Is Carmelo Anthony Still Top 10? *Seriously??* 4/8/12

DC not to like harass you or anything, i get that offense isn't just scoring(even though its a very BIG part of offense) but who are you gonna take over melo in the offense category? just wondering
Originally Posted by lildisciple111

DC not to like harass you or anything, i get that offense isn't just scoring(even though its a very BIG part of offense) but who are you gonna take over melo in the offense category? just wondering

From his position. LeBron simply because he is a better creator than Melo. I value that in a player.
Durant is too damn efficient to pass up. 
Are we really it a point that Melo has tried harder on defense because D'Antoni got fired? Why didn't he try harder in the first place?
Originally Posted by PMatic

Are we really it a point that Melo has tried harder on defense because D'Antoni got fired? Why didn't he try harder in the first place?
because you're not going to try hard for someone that isn't running the game the way you think it should be run.
Originally Posted by dunnyy

Originally Posted by PMatic

Are we really it a point that Melo has tried harder on defense because D'Antoni got fired? Why didn't he try harder in the first place?
because you're not going to try hard for someone that isn't running the game the way you think it should be run.
what you just said makes no sense. he's a paid athlete getting millions representing a franchise
at the end of the day dudes in here just don't like melo
my dude had andre iguodala ahead of melo tho?

just stop it
Originally Posted by dunnyy

Originally Posted by PMatic

Are we really it a point that Melo has tried harder on defense because D'Antoni got fired? Why didn't he try harder in the first place?
because you're not going to try hard for someone that isn't running the game the way you think it should be run.

There are 18.5 million reasons why that's absurd.
Originally Posted by PMatic

Are we really it a point that Melo has tried harder on defense because D'Antoni got fired? Why didn't he try harder in the first place?

If you work at a company and the boss doesn't hold you accountable, doesn't communicate, and relegates you to a role you aren't accustomed to... There is a good chance that you will slack offHonestly that's how I see it. Unfortunately to most of these players, it's just a job. A great job? A job they enjoy? Sure. But they are still flawed and not everyone can be obsessive Kobe style.
yeah because players don't perform better for coaches they respect
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by PMatic

Are we really it a point that Melo has tried harder on defense because D'Antoni got fired? Why didn't he try harder in the first place?

If you work at a company and the boss doesn't hold you accountable, doesn't communicate, and relegates you to a role you aren't accustomed to... There is a good chance that you will slack offHonestly that's how I see it. Unfortunately to most of these players, it's just a job. A great job? A job they enjoy? Sure. But they are still flawed and not everyone can be obsessive Kobe style.
So what's the excuse for his time in Denver? This is the best stretch of his career on the defensive end and it's 2 weeks. So instead of 2 weeks being a better sample size than just the past 2 mediocre years, these 2 weeks are now better than the past 7 and half years. Orange-and-blue colored glasses are sold out, I surmise. 


Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by tyisny

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Exactly! He's top 10 in only a small fraction of the game. So if we did a weighted average, he wouldn't be top 10. We are finally getting to the point.

You have got to be the first person ive ever saw on NT who manages to be a grade A troll in every forum.
Can you point out the other instances? I only post in 3 forums so show me where I have trolled in Music and General. I'm actually pretty interested in what you find. And I of course disagree that I troll in this forum. I think those who post statements like "Carmelo Anthony constantly got his team to the 2nd round" are the trolls. But that's just me. 

Where  are you? Look at this coward libel me and then hide when I ask why. 
Paul Pierce wasn't a good defender until the other guys got there, lots of guys have become better defenders later in their career. Defensive is mainly an effort thing.
Maybe Carmelo is starting to mature a little? His D has actually been good all season, its just being emphasized more now cause we have a coach who gives a rats #+@ on that end.

Is he top 10 as a regular season player? Certainly not...But when it comes to a playoff series? Only a handful of guys in the league teams would rather not have to see.
How did you read that as an excuse?

He's unprofessional. But that's the situation. It happens in thousands of offices everywhere. The boss didn't motivate the employee. Dantoni ran a relaxed team with no defense nessesary. Melo reflected that. I barely watched him in Denver I'm not gonna speak on what he did there.

