Is Dwyane Wade the 3rd best SG of all time?

It was debatable then, its debatable now. Their teams had the same records and the both ended up in the Finals.
28.7, 2.8 blocks, 12.7 rebounds vs. 31.1 pts, 2.5 steals, 4.6 assists
Realistically, Shaq couldv'e won it almost every year but guards get preference because of their ball handling and playmaking responsibilities. Both of them (and Duncan) played out of their minds that season but lets not forget that Shaq was a liability in crunch time because of his free throw shooting. Thats when Kobe had to bail him out.
Crazy how quick people are to sweep greatness under the rug.
Iverson got 93 out of the 124 MVP votes, Duncan got a far removed second place and Shaq came in third so obviously it was up for debate.

Dude Allen Iverson scored 31 points on 39% shooting. :lol:


Shaq 2001 was essentially an unstoppable force, your talking about 4.6 assists from your SG, he averaged almost 4 assists as a center, if 2001 Shaq is on my team, I don't care who you got I'm probably going to win. :smh:
Y'all know damn well if you had to pick a player to build around in '01 you'd go with Shaq.
Bubba Chuck is in here getting disrespected :smh:

Not at all, their are just as many people over-hyping him as their are downplaying him. AI was as entertaining a player as there will ever be, top 50 all-time but his style just wasn't really conducive in the long-term to championship basketball.
I feel like the failed imitations of him over time by 'undersized scoring gurads' have made people think he, himself - was not an effective player. But, the failures of those after him should if anything, increase how impressive he actually was. He has not been duplicated. I know he wasn't efficient and peak Wade may have him, but damn it if he wasn't great.
The way people talk about him now, you'd figure AI wasn't even a Top 75 player of All-Time.

Do not like how his career is being devauled over time.

never knew dwade was so highly regarded on NT genuinely surprised this has gone on so long...thought it was a no brainer dwade isnt #3...

nters live in the moment...this thread proves it.
:lol:  yeah he lost some points 

1. He didn't do it by himself. Elite coaching, elite defensive principals, elite role players. Most importantly, elite team-work.
2. It is a fallacy to say, "Iverson led his team to the finals alone when Wade didn't. So Iverson is better." Well, there are dozens of factors that play into who makes the finals and who doesn't, so it isn't as simple as you make it out to be my man. I know we love to credit one player with a team's success, but it is a team sport.
3. Wade has size over Iverson. Wade is a better defender than Iverson. After that, there really isn't much more that distinguishes these two great players.
Exactly not to mention team accolades, accomplishments etc... have to many factors that are beyond the individuals talent to use to judge say a certain player is better then another. Thats the same as saying jerry west etc... was so great. So many fctors such as level of play, competition... the style/type of play. etc... the amount of talent on his team/coaches all play attributes. If in terms of straight up skills,talents, non of those factors have anything to do with an individuals ability to play or knowledge of the game. A player with 5 rings doesnt make a player with no rings a better players, espcially when they play in different eras, different teammates, coaching, talent amongst the league etc... Accolades, stats for the most part have really much of nothing to do with a skill set or talent, outside of individual accolades. and even those have many variables... such as a player having a higher 3pt %, that could be because of the system he is in which allows him for uncontested shots, or the talent against him, defensively is subpar, or the level of talent surrounding him garners so much attention it allows said player to get open uncontested shots, or more opportunities to shoot.

Itll be like saying kerr is a better 3% then iuno, steve nash. stats will say yes... but whose to say if roles where reversed and the type of team played on and the competition. Whose to say if all nash had to do was place himself for open shots ala kerr did with the bulls he wouldnt be a high % 3point shooter and have more shot attempts and makes. Same with any other position... like a john wall, is he a bad passer/doesnt have court vision, or is it he is on a team that doesnt allow that talent he have to flourish? Whose to say he couldnt put up nash/rondo type numbers if he was in a system and had a team similiar to those guys? We dont know. But to say since the numbers dont show it therefore said player doesnt posses a certain talent?

As far as wade goes im not sure where to place him, talent wise esp... in his prime it isnt/wasnt to much in terms of talent/skill set he couldnt do. Will it show in terms of team stats/awards etc... no. But that isnt because he didnt posses the skill/talent, it has more to do with many other factors that garner him the opportunity to display those skills/talents.
Not even gonna take anything away from Wade's 06 run even though we know the story of the whistle in that Finals series. Wade still had a historic showing but don't discount Shaq's importance to that squad. In 06 they won over 70% of their regular season games with Shaq in the lineup and won less than 50% when he was missing.
Not discounting him at all, just stating the hierarchy of the team. He was integral piece & they wouldn't have gotten it done without him.

