Is it possible to have feelings for multiple women?

I think it's regular to like more than one person. If you end up thinking you're in love with both then it's possible you didn't love the first one as much as you think.

I agree with this. I think that it's natural to explore possibilities in your mind but it's one to act on those scenarios. I have another question for those for female best friends:

How do you feel about them? truthfully.
I agree with this. I think that it's natural to explore possibilities in your mind but it's one to act on those scenarios. I have another question for those for female best friends:

How do you feel about them? truthfully.
I have a best friend that I wouldn't smash. I heard her say a few times when she's in her feeling saying if we met at different time. But we have a understanding that nothing going to happen. My boys say we are tripping. But every chick outside of her that said we are only friends/best friends got smashed.....All of them.
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I have a best friend that I wouldn't smash. I heard her say a few times when she's in her feeling saying if we met at different time. But we have a understanding that nothing going to happen. My boys say we are tripping. But every chick outside of her that said we are only friends/best friends got smashed.....All of them.

I discussed the idea of mulitple feelings with her and she agreed with me. I have one homegirl I'd never touch. That's the homie for life. I smashed one and ever since then its been weird.....and one other I've always had a crush on then I remember our dynamic thus remembering we would never work :lol:
Yes you can, and if the feelings are truly genuine and not lust, it's a terrible situation to be in... :wow:
I have a best female friend i'd most def be with if she wasn't in a relationship. There's also the woman I can see a future with, love them both, differently though. If it came down to it i'm not choosing my friend. I have neither right now though, the **** do I know?
There can definitely be feelings but I don't think you can legitimately love more than one person in that matter. It takes too much effort I think.

Even for people like shawty lo with like 11 baby moms...he doesnt love not a damn one of them.  He may like them a lot but it aint true love.
Man blaster combo messed up my thought process. At first I was going to say "yes" to OP's question, but come to think of it when I was in love with my ex in 2012, I had no interest in any other women legit. Then in 2013 I got two girls that I fell for roughly around the same time. Obviously there's always one you like more, but still.

I think I lust after multiple women so I'll go with the no answer. Wouldn't want multiple loves anyways. Imagine losing double the money and having to pay double the attention. Ain't nobody got time for that.
I think it's definitely possible to love more than woman (not including moms, sisters, grandmas, etc) at the same time. 
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I love all women. does that count?

In all honesty life is too short to be dishonest with yourself, that's what really matters. Truth is- I haven't dated a woman in 4 years on a serious level, because I know what my lifestyle is right now. In the next year I am going to Law School and will probably start to look for wifey. It's all about understanding your needs and wants. I do think that special woman will make you choose chastity over pleasure. Life be like that.
There is no right answer for this question. Just depends on how open/closed minded one person is.

As far as female friends, the ones that I have are clients and peers at work. I consider them friends but our relationship is different from the ones with my male friends bc I have had sex with female coworkers before and flirt with pretty much all of the attractive ones.
Perfectly natural to have feeling for a bunch of chicks... whether you act on it is another situation.
"I can think about whatever the hell I want and you can't stop me"- me
Doesn't it depend on how you define love?

I loved my ex but i have a girl that i am friends with that i have been since i was a toddler. We grew up together i see her as a sister and i can honestly say i love her. I also have no intentions of ever smashing her since she is basically a sister to me. So for arguments sake yes...i can easily say i loved two women at the same time.

As far as physically? I think love takes time...and i have never put myself in a position to allow that love to flourish with two different women at the same time. Its obviously not an ideal scenario. I would say it is possible just not very likely.
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