Is Gatorade unhealthy?...

HFCS ftl.

Try an organic sports drink like:

You are supposed to drink concentrated gatorade after a workout/game. During a game/workout its supposed to be water.
Damn...gatorade is a really old formula that I think about it.
its only should be used for intense workouts , no games of 21 at the park then going home

overall its bad
Gatorade breathed new life into me when I was sick and breaking out in sweats.

And for real when I drink that casually, it doesn't feel good on my teeth.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Al Audi

why not just water?
+1,000,000. Water and skim milk are the only 2 liquids I consume. Water helps boost your metabolism and creatine too, when taken through out the day in an adequate amount.
really? no nom yen? no chaa yen?

in moderation nothing is too terrible for you.
I don't know if this has been said but yes 1-2 Gatorade's a day is bad for you if you aren't doing something athletic. One, it's bad for yourteeth, two it's empty cals and 3 the amount of sodium in sports drinks is well over what a person who isn't being active for a couple of hours shouldtake in. Substitute it w/ real fruit juice and water.
vitamin water
Also no good for you. Empty cals and you don't absob the vitamins in it so the vitamin part is pertty worthless. Just another way to takeunsuspecting peoples money.
I only drink gator after a workout or a serious game of football, basketball. The taste of a gator after you drained your body is amazing.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Like others have said, it basically sugar water and drinking it is probably not a good idea to have it in place of water, Try some lower calories alternative and/or mineral water with maybe the juice from fresh lemon or something to deal with the bland nature plain water.

BTW, I believe that Gatorade has been overly demonized. Sometimes, the best thing for your body is sugar water with a little bit of salt (the combination makes the electrolytes. Aside from being depleted from a lengthy and strenuous game or workout and needing calories in the form of simple sugars, the electrolytes can be helpful in other situations. If you have been working outdoors and sweating, had the flu, had vomiting and/or diarrhea or are hungover, sugar and salt restore balance to the body, rehydrate you and give you some calories when you may not be able to hold down solid food.

Note to CA NTers: Gatorade is great for stopping the crappy feeling that the Santa Ana winds give me and most people who have to live with them every fall and winter.
One of the more intelligent replies in this thread. Although the high fructose corn syrup is the main problem, drinking one a day shouldn't bebad at all... if you're also drinking enough water throughout the day. As for the empty calories... that just depends on your overall diet.
Originally Posted by MagusUnltd

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Like others have said, it basically sugar water and drinking it is probably not a good idea to have it in place of water, Try some lower calories alternative and/or mineral water with maybe the juice from fresh lemon or something to deal with the bland nature plain water.

BTW, I believe that Gatorade has been overly demonized. Sometimes, the best thing for your body is sugar water with a little bit of salt (the combination makes the electrolytes. Aside from being depleted from a lengthy and strenuous game or workout and needing calories in the form of simple sugars, the electrolytes can be helpful in other situations. If you have been working outdoors and sweating, had the flu, had vomiting and/or diarrhea or are hungover, sugar and salt restore balance to the body, rehydrate you and give you some calories when you may not be able to hold down solid food.

Note to CA NTers: Gatorade is great for stopping the crappy feeling that the Santa Ana winds give me and most people who have to live with them every fall and winter.
One of the more intelligent replies in this thread. Although the high fructose corn syrup is the main problem, drinking one a day shouldn't be bad at all... if you're also drinking enough water throughout the day. As for the empty calories... that just depends on your overall diet.
Buy why drink Gatorade at all if it has HFCS? There are better tasting and healthier alternatives (ie. Liv Organic, Coconut water, etc).
Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Al Audi

why not just water?
+1,000,000. Water and skim milk are the only 2 liquids I consume. Water helps boost your metabolism and creatine too, when taken through out the day in an adequate amount.
really? no nom yen? no chaa yen?

in moderation nothing is too terrible for you.
Man I had the hardest time ordering Thai iced tea back there because I forgotwhat it was called in the home language, smh.
Th whole replenishing/electrolyte arguement is *%@# because the salt to sugar ratio in gatorade is ridiculously poor. If you're truly dehydrated drinkpedialyte; it'll boost you up in no time.
i never got why you would drink Gatorade if you're not an athlete or at least working out some how
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