Is Chick-fil-A THAT good?

I remember there was a discussion in here if we ever went to CFA at night time :lol:. Before yesterday I had never been after dark, went at like 9 yesterday, got to my boys house and they forgot his sandwich :smh: I didn’t even check when I picked up the food

I pulled up at like 9 like damn I’m really out here cuz :nerd::nerd:

I can’t really mess with dairy anymore but I might have to try that peach shake, it sounds good
I'm there breakfast, lunch for dinner. It's usually better for dinner. Chicken is crispier.
My chick fil a has all the sauces on the outside with napkins and straws.
Y’all ruined it for urselfs
Taking sauces home.
Cheap fools
My chick fil a has all the sauces on the outside with napkins and straws.
Y’all ruined it for urselfs
Taking sauces home.
Cheap fools

The hood stay hood for a reason! I know a few Star Bucks that have napkins behind the counter and the creamer &* sugar are on a chain!

Chic-filet is DELICIOUS but I am older now so I can't eat em :frown:
Ive been to 3 and none of them had the fancy sauces out.

They had ketchup and jelly and stuff tho.
ALOT of that stuff
I remember there was a discussion in here if we ever went to CFA at night time :lol:. Before yesterday I had never been after dark, went at like 9 yesterday, got to my boys house and they forgot his sandwich :smh: I didn’t even check when I picked up the food

I pulled up at like 9 like damn I’m really out here cuz :nerd::nerd:

I can’t really mess with dairy anymore but I might have to try that peach shake, it sounds good

Email them

They will bless you
Peach shake is their best flavor by far followed by the peppermint. That orange one they had was trash. Should have done a watermelon for the Spring

As far as breakfast goes, the GOAT is the chicken biscuit with egg and bacon added to it.
Had Chic-Fil-A last night. Definitely hit the spot!

Also helped that my local spot sent me a coupon for a free sandwich. Win!
i may hit up chic fil a after work
gonna report back
i know fries gonna be good
and lemonade
chicken sandwich gonna be dry as hell
and my cheese wont be melted
just watch
Yeah randomly got a free sandwich and fries too. And either ya'll need to learn to use the app, or stop parking in the damn curbside pick up spots.
Downloaded the app. Might have to download the mcdonalds app too. I heard it's a free medium fries every friday for the rest of 2018 if you spend $1
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