is it Really Not OK to Not Know who Paul McCarteny Is???

I personally have a hard time believing someone doesn't know who Paul mccartney is but now that I think about it thats my background. I grew up listenin to the beatles and solely listened to classic rock for the longest time
Originally Posted by rashi

A lot of people didn't know who Paul was on the Grammy's. 

Freddie Mercury is the best vocalist of all time, period. Come at me.

So, it's great if a lot of people don't know who Count Basie is or who Bill Haley is? 

 @ the thought of "having" to know who certain artists are.
Originally Posted by Kramer

I personally have a hard time believing someone doesn't know who Paul mccartney is but now that I think about it thats my background. I grew up listenin to the beatles and solely listened to classic rock for the longest time
Again, as I said earlier. You have people that grow up not listening to the Bettles. Families don't give a damn about them. It isn't like people will be driving down the street blasting Beetles. So why exactly is it a "sin" that people that don't follow certain music types don't know who the dude is.
As someone mentioned before, we aren't asking if people know the Beetles, we are asking if they know a specific Beetle. I don't see the issue honestly.
Originally Posted by Oasis

Originally Posted by rashi

A lot of people didn't know who Paul was on the Grammy's. 

Freddie Mercury is the best vocalist of all time, period. Come at me.

So, it's great if a lot of people don't know who Count Basie is or who Bill Haley is? 

 @ the thought of "having" to know who certain artists are.

Are you really going to compare the influence of the Basie and Bill Haley to the !!%*$$% Beatles? Really, bro?
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Oasis

Originally Posted by rashi

A lot of people didn't know who Paul was on the Grammy's. 

Freddie Mercury is the best vocalist of all time, period. Come at me.

So, it's great if a lot of people don't know who Count Basie is or who Bill Haley is? 

 @ the thought of "having" to know who certain artists are.

Are you really going to compare the influence of the Basie and Bill Haley to the !!%*$$% Beatles? Really, bro?
You missed his point. Some people are calling people "uncultured" because they don't know who McCartney is but those same people wouldn't call someone uncultured for not knowing lesser known/popular black artists. Shouldn't someone be considered more cultured for knowing folks that aren't in the popular music scheme of things?
Again it is all about certain people believing their world = THE WORLD.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Oasis

So, it's great if a lot of people don't know who Count Basie is or who Bill Haley is? 

 @ the thought of "having" to know who certain artists are.

Are you really going to compare the influence of the Basie and Bill Haley to the !!%*$$% Beatles? Really, bro?
You missed his point. Some people are calling people "uncultured" because they don't know who McCartney is but those same people wouldn't call someone uncultured for not knowing lesser known/popular black artists. Shouldn't someone be considered more cultured for knowing folks that aren't in the popular music scheme of things?
Again it is all about certain people believing their world = THE WORLD.

Not necessarily, I would think the more eclectic you are = more cultured you are. Besides, McCartney and the Beatles transcended music.
Transcending music means nothing if a person isn't raised on that music. I have never heard the Beetles played in my household. I heard of the GROUP but Paul McCartney? Not even sure when I learned who he was. But again, you are still missing the main point that everyone isn't exposed to the same things. There are many sub-worlds in this world. Don't look down on someone because they are not of your world. You can say, Beetles this, Beetles that. Cool. Folks know who THEY (group) are but many folks that didn't grow up on that music (yes it is possible) don't know who PM is.

I don't see why that is such a hard concept to grasp.
I remember Paul McCartney reading the winner of some award at some musical award show (forgot which one) a couple years back.

he was like "and the award goes to.......some guy named Lawrence Hill! ........... I love that guy!!!!".

it was lauryn hill lmao.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Transcending music means nothing if a person isn't raised on that music. 

Do you know what transcend means?  
I'll give you more examples:

Michael Jordan transcends sports. 

J.K Rowling transcends books. 

Will Smith transcends movies. 

I will never look down on someone for such a small thing but I will express surprise and retort "Really?" if that person doesn't even know the name Paul McCartney. I would bet money that when that same person searched online for McCartney, he himself would be surprised at his own lack of recognition.
I find it funny that you bumped this because I actually thought of this thread when I went to wiki to find out who exactly **** Clark was the other day.

