Is hip-hop to blame for the youth acting out? bunB and Lupe speak to teacher

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

Bun spit some real#$%$

Lupe was high and or drunk.

"teach em to grow plants" $%^ &outta here breh.
well we know he was neither of those off top
Bun B spit absolute truth there...

Lupe on the other hand came off as an idiot, even though I know he is smart...

As a person who wants to be a high school teacher, I can agree that in the course of what you learn K-12 a good majority will never be used, but those classes are not meaningless..

Want to be a politician or lawyer (have to be well versed in history)
Want to be a doctor, pharamicist, scientist, biologist (have to be well versed in Sciences)
Want to be an accountant, banker, etc. (have to be well versed in math)
Want to be taken seriously... You have to be able to speak and write clearly, and in at least average gramatical manner.

I think that the biggest problem for teachers is that they are not willing to put themselves out there for their students. Many are not willing to help prepare them for life, willing to help them with their issues, willing to pick them up when they fall, nor give students the outlet to realize that you actually do believe in them, and they are able to get that A, or go to college, or be successful.

Teachers are beginning to treat the student-teacher relationship like a business transaction, which has been screwing over the past generation, and my generation as they begin entering the real world. No one was giving the students what it is like in a caring manner, and we ended up being drastically underprepared.

School is not just learning about Math, English, History, and Science.. The kids should be able to learn important lessons about life, survival, and most importantly themselves.. I think that might be what Lupe was getting at, but it was poorly articulated.  
Bun B spit absolute truth there...

Lupe on the other hand came off as an idiot, even though I know he is smart...

As a person who wants to be a high school teacher, I can agree that in the course of what you learn K-12 a good majority will never be used, but those classes are not meaningless..

Want to be a politician or lawyer (have to be well versed in history)
Want to be a doctor, pharamicist, scientist, biologist (have to be well versed in Sciences)
Want to be an accountant, banker, etc. (have to be well versed in math)
Want to be taken seriously... You have to be able to speak and write clearly, and in at least average gramatical manner.

I think that the biggest problem for teachers is that they are not willing to put themselves out there for their students. Many are not willing to help prepare them for life, willing to help them with their issues, willing to pick them up when they fall, nor give students the outlet to realize that you actually do believe in them, and they are able to get that A, or go to college, or be successful.

Teachers are beginning to treat the student-teacher relationship like a business transaction, which has been screwing over the past generation, and my generation as they begin entering the real world. No one was giving the students what it is like in a caring manner, and we ended up being drastically underprepared.

School is not just learning about Math, English, History, and Science.. The kids should be able to learn important lessons about life, survival, and most importantly themselves.. I think that might be what Lupe was getting at, but it was poorly articulated.  
Originally Posted by OoPrinceOfFreshoO

You'd have to "be about that life" to understand what Lupe is saying. I agree with him as well as Bun B. There are kids all over the country that go to school just to eat so for yall to say what he said has no substance and meaning probably got your drivers license at 15 and a camry or something a year later. I live in Albuquerque, New mexico last year over 10,000 STUDENTS WERE HOMELESS. But, of course somehow Hip Hop is the problem.

You wanna blame someone blame society. We promote texting 90999 to help Japan and Haiti when its citizens of the United States of America who don't even know where their next meal is coming from nor can they even read and write. Then you'll got people that blame "Welfare" for Americas short coming when in reality its a mere 2.9% of the nations budget.
Why would a child want to grow up and be like the same broke +%* people that they see living around them? Who else does a lower class child have to look up to? You dont see lawyers and professors and tax brokers going to the hoods to motivate these kids. But the rappers and the ball players always go back and show love so when thats all they see that actually have a life outside of the project homes tell me whose lead they'll follow.

I grew up in Memphis my entire life and I lost 2 brothers to the streets. I had always dreamed of playing ball but out of my entire high school from freshman to senior was Terrico White(Pistons), Thaddeus Young(76ers), & Duke Calhoun(Giants) that made it that far.

