You know what...I just went through the entire thread, and after reading all of the evidence I have to agree with Longstroke that Kobe is overrated.
I guess you don't realize how foolish you sound right there. 

I've said it before here, many of you aren't built for real life.

If I were to have this conversation with Magic, and I know this for a fact, he'd listen intently then not laughing in my face, because Buck has class.

Do you know what that means?

So if we were having discussion on why I feel Kobe Bryant is NOT a top ten player, citing the situations the pioneers had to deal with, he'd hear my point, unlike those of you here on  Nike Talk who cannot wait to run someone off, who does not share in your opinions.

I can see now why some of you are so protective of Bryant on here.

Any peek of reality, actually scares you to death.

Not everyone is going to agree with you in life, and if you don't get ready for it, you are doomed to fail.
But while still listening and even respecting your opinion, he (magic) still may not agree with you. He may even have an argument as to why kobe is top 10. If he then were to share his own reasons as to why kobe is top 10 with you, would you consider him to be "someone who cant wait to run you off because he doesnt share your opinions"?
Why don't you tell us who you are 'ol great Longstroke *pause* To be honest I really don't care who YOU are, I know for a fact that unless you are Jerry West, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Shaq, MJ, don't have the credentials or expertise for this subject. And your "sources" c'mon you doing a high school bibliography, BR contradicts themselves with their own stuff, like someone said they have Bean as top 5.
And your "facts" are nothing more than opinions trying to be played off as gospel.
Google "ad verecundiam" and realize that's what you're doing right now. 

your argument is flawed. just pointing it out to you so you stop
[quote name="LONGSTROKE"]
Obviously, owning up to what you say is an ambiguous adventure for you.
[/quote]Yeah, that's not asking you you TO leave; it's simply asking why you don't. "If you don't like option a, then why not try
option B?" is not a request for you to try option B. It's a valid question based on the logic that you don't like option a.

But it really doesn't matter even if he did ask you to leave, because that should be none of your concern, since you have stated a number of times that the thread is about whether or not Kobe Bryant is overrated. :wink:

Yes, it's funny how rules are applied to different people; Artest and Suh feel you on that one... but that's also not fitting for this thread, which is about whether or not Kobe Bryant is overrated. :wink:
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I will say I love how many people have started calling out argument fallacies that people used in this thread.
i wasn't being serious. i was hoping longstroke would quote me, but i guess maybe it's a good thing he didn't, im not trying to get banned for trolling a troll
he seems to only quote people which he can find an applicable logical fallacy picture for.
But while still listening and even respecting your opinion, he (magic) still may not agree with you. He may even have an argument as to why kobe is top 10. If he then were to share his own reasons as to why kobe is top 10 with you, would you consider him to be "someone who cant wait to run you off because he doesnt share your opinions"?
Of course not.

The difference, again, is that Magic has class. Buck and I would discuss it as men. Hey, we disagree, we disagree. But in person there is no REPORT button, there is no noble kane to run around calling people coach hubie, there are no multiple handles for one person, just to come at someone that you may disagree with, so if you say something disrespectful to someone that you disagree with in person, you may get your butt kicked.

That's the difference between an online disagreement, and then discussing things off line and in person.

Internet courage is no fallacy, and then grouping while on the internet does not say that you are brave, nor any more intelligent than anyone else.

Kobe Bryant, while a talented individual, hard worker, dedicated individual to his game, then perhaps to nothing else, earned his success.

Top fifteen in my book, not top ten. On Nike Talk, he's incredibly overrated and also, protected.
i wasn't being serious. i was hoping longstroke would quote me, but i guess maybe it's a good thing he didn't, im not trying to get banned for trolling a troll
You calling me a troll is like my knowingly going to a Klan convention and then kicking several of them in the butt, with them then calling ME a racist

That'd be an honor.
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i wasn't being serious. i was hoping longstroke would quote me, but i guess maybe it's a good thing he didn't, im not trying to get banned for trolling a troll
You calling me a troll is like my knowingly going to a Klan convention and then kicking several of them in the butt, with them then calling ME a racist

That'd be an honor.
Analogy of the year
So much going on in this thread, I haz confusions all over...

What exactly is the argument that is being disputed in here?
Of course not.

The difference, again, is that Magic has class. Buck and I would discuss it as men. Hey, we disagree, we disagree. But in person there is no REPORT button, there is no noble kane to run around calling people coach hubie, there are no multiple handles for one person, just to come at someone that you may disagree with, so if you say something disrespectful to someone that you disagree with in person, you may get your butt kicked.

That's the difference between an online disagreement, and then discussing things off line and in person.

Internet courage is no fallacy, and then grouping while on the internet does not say that you are brave, nor any more intelligent than anyone else.

Kobe Bryant, while a talented individual, hard worker, dedicated individual to his game, then perhaps to nothing else, earned his success.

Top fifteen in my book, not top ten. On Nike Talk, he's incredibly overrated and also, protected.
So purely taking about kobe and if he is overated, if someone in this thread said "i disagree with your point of view longstroke for reasons x, y, z" you would respect his opinion and agree to disagree? 
So purely taking about kobe and if he is overated, if someone in this thread said "i disagree with your point of view longstroke for reasons x, y, z" you would respect his opinion and agree to disagree? 