I understand that premise or that article goes deeper than not knowing who a person is and is about taking the time to research yourself rather than broadcast your lack of knowledge but I just want to say this loud and clear.

Posting because Queen was mentioned and they are the best. If you don't who Paul is, is okay I guess but if you don't know the Beatles you need to get out more and interact with different types of people. I know a lot about bands, shows that don't particularly interest me because of the people I talk to. It could be an age thing too; as you get older your tastes change and you find yourself liking things you normally wouldn't like.

They even capitalize Beatles for you on this forum.

OMG. The funniest part in this entire thread is that dude saying Americans think their culture is the only one that matters. He got so mad he had to say F your culture. 
The Beatles were from the U.K dude... 
 That shows you big they really were; they come from overseas and implanted themselves into American Culture. 
@Hank, I slipped up on that. Yea I know what transcends means.

But since people didn't know who he was why on earth would anyone call him transcendent?

The Beetles are transcendent but not Paul McCartney specifically. Case and point this 17 page discussion.
A lot of what people know about music has to do with what they grew up with.

Because of my dad, I listened to a lot of: Steely Dan, The Police, The Who, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Otis Redding, Tom Petty, Chris Isaak, Jackson Browne, The Eagles, etc. etc.

Because of when I grew up: I listened to Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nine Inch Nails, Pac, Biggie, etc.

I think when I was in high school I might not have known who Paul McCartney or John Lennon were, and I probably got the same reaction that OP did. And it was a snobbish reaction, YOU don't know who "" is? It's all about exposure. Just like DC said. I cannot be reasonably expected to know who any artist is if I haven't been exposed to them. If I find my self in a situation where I am being ridiculed for not knowing who an artist is, maybe I take a little bit of time to familiarize myself with them. Can I appreciate or respect what they did? Sure. Do I have to like the music? No. I understand that Paul McCartney is an iconic figure, same as John Lennon, but that doesn't stop me from not particularly caring for them. I think John Lennon is a ##%$@*. My favorite Beatle was George Harrison.

I KNOW who Michael Jackson is, but I am not a huge fan of his music. I know that would upset a lot of people who think he is the GOAT, but it's an opinion, and it's my opinion, validity and credibility aside.

All said, people of the current generation just don't really understand the impact that these music groups had on their time, and that we likely will never experience anything like it again, because what they did, as others have said, transcended music. They were cultural icons. Jay Z is not a cultural icon. Kanye West is not a cultural icon. They are both people that are somewhat well exposed, but their impact on popular culture and a generation will never be as pervasive as the Beatles or Michael Jackson were. I know that people might want to argue that, but it's the truth. Maybe time will tell.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

I find it funny that you bumped this because I actually thought of this thread when I went to wiki to find out who exactly **** Clark was the other day.

...depending on your age thats understandable.
...however, as ive stated, to not know is one thing. but to say IDGAF is a whole 'nother issue. so YES is is ok to not know.
...oh and:

Originally Posted by eaalto

All said, people of the current generation just don't really understand the impact that these music groups had on their time, and that we likely will never experience anything like it again, because what they did, as others have said, transcended music. They were cultural icons. Jay Z is not a cultural icon. Kanye West is not a cultural icon. They are both people that are somewhat well exposed, but their impact on popular culture and a generation will never be as pervasive as the Beatles or Michael Jackson were. I know that people might want to argue that, but it's the truth. Maybe time will tell.

Agreed. And I think if you have love for music, you would want to hear other genres and wonder why they were so popular at that time. Its great to know music like that in the broad spectrum. I can't imagine just listening to one type of thing and not knowing what else is out there.
I agree 100% w/ Fongstarr. I used to listen to just Rock and Hip Hop, but it get's boring listening to the same genre. Some people dont want to expand their tastes to other genres, which is okay, but like you said hard to think about not giving it a try. Classical, metal, country, dance etc all has great artists.
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