Every year I go home and go to the same Boys & Girls club that I grew up in with my military uniform just to give kids a vision that there are people out there that they can look up to and they dont have to sale drugs or play ball.... I've encouraged to date 7kids to join the military or police force just by talking to them and buying them a meal, new school uniform and a pair of sneakers and actually listening to them. & I'm not even trying to recruit. Kids will listen you just gotta show them that there could actually be some point of value in your words.

Funny thing is the people with the most negative to say are the ones that aint doing a damn thing to help.

That's great man

*Applause Gif*
Originally Posted by OoPrinceOfFreshoO

You'd have to "be about that life" to understand what Lupe is saying. I agree with him as well as Bun B. There are kids all over the country that go to school just to eat so for yall to say what he said has no substance and meaning probably got your drivers license at 15 and a camry or something a year later. I live in Albuquerque, New mexico last year over 10,000 STUDENTS WERE HOMELESS. But, of course somehow Hip Hop is the problem.

You wanna blame someone blame society. We promote texting 90999 to help Japan and Haiti when its citizens of the United States of America who don't even know where their next meal is coming from nor can they even read and write. Then you'll got people that blame "Welfare" for Americas short coming when in reality its a mere 2.9% of the nations budget.
Why would a child want to grow up and be like the same broke +%* people that they see living around them? Who else does a lower class child have to look up to? You dont see lawyers and professors and tax brokers going to the hoods to motivate these kids. But the rappers and the ball players always go back and show love so when thats all they see that actually have a life outside of the project homes tell me whose lead they'll follow.

I grew up in Memphis my entire life and I lost 2 brothers to the streets. I had always dreamed of playing ball but out of my entire high school from freshman to senior was Terrico White(Pistons), Thaddeus Young(76ers), & Duke Calhoun(Giants) that made it that far.

Every year I go home and go to the same Boys & Girls club that I grew up in with my military uniform just to give kids a vision that there are people out there that they can look up to and they dont have to sale drugs or play ball.... I've encouraged to date 7kids to join the military or police force just by talking to them and buying them a meal, new school uniform and a pair of sneakers and actually listening to them. & I'm not even trying to recruit. Kids will listen you just gotta show them that there could actually be some point of value in your words.

Funny thing is the people with the most negative to say are the ones that aint doing a damn thing to help.

That's great man

*Applause Gif*
I can say that without a doubt hip hop music when I was a kid directly relates to my use of bad language, no question about it.
I can say that without a doubt hip hop music when I was a kid directly relates to my use of bad language, no question about it.
I agree with what both Lupe and Bun B were talking about and I really hope they go to more schools doing things like that.
I agree with what both Lupe and Bun B were talking about and I really hope they go to more schools doing things like that.
A third meal is a great idea though. Just can't get with some of the other stuff Lupe said.
Bun B is really a professor at Rice? Did not know that.
A third meal is a great idea though. Just can't get with some of the other stuff Lupe said.
Bun B is really a professor at Rice? Did not know that.
this basically comes down to everyone surrounded by a child needs to take responsibility, instead of passing it off.

(general scenario)
pops has a child, passes its responsibility to the mother while he dips. mother works all day, passes its responsibility to the teachers. teachers can't

get through to their students..and pass the responsibility and blame to the rappers.

instead of pointing at who is to blame...everyone needs to challenge each other to just do better and take responsibility of every child you are around.

it does take a village to raise a kid. My mother, sister, grandma, uncle, and cousins raised me, and my pops showed me how not to approach life (his heart was in the right place but

his actions never were) And i'm in a better position because of that...

we build our village, we take responsibility, and the children will be better because of that.

We need parents, grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts, teachers, and rappers to step it up..not just one outlet, all the outlets.
this basically comes down to everyone surrounded by a child needs to take responsibility, instead of passing it off.

(general scenario)
pops has a child, passes its responsibility to the mother while he dips. mother works all day, passes its responsibility to the teachers. teachers can't

get through to their students..and pass the responsibility and blame to the rappers.

instead of pointing at who is to blame...everyone needs to challenge each other to just do better and take responsibility of every child you are around.

it does take a village to raise a kid. My mother, sister, grandma, uncle, and cousins raised me, and my pops showed me how not to approach life (his heart was in the right place but

his actions never were) And i'm in a better position because of that...

we build our village, we take responsibility, and the children will be better because of that.

