Domestic Partnership Law

As of 2007, California affords domestic partnerships most of the same rights and responsibilities as marriages under state law (Cal. Fam. Code §297.5). Among these:
  • Making health care decisions for each other in certain circumstances
  • Hospital and jail visitation rights that were previously reserved for family members related by blood, adoption or marriage to the sick, injured or incarcerated person.
  • Access to family health insurance plans (Cal. Ins. Code §10121.7)
  • Spousal insurance policies (auto, life, homeowners etc..), this applies to all forms of insurance through the California Insurance Equality Act (Cal. Ins. Code §381.5)
  • Sick care and similar family leave
  • Stepparent adoption procedures
  • Presumption that both members of the partnership are the parents of a child born into the partnership
  • Suing for wrongful death of a domestic partner
  • Rights involving wills, intestate succession, conservatorships and trusts
  • The same property tax provisions otherwise available only to married couples (Cal. R&T Code §62p)
  • Access to some survivor pension benefits
  • Supervision of the Superior Court of California over dissolution and nullity proceedings
  • The obligation to file state tax returns as a married couple (260k) commencing with the 2007 tax year (Cal R&T Code §18521d)
  • The right for either partner to take the other partner's surname after registration
  • Community property rights and responsibilities previously only available to married spouses
  • The right to request partner support (alimony) upon dissolution of the partnership (divorce)
Gay isn't a race. Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.

Me being black wasn't.

Have sex with whoever you want to have sex with man on man, man on woman, man on dog....

but please don't equate the gay's struggles to our struggles that we continue to face to this day.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.
Do people think before they post?

Who the hell would choose to be gay? And who still thinks that's how it happens?
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.
Do people think before they post?

Who the hell would choose to be gay? And who still thinks that's how it happens?
Well there are plenty of females pretending to be lesbians aren't there? I know a few girls that are like that just because its the"in" thing to do... but I know damn well those chicks still be wanting that penis.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Gay isn't a race. Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.

Me being black wasn't.

Have sex with whoever you want to have sex with man on man, man on woman, man on dog....

but please don't equate the gay's struggles to our struggles that we continue to face to this day.
Nobody is saying that the struggles are equal. The civil rights struggle was a million times worse. You areacting like just because black people went through a tougher time than gays, gays don't deserve to seek chance in our current policy. Up until the 60'sblack people weren't allowed to marry in some states, gays want to make that same change to marriage, it isn't a big deal. Just because they didn'thave to go through the same struggle doesn't mean they don't deserve change.

.....So just because being gay isn't a race it makes it a choice? You are a complete andutter moron if you live in 2009 and still believe this. Does a person just decide to be discriminated by his peers? Does a person just decide to disappointhis/her family by being gay? Go ask a gay person if it is a lifestyle choiceand a they will tell you NO. But you're the expert here huh? You don't have to take the word of the actual gay community.
With all the "ayo" "pause" "nh" I see on NT I'm surprised how 98% of NT has become die hard gay rights activists in thisthread.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

yeah but taking away the ability to get married and some of the benefits associated with marriage hinders their right to the pursuit of happiness...i THINK that's the argument many are making for them.
And what are these benefits? All this whining and crying about Gays not being able to be married legally because they are taking away all these benefits.. well please explain what these benefits are?

Because in my state of California... they provide gays the same rights as hetero based on the Domestic Partnership Law

As of 2007, California affords domestic partnerships most of the same rights and responsibilities as marriages under state law (Cal. Fam. Code §297.5). Among these:
  • Making health care decisions for each other in certain circumstances
  • Hospital and jail visitation rights that were previously reserved for family members related by blood, adoption or marriage to the sick, injured or incarcerated person.
  • Access to family health insurance plans (Cal. Ins. Code §10121.7)
  • Spousal insurance policies (auto, life, homeowners etc..), this applies to all forms of insurance through the California Insurance Equality Act (Cal. Ins. Code §381.5)
  • Sick care and similar family leave
  • Stepparent adoption procedures
  • Presumption that both members of the partnership are the parents of a child born into the partnership
  • Suing for wrongful death of a domestic partner
  • Rights involving wills, intestate succession, conservatorships and trusts
  • The same property tax provisions otherwise available only to married couples (Cal. R&T Code §62p)
  • Access to some survivor pension benefits
  • Supervision of the Superior Court of California over dissolution and nullity proceedings
  • The obligation to file state tax returns as a married couple (260k) commencing with the 2007 tax year (Cal R&T Code §18521d)
  • The right for either partner to take the other partner's surname after registration
  • Community property rights and responsibilities previously only available to married spouses
  • The right to request partner support (alimony) upon dissolution of the partnership (divorce)

it says most, not all
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DubA169

all of you arguing over gay marrige don't even understand the underlying problem with prop 8

a majority took a vote to take rights away from a minority. Gay marriage was already on the books in cali. Then a vote was taken and rights were taken away. That's what we should be worried about.