But you guys are somehow amazed that he didn't play defense for dantoni? Why? Melo is lazy. Woodson got in that %@@ and so did the fans and media. Now we see a change. Some people need to be yelled at. Now I wanna see if it sticks.
But he's been out of the first round once. Look at his WS/48 in the playoffs. He's posted a NEGATIVE WS/48 twice. He's only had 1 elite playoff run which was in 08-09 and last year was alright. Yes just alright. He shot 37.5% from the field. 37.5%.

Why is no one posting any evidence?
edit: If it's not an excuse, then why aren't you criticizing him for it? You're just stating it as if that means nothing. 
D'Antoni, Amare, Lin..were all gone...this turned into put up or shut up time - and was probably enough to get this stretch out of him.

To go along with his, Mike Woodson isn't a savior summoned by the basketball gods to bring his riches to New York City. A (talented) team reacted to a coaching change in what has been a short spurt - we've seen this story before at multiple levels/leagues. Let's allow for some time to make a judgement on all things Knicks. And in hindsight, I can admit Melo was probably given a raw deal this season in regards to overreactions. 
It's just a fact. It doesn't matter if I'm mad or not. I understand we got a flawed player. I don't have control over it. If it takes Woodson for him to play defense I don't care. As long as he's playing defense moving forward I'm content.

Flaws and all he's the best player we've had since Ewing. Tyson and shump are excellent defensive players to surround him with. I wanna take time and see what happens
Originally Posted by DubA169

It's just a fact. It doesn't matter if I'm mad or not. I understand we got a flawed player. I don't have control over it. If it takes Woodson for him to play defense I don't care. As long as he's playing defense moving forward I'm content.

Flaws and all he's the best player we've had since Ewing. Tyson and shump are excellent defensive players to surround him with. I wanna take time and see what happens
See this is what I don't understand. For the past 2 years, Tyson Chandler has been better than Carmelo Anthony. Chandler is far more valuable to this Knicks team than Anthony. I wholeheartedly believe this. 
There's just a fundamental misunderstanding of the game of basketball and it stems partly from this obsession over PPG. That stat is meaningless without context. The point of basketball isn't to score. It's to win.
Tyson is my favorite current Knick but melo is better. Tyson is the leader, melo is more talented.

How do you not see that?

You can't build a team around Tyson. He can't be your first or second option.

You can't run an offense through Tyson freaking chandler. Things getting stagnant, down 6, 3 minutes left you don't go to Tyson to bail you out. I don't know why you think Knicks fans don't appreciate Tyson. Go look at the thread during the bulls game. Many of us said the season was over when Tyson went down.
Offense, offense, offense.... what about DEFENSE and REBOUNDING? What about hustle? What about taking good shots? There are at least 50 players in the NBA who are capable of averaging 20 a game if a team gave them the shots. How many can shut down Dwight Howard three times in one season? 
Melo has always been a solid rebounder, so if you want to get on his defense that is fine.

But right now he is playing as good as it gets from a player of his caliber, and add the excellent passing as well. He is doing everything rather well right now, and I hope it continues the rest of the way for the playoff push.
Excellent passing? Where are you guys getting this? His assist rate is below average for his position and has been for much of his career. Oh, I forgot, 2 weeks is all we are talking about.
Zach Randolph was a terrible, lazy, immature player. He grew out of it or changed. It happens.

Paul pierce had a terrible reputation right?

Things change fast. If the Knicks put it together perception can change. So yeah even if Tyson is the anchor and leader melo is gonna be perceived differently if the team has success.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Excellent passing? Where are you guys getting this? His assist rate is below average for his position and has been for much of his career. Oh, I forgot, 2 weeks is all we are talking about.
Melo has always been an excellent passer, even since his days in Denver, but I'm pretty sure you never followed him back then or watched many Denver games. Sounds like you're just regurgitating what ESPN articles love to say about selfish Melo. His assists rate is below average for the small forward position really? Why don't YOU look it up before you make these statements. Carmelo has been top 10 in assists per game for his position almost every year he's been in the league. That probably surprises you  though because it contradicts what you've read about him. Try watching him play for a change before you make all these assumptions
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