We need parents, grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts, teachers, and rappers to step it up..not just one outlet, all the outlets.
Great post princeoffresh some real talk right there.

Lupe was on some serious conspiracy stuff but had good points just came across a little harsh. I did agree, in theory, with what he said. Kids could benefit a lot more then they do now from the public school system.

Bun is the man.
Great post princeoffresh some real talk right there.

Lupe was on some serious conspiracy stuff but had good points just came across a little harsh. I did agree, in theory, with what he said. Kids could benefit a lot more then they do now from the public school system.

Bun is the man.
I'll watch the video later on, but IMO, there are sheep that hang on to EVERY word that guys like Jeezy or Rick Ross say. So even tho they may give back in some capacity, there are folks out there who see the dopeboy lifestyle they portray and think that's the way to go. In quickly reading some of the posts, it was good to read Memphis saying he goes back to speak to some of the kids at the Boys and Girls clubs.  HE is the type of person these kids need to see (successful NON ATHLETES/ENTERTAINERS) on a daily basis....moving on, I believe there's fault in the school systems and there is fault with many of the parents. There are instances where hitting the books and studying is ridiculed....there are instances where you have 17 year old freshmen in HS and are eventually passed on (with no skills)....etc et....I don't know if there is a logical solution to all of these problems. That being said, I'm real interested in seeing the vid and hearing Bun B. and Lupe's POV
I'll watch the video later on, but IMO, there are sheep that hang on to EVERY word that guys like Jeezy or Rick Ross say. So even tho they may give back in some capacity, there are folks out there who see the dopeboy lifestyle they portray and think that's the way to go. In quickly reading some of the posts, it was good to read Memphis saying he goes back to speak to some of the kids at the Boys and Girls clubs.  HE is the type of person these kids need to see (successful NON ATHLETES/ENTERTAINERS) on a daily basis....moving on, I believe there's fault in the school systems and there is fault with many of the parents. There are instances where hitting the books and studying is ridiculed....there are instances where you have 17 year old freshmen in HS and are eventually passed on (with no skills)....etc et....I don't know if there is a logical solution to all of these problems. That being said, I'm real interested in seeing the vid and hearing Bun B. and Lupe's POV
yes it does, and this is by design of "powers that be".

hip hop = culture

culture = a group of ppl (more specially hip hop culture is the youth of today)

rappers = leaders that control/influence the "culture"

The things these rappers say/stand for trickle down and DIRECTLY INFLUENCE the culture they are speaking to. "The powers that be" (Rich record execs and others linked to a "ruling elite class") give these rappers (LEADERS OF THE CULTURE) large amounts of money (record deals, advances, endorsements) in exchange for control of the lyrics and subject mater they pass down to their culture which in turn strategically benefits the ruling class.

They did this with Rock n Roll, Heavy Metal, and now Hip Hop.

Ya boy been manipulating the youth for the ruling class for a while now...
yes it does, and this is by design of "powers that be".

hip hop = culture

culture = a group of ppl (more specially hip hop culture is the youth of today)

rappers = leaders that control/influence the "culture"

The things these rappers say/stand for trickle down and DIRECTLY INFLUENCE the culture they are speaking to. "The powers that be" (Rich record execs and others linked to a "ruling elite class") give these rappers (LEADERS OF THE CULTURE) large amounts of money (record deals, advances, endorsements) in exchange for control of the lyrics and subject mater they pass down to their culture which in turn strategically benefits the ruling class.

They did this with Rock n Roll, Heavy Metal, and now Hip Hop.

Ya boy been manipulating the youth for the ruling class for a while now...
lupe is an idiot for everything he said, smh at him taking that cheap shot at the teacher at the end
lupe is an idiot for everything he said, smh at him taking that cheap shot at the teacher at the end
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