so long stroke call people here arent built for real life but he was the guy who cant have a simple dialouge and cant answer questions that were brought to him during the arguement lol
it is guarantee that if magic were to ask him similar questions he wouldnt be able to answer them wwithout looking foolish and stutter lol.
i willing to bet that this dude wouldnt even show up to the show let alone sitting down with magic and have a discussion in front of camera lol
hes going to show magic article from bleacher report and quote of smush parker lol as his reasoning lol.
i wonder what would happen when magic ask long stroke to name at least 5 nba players who doesnt think kobe is top 10 lol. Since magic himself have said kobe is top 5 lakers and top 10 greatest. I wonder how long stroke is going to challenge magic knowledge and opinion given the fact that long stroke is just a nobody who never even play in an nba game lol
Longstroke's opinion > NBA legends, active NBA players, NBA writers, knowledgeable unbiased fans
Yall mean to tell me that there is 36 pgs of people arguing that a player who has 5 Rings, MVP's, All Stars, Defensive Teams, 30'000 points, Knows as one of the best closers in the history of the league, And renowned by current players and legends as being top 10 to ever play his sport is overated. Especially when said player is in his 18th season and playing more Efficiently then ever.

Ya'll are really having serious discussions with these fools :smh:
so long stroke call people here arent built for real life but he was the guy who cant have a simple dialouge and cant answer questions that were brought to him during the arguement lol
it is guarantee that if magic were to ask him similar questions he wouldnt be able to answer them wwithout looking foolish and stutter lol.
i willing to bet that this dude wouldnt even show up to the show let alone sitting down with magic and have a discussion in front of camera lol
hes going to show magic article from bleacher report and quote of smush parker lol as his reasoning lol.
i wonder what would happen when magic ask long stroke to name at least 5 nba players who doesnt think kobe is top 10 lol. Since magic himself have said kobe is top 5 lakers and top 10 greatest. I wonder how long stroke is going to challenge magic knowledge and opinion given the fact that long stroke is just a nobody who never even play in an nba game lol
Longstroke's opinion > NBA legends, active NBA players, NBA writers, knowledgeable unbiased fans
I guess that saying that Kobe is top fifteen isn't good enough for some folks...
In terms of what they did for the organization/basketball
1. Magic
2. Kareem
3. West
4. Kobe
5. Baylor

In terms of raw skill/basketball talent
1. Kobe
2. Magic
3. West
4. Kareem
5. Baylor
BTW, I love the fact the Kobe went to learn from Hakeem.

I don't think that Kobe, especially with his ego, would allow himself to learn from someone who he thinks is beneath him, not by any measure.
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In terms of what they did for the organization/basketball
1. Magic
2. Kareem
3. West
4. Kobe
5. Baylor
In terms of raw skill/basketball talent
1. Kobe
2. Magic
3. West
4. Kareem
5. Baylor
what has kareem done for the lakers that kobe has not? 
BTW, I love the fact the Kobe went to learn from Hakeem.

I don't think that Kobe, especially with his ego, would allow himself to learn from someone who he thinks is beneath him, not by any measure.

beneath him? that's bs.. because they both play different positions, and in order to become a more complete player kobe went to hakeem.. so when kobe went to gary payton for defensive things.. means that kobe is beneath gp?

and what made you look foolish was actually believing that there are 14 other players better than kobe
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Oh i have avoided this thread for so long because i knew it would an all out war out here.
THE FACT is that Kobe is a great player. No he's not better than Jordan.
I can understand why people hate Kobe. He does things like he wants to do them. And he doesn't give a **** how people think about it.
Oh i have avoided this thread for so long because i knew it would an all out war out here.
THE FACT is that Kobe is a great player. No he's not better than Jordan.
I can understand why people hate Kobe. He does things like he wants to do them. And he doesn't give a **** how people think about it.

what i dont get is, how can people love jordan so much and say he is so awesome, yet say that kobe is nothing... kobe is the only player that even comes close to jordan, his mentality, killer instinct and imo kobe is more talented than jordan, perhaps not better, but def. more talented..

also everyone on this board would love to have a game like jordan.. yet when there finally is a player, kobe and (maybe vince at the time) they are hated for having those skills
I am an officially registered Kobe hater but c'mon even I know he can't be overrated. No player is perfect and to point out his flaws makes no sense because the titles speak for themselves.
Yall mean to tell me that there is 36 pgs of people arguing that a player who has 5 Rings, MVP's, All Stars, Defensive Teams, 30'000 points, Knows as one of the best closers in the history of the league, And renowned by current players and legends as being top 10 to ever play his sport is overated. Especially when said player is in his 18th season and playing more Efficiently then ever.

Ya'll are really having serious discussions with these fools :smh:

Most of those dudes probably dont even believe what they're saying.

They're just saying a bunch of dumb **** to get a reaction and its working. :lol:
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beneath him? that's bs.. because they both play different positions, and in order to become a more complete player kobe went to hakeem.. so when kobe went to gary payton for defensive things.. means that kobe is beneath gp?
and what made you look foolish was actually believing that there are 14 other players better than kobe
No, what makes me look foolish is attempting to discuss this with someone like you.

What he did with Payton what not as publicized as what he went to do with Hakeem.  Many are now, even before Bryant, going to the big fella to learn the trade of operating in the post. Kobe can't play for, nor listen to anyone that he doesn't respect either, go ask Mike Brown about that one, but you will go and find an excuse for that as well. Pathetic Kobe fans like yourself will find an excuse every, single, time. 
the fallacy was appealing to authority... not a strawman.

if you're gonna call someone out for a least do it right.
Nice try, but this is not the case.

That dude has been exaggerating everything, then only addressing my comments throughout the thread, I have Kobe in my top fifteen, and he is making it seem as if I said bottom twenty.
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No, what makes me look foolish is attempting to discuss this with someone like you.

What he did with Payton what not as publicized as what he went to do with Hakeem.  Many are now, even before Bryant, going to the big fella to learn the trade of operating in the post. Kobe can't play for, nor listen to anyone that he doesn't respect either, go ask Mike Brown about that one, but you will go and find an excuse for that as well. Pathetic Kobe fans like yourself will find an excuse every, single, time. 
Nice try, but this is not the case.

That dude has been exaggerating everything, then only addressing my comments throughout the thread, I have Kobe in my top fifteen, and he is making it seem as if I said bottom twenty.

dude, you are a joke.. it is exactly as you said, since you have no clue what you are talking about..

and it was publicized that kobe went to GP, asking him about defense. besides, just cause you go and talk to a legend, means that he is a better player than kobe?

by stating that there are 14 other players better or higher ranked than kobe, you show your obvious ignorance.. because we both know that out of those 14, jordan is the only one that can contain kobe.. and even on a good night, jordan will have a tough time guarding kobe. so it doesnt matter what happens, kobe scores 100 or wins 3 more rings, people like you are always gonna hate on him, no matter what he accomplishes..

funny how you act like you know more than any other NBA legend, head coach and GM that rank kobe in the top 5.

and like you said in YOUR top 15, which doesnt mean that other people, including NBA legends, GM, coaches and other players rank him there.
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Apparently long stroke isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Straw man does not apply to the scenario when a person is pointing out one's inability to answer question that has direct relation to the argument.

Long stroke also doesn't know the meaning of genetic fallacy otherwise he wouldn't be posting article from source like bleacher report dot com.


It must suck knowing the only place where he can spill all this nonsense without people looking strange at him an Internet forum. Lol
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