Wait a minute. You do know that the PEOPLE have the power in this Republic, right? The people have the right to vote to repeal anything.
um no people do not have absolute power in our governmentThe average citizen isn't informed or most intelligent enough to make some incredibly important decisions. Call me an elitist if you want but most of thepeople in thread prove my point.

if it was up to a vote by the people there will still be segregation...... that's the realirony of black people voting yes on prop 8. What ended segregation? a democratic VOTE? or the supreme court!
^ bruh I dont know if its a choice or not but I know plenty females who are gay recreational purposes.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Gay isn't a race. Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.

Me being black wasn't.

Have sex with whoever you want to have sex with man on man, man on woman, man on dog....

but please don't equate the gay's struggles to our struggles that we continue to face to this day.
No one in this thread has said that both struggles are equal. Similar, sure, but not equal.

Homosexuality is not a lifestyle; it's a sexual orientation.

The bottom line is that discrimination is discrimination, whether it be because of race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or class. No discrimination is moreimportant than any other.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

yeah but taking away the ability to get married and some of the benefits associated with marriage hinders their right to the pursuit of happiness...i THINK that's the argument many are making for them.

To pursue happiness is based on Individual Rights, not Group Rights and Group Rights doesn't necessarily mean Human Rights. There is a very big difference.
can you just elaborate a bit? im just not following what you mean...

Ok. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is based on Natural Law and inalienable rights. These principles mean that everyone has Individual Rights and the citizens are free men. Natural Rights arent based on laws, they are endowed by their creator and are universal.

Homosexuals are a group of people and they want specific Group Rights, our constitution wasnt based on that. Blacks in this country were being denied there universal Natural Rights, it is a completely different situation and should never be confused. That is why I never liked the fact that people said MLK was fighting for Civil Rights, it wasnt about Civil Rights, it was about their universal rights that they were being discriminated agaisnt.

Civil Rights = Legal Rights and are pretty much I guess you can say "morally relative" to cultral and politics.
oh i see what you're getting at, i mis-read your original post so thats why i was lost a bit i think.

so you're basically saying that marriage is a legal right, not a natural right, correct? i can agree with that part, but i still don't see how you denypeople any type of rights based on sexual orientation. you wanna strip legal rights from people, start with criminals and pedophiles and rapists...not with gaypeople. do it to people who actually hurt others.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Why do people in here keep saying how blacks suffered more, faced more discrimination, etc.?

For one, who cares? Because blacks suffered more, gays somehow aren't struggling?

How does this minimize the fact that gays are being marginalized and treated unfairly?

Your lack of sense is astounding.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DubA169

all of you arguing over gay marrige don't even understand the underlying problem with prop 8

a majority took a vote to take rights away from a minority. Gay marriage was already on the books in cali. Then a vote was taken and rights were taken away. That's what we should be worried about.

Wait a minute. You do know that the PEOPLE have the power in this Republic, right? The people have the right to vote to repeal anything.
um no people do not have absolute power in our government The average citizen isn't informed or most intelligent enough to make some incredibly important decisions. Call me an elitist if you want but most of the people in thread prove my point.

if it was up to a vote by the people there will still be segregation...... that's the real irony of black people voting yes on prop 8. What ended segregation? a democratic VOTE? or the supreme court!


so you're basically saying that marriage is a legal right, not a natural right, correct? i can agree with that part, but i still don't see how you deny people any type of rights based on sexual orientation. you wanna strip legal rights from people, start with criminals and pedophiles and rapists...not with gay people. do it to people who actually hurt others.

Correct. It's up to the state level in my opinion. I'm not for or against gays being married, I really don't care, it doesn't effect medirectly. Heterosexual marriage should be up for a vote also, but it goes back to me talking about Legal Rights where I said they are mostly"relative" to cultural and politics. Why is heterosexual marriage so universal and legal? Because of our religious cultural of the country that it isjust assumed. For a long time being homosexual was so "taboo" and now people are starting to open up about more and more. I do think that more stateswill make it legal down the road, but hopefully it will be the peoples decision.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

so you're basically saying that marriage is a legal right, not a natural right, correct? i can agree with that part, but i still don't see how you deny people any type of rights based on sexual orientation. you wanna strip legal rights from people, start with criminals and pedophiles and rapists...not with gay people. do it to people who actually hurt others.

