Is it possible to have feelings for multiple women?

Very good answers in here. Feeling all da feels. To clarify on my situation:

- Girlfriend and I knew each other for a couple of years and were friends before we started dating and got together.

-I do love this woman. I'd do anything for her.

Now enter my best friend:

-Her and I been down for almost 8 years. Seen each other at our worst, was there for her through cancer and all that

-Never any sexual/physical tension except for one time where we messed around (not smashed) before she moved out of state

-this convo came up and I straight up asked her did she have romantic feelings for me and she said yes as do I. We're not going to act on them as I don't cheat. I learned my lesson from years ago.

So yes, I personally think it's possible to have feelings for multiple persons....maybe not be in love with two people as I'm not in love with my best friend but I am with my girlfriend.
Anyone else got any light to shed on either matter? :nerd:

Should just turn this into the "Love n Feels Thread"
If you love more than one woman, then you don't know what love is.
I'll say this, some may agree, other won't, I don't care it's my opinion.

When you really "love" someone part of that idea is that you only want to be with them exclusively. How is it possible to want to be exclusive with multiple people?
How is it impossible to love two women?

Culture got boys ignoring their natural feelings. :lol:
I agree blaster

Didn't even think about Thst Ricky that's true as well
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Was in a similar situation my freshman year of college.

Girl was my best friend but was also dating someone, we had history but had put that behind us. 

Feelings started getting expressed, she eventually cheated on him with me. She told him she had feelings for me and struggled with her decision(she was about to go away for college to the same school as him)

long story short, she chose him and we haven't spoken since. OP you're doing the right thing by not cheating because that would **** things up with both eventually if you didn't go with your best friend. I wouldn't tell the best friend that you're considering leaving your current gf until(if) you actually do. Less problems, smoother transition.
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I just realized and accepted that having feelings for multiple women is a natural feeling. My best friend knows I have a girl and will always respect that...always has.

I just realized and accepted that having feelings for multiple women is a natural feeling. My best friend knows I have a girl and will always respect that...always has.

You're gonna end up cheating, and break this girl's heart. :smh:
Cheating isn't necessarily strictly a physical thing. Once you've invested yourself in someone else mentally, and/or emotionally it's already cheating.
Cheating isn't necessarily strictly a physical thing. Once you've invested yourself in someone else mentally, and/or emotionally it's already cheating.

Thank you. I think that is worse than the physical tho. Just having sex could be a spontaneous thing or you just might want new P

But emotional is where you feel something for someone else. I was on the receiving end of that once and that **** hurt. Real talk. It's deeper
Cheating isn't necessarily strictly a physical thing. Once you've invested yourself in someone else mentally, and/or emotionally it's already cheating.

Thank you. I think that is worse than the physical tho. Just having sex could be a spontaneous thing or you just might want new P

But emotional is where you feel something for someone else. I was on the receiving end of that once and that **** hurt. Real talk. It's deeper

While I do agree with you... Cheating is still cheating no matter what situation.

Unless you're a swinger. :smokin
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What is love? And is there a difference between that and the way you feel about almost anyone you care about?

One bullet, your mom or wife?

Love is temporary; love is an enigma...most people are certain they know what love is but no one knows. It's all about weighing options.

I'm not a cheater, never have been dont think I ever will be , whether I truly 'love' her or not, if I made a promise ill keep it, even if I'm miserable.

Then again, never been in a serious relationship.
Came in here thinking this was an old thread I already posted in. Seem familiar.

Anyway, yes, very possible. Happens all the time.

Literally having feelings for one women at a time is what doesn't seem possible to me. Of course there's degrees and levels to how you wanna define "to have feelings for"
While I do agree with you... Cheating is still cheating no matter what situation.

Unless you're a swinger. :smokin

So now the question arises: which is worse- Physical or emotional cheating? Me? I say physical. Like I'm in love with one woman and can see myself with someone else if things worked out differently.....but by me remaining faithful to that one woman, I wouldn't cheat. Period.
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