I agree with everything you said expect for the very last part. The Mavs game plan was to not let Shaq beat them. Every single game, they fronted and backed Shaq. Shaq didnt get nearly enough credit because he wasnt putting up the numbers. With that being said, in 2006 Wade > Shaq.

First 3 games, yes. Last 3, definitely not. Wade had one of the best performances in NBA finals history in G3 and was the Heat's leading scorer by more than 10 ppg. Avery took notice & shifted the focus of the D to the Heat's best player.

"He beat double-teams, and he beat triple-teams. There was no trickery there. He has a will to win. We tried a lot of different things, but he just had a desire to get it done." - Avery Johnson.

He wasn't talking about Shaq.
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Nobody is saying he isn't a hall of famer nobody is saying he isn't a great player, but you don't think it's insane to say that he as

A. The best player in the league at any point.
B. Better than Laker Shaq at any point.
I would still put Drexler up over wade.

Compare stats and the only thing D-Wade has on him is PPG and we have yet to see Wade's "Old" years.
My dude AI getting disrespected in here smh :rofl:

AI might be small but boy did he play with a big heart. Too bad for him he ran into a monster duo in 2001

I always wonder how scary would AI be if he were a little bit taller. Imagine if he were 6'4-6'6
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Jackson: Dwyane Wade Third-Best Shooting Guard Ever

In Mark Jackson's mind, Dwyane Wade is the third-best shooting guard in NBA history behind Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.

“I see a guy that I love as a basketball fan,” Jackson said before his Golden State Warriors played the Miami Heat on Wednesday night. “To me, he’s the third-best shooting guard to play the game.

“People think I’m crazy for saying that. He’s a winner. He competes. He’s an underrated passer. We all know he can score the ball. It’s a lot of fun to watch him on the basketball court.”

Jackson also has said in recent months that he believes former Indiana Pacers teammate Reggie Miller belongs in the category of the best two-guards ever.
Jackson: Dwyane Wade Third-Best Shooting Guard Ever
In Mark Jackson's mind, Dwyane Wade is the third-best shooting guard in NBA history behind Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.
“I see a guy that I love as a basketball fan,” Jackson said before his Golden State Warriors played the Miami Heat on Wednesday night. “To me, he’s the third-best shooting guard to play the game.
“People think I’m crazy for saying that. He’s a winner. He competes. He’s an underrated passer. We all know he can score the ball. It’s a lot of fun to watch him on the basketball court.”
Jackson also has said in recent months that he believes former Indiana Pacers teammate Reggie Miller belongs in the category of the best two-guards ever.

You are crazy Mark Jackson. No way he's top 3 IMO. To me DWade was/is a more athletic Mitch Richmond. Dwade never had Mitch's stroke from the outside but he could get to the rim and finish strong with Hardaway distributing and mullin draining 3's. Even in Sacramento he was a baller, but after his 10th year in the league he fell off hard. I think he was out of the league after 13 years or so...

I think Dwade will do the same thing...2013 will be Wade's 10th year and we started seeing signs of the decline last year. Unless Dwade can modify his game to fit his fading athleticism he'll be traded or out of the league in 3 to 5 more years.
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Mark disrespecting his boy Reggie, SMH.
How? He said he should be in the conversation as one of the all time great SG's. 

But Reggie is not better than any MJ, Kobe, or Wade. But as a former teammate, giving Reggie a nod was still a compliment. 
welp no wonder why we have a kobe overrated thread lol

niketalk should have like a spam/troll section lol
Shaq was better that year, but keep going.

eh, thats debatable.

The way people talk about him now, you'd figure AI wasn't even a Top 75 player of All-Time. :smh:

how fast they forget. At this rate, Wade will be a memory a year after he retires

Wade is already a memory. Looking across the court at LeBron makes it feel like dude is/was ever just a role player and sometimes really good 2nd option.
It pains my soul but overall i'd give the slight edge to Wade because hes easily a better defensive player even its its by default since AI is so short.

But offensively Iverson was a once a generation type of talent, lets not let a few% points rewrite history like Wades a better scorer than Iverson.

Iverson broke rookie scoring records going back to Wilts days, again WILT CHAMBERLAIN had a rookie scoring record broken by Iverson so dont act like he wasnt doing things we havent seen before.
Wade is already a memory. Looking across the court at LeBron makes it feel like dude is/was ever just a role player and sometimes really good 2nd option.

Dog Lebron is one of the Wade pales in comparison when he's clearly past his prime and Lebron is in his.

Where's the logic?
To me DWade was/is a more athletic Mitch Richmond. Dwade never had Mitch's stroke from the outside but he could get to the rim and finish strong with Hardaway distributing and mullin draining 3's.

Of all the players to compare him to, you use Mitch Richmond? x_x

Man Mitch's stroke (pause) is what made Mitch Richmond "Mitch Richmond"
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