Correct. It's up to the state level in my opinion. I'm not for or against gays being married, I really don't care, it doesn't effect me directly. Heterosexual marriage should be up for a vote also, but it goes back to me talking about Legal Rights where I said they are mostly "relative" to cultural and politics. Why is heterosexual marriage so universal and legal? Because of our religious cultural of the country that it is just assumed. For a long time being homosexual was so "taboo" and now people are starting to open up about more and more. I do think that more states will make it legal down the road, but hopefully it will be the peoples decision.

gotcha man
Originally Posted by M16

With all the "ayo" "pause" "nh" I see on NT I'm surprised how 98% of NT has become die hard gay rights activists in this thread.
Because we know how to separate being funny from serious.
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Originally Posted by marath0n

Gay isn't a race. Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.

Me being black wasn't.

Have sex with whoever you want to have sex with man on man, man on woman, man on dog....

but please don't equate the gay's struggles to our struggles that we continue to face to this day.
Nobody is saying that the struggles are equal. The civil rights struggle was a million times worse. You are acting like just because black people went through a tougher time than gays, gays don't deserve to seek chance in our current policy. Up until the 60's black people weren't allowed to marry in some states, gays want to make that same change to marriage, it isn't a big deal. Just because they didn't have to go through the same struggle doesn't mean they don't deserve change.

.....So just because being gay isn't a race it makes it a choice? You are a complete and utter moron if you live in 2009 and still believe this. Does a person just decide to be discriminated by his peers? Does a person just decide to disappoint his/her family by being gay? Go ask a gay person if it is a lifestyle choice and a they will tell you NO. But you're the expert here huh? You don't have to take the word of the actual gay community.
No, not at all. I just have a problem with people who think that black people are hypocrites if we speak out about homosexuality as if theyexperienced the same thing we did. There's a difference.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DubA169

all of you arguing over gay marrige don't even understand the underlying problem with prop 8

a majority took a vote to take rights away from a minority. Gay marriage was already on the books in cali. Then a vote was taken and rights were taken away. That's what we should be worried about.

Wait a minute. You do know that the PEOPLE have the power in this Republic, right? The people have the right to vote to repeal anything.
um no people do not have absolute power in our government The average citizen isn't informed or most intelligent enough to make some incredibly important decisions. Call me an elitist if you want but most of the people in thread prove my point.

if it was up to a vote by the people there will still be segregation...... that's the real irony of black people voting yes on prop 8. What ended segregation? a democratic VOTE? or the supreme court!


you're missing my point.

Marriage was on the book in cali at the time. People got together and voted to take those rights away. That sets a horrible precedence. Is it okay if peoplegot together and voted that blacks shouldn't be allowed to marry whites anymore? (there were laws on the book against that in certain states). A majorityof people voted to take something way that was already given to a minority. THAT is unconstitutional. i'm not only arguing about gay marraige, I'marguing that prop 8 is legally wrong anyway.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by marath0n

Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.
Do people think before they post?

Who the hell would choose to be gay? And who still thinks that's how it happens?
Good question, yeah I thought before I posted. I thought hard. How about this, people don't choose to be gay, the same way that middle agedmen don't choose to be attracted to little boys and people don't choose to be sexually attracted to farm animals. It has been scientifically proventhat people aren't born gay. Is it a choice, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Is it out of order and the natural process of human development, yes.

Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Originally Posted by marath0n

Gay isn't a race. Homosexuality is a lifestyle/personal choice.

Me being black wasn't.

Have sex with whoever you want to have sex with man on man, man on woman, man on dog....

but please don't equate the gay's struggles to our struggles that we continue to face to this day.
No one in this thread has said that both struggles are equal. Similar, sure, but not equal.

Homosexuality is not a lifestyle; it's a sexual orientation.

The bottom line is that discrimination is discrimination, whether it be because of race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or class. No discrimination is more important than any other.
No it's not even similar. The fact that those black children holding those signs are being trashed because they support prop 8 immediatelycompare's the struggles of homosexuals to the struggles of blacks, when there really is no comparison. It seriously minimizes the struggles Blacks wentthrough from slavery, to the civil rights movement, to today.

Once again, I have no beef with gays, do what you want to do. Just don't pull the race card because it's a completely different situation.
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