Is Gatorade unhealthy?...

Yes, it is bad for you. you aren't burning enough calories, just gaining them
Originally Posted by rhester

Gatorade is very high in sodium....

Powerade is a better alternative.....
sodium is important though if you're drinking gatorade for it's intended purpose - replenishing the body after a loss of liquids andvitamins, ie - sweating.

Drinking a gatorade after a hard workout is good for recovering - but yes, drinking it casually is just as bad as soda.
Here's my take on sports or rehydration drinks.

Sports drinks such as Gatorade are good for getting you re-hydrated and energized if you are doing intense or long-duration exercise - especially if in a hotenvironment.

There are three words to take note of here: intense, duration and hot. If you are doing light exercise or doing nothing at all (couch-warming) - then Gatoradeis a big waste of money. In this situation (and arguably in any typical workout) water is perfectly adequate.

Gatorade provides sodium and potassium. If you are sweating heavily you will lose these two minerals in your sweat. However - I believe you would need to bedoing a serious amount of exercise (hours) before loss of these minerals will become a problem (this is a different story if diarrhea and vomiting areinvolved).

If you drink a whole bottle of Gatorade you are consuming about 56 grams of sugar -- this is not required in a normal sedentary lifestyle -- and in thissituation it could be considered "bad" for you.
what i don't get is why they serve powerade and gatorade at fast food restaurants...
high fructose corn syrup is bad stuff. it often contains trace amounts of mercury due to the way it's processed, it's very likely to be from at leasta portion of genetically modified corn, and it causes insulin spikes, which increase the risk of many diseases, including type 2 diabetes. soda is even worse,but unless your body is going to use the sugar and electrolytes to recover from intense exercise, lay off the sports drinks.

Originally Posted by tommykairaa

How about vitamin water?
vitamin water is sweetened with crystalline fructose, which some people argue is worse than high fructose corn syrup. each bottle has 33 grams ofsugar. another one of the sweeteners (erythritol) can give you gas or cause diarrhea.
so does everyone agree that it's perfectly fine if you're drinking it after an intense workout?
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

so does everyone agree that it's perfectly fine if you're drinking it after an intense workout?
because its kind of a give and take situation; in order to get the benefits of electrolyte replacement, one must deal with the high fructose ofGatorade. To avoid this, drinking Propel or the calorie free Powerade provides the same benefits with without the high fructose
Originally Posted by Matt53

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

so does everyone agree that it's perfectly fine if you're drinking it after an intense workout?
because its kind of a give and take situation; in order to get the benefits of electrolyte replacement, one must deal with the high fructose of Gatorade. To avoid this, drinking Propel or the calorie free Powerade provides the same benefits with without the high fructose
Powerade has more sugar and calories than Gatorade (according to wikipedia). Propel uses artificial sweeteners, which i trust even less than highfructose corn syrup. for now, i'm sticking with gatorade until i figure out a natural mix that i can buy (or make) for cheap.
if youre drinking it as a regular beverage....drink water instead.

if you're drinking it during/after athletic/physical activity. gatorade's artificial coloring/flavoring + hfcs formula is unhealthy and outdated. thereare tons of superior products.
definitly not healthy.

only drinks i drink now:

vidration ( some new drink 0 cals and mad vitamins)
diet snapple green tea ( EGCGs)
protien shakes
diet coke occasionally ( at like a diner or something)
Like others have said, it basically sugar water and drinking it is probably not a good idea to have it in place of water, Try some lower caloriesalternative and/or mineral water with maybe the juice from fresh lemon or something to deal with the bland nature plain water.

BTW, I believe that Gatorade has been overly demonized. Sometimes, the best thing for your body is sugar water with a little bit of salt (the combination makesthe electrolytes. Aside from being depleted from a lengthy and strenuous game or workout and needing calories in the form of simple sugars, the electrolytescan be helpful in other situations. If you have been working outdoors and sweating, had the flu, had vomiting and/or diarrhea or are hungover, sugar and saltrestore balance to the body, rehydrate you and give you some calories when you may not be able to hold down solid food.

Note to CA NTers: Gatorade is great for stopping the crappy feeling that the Santa Ana winds give me and most people who have to live with them every fall andwinter.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

why not just water?
+1,000,000. Water and skim milk are the only 2 liquids I consume. Water helps boost your metabolism and creatine too, when taken through out theday in an adequate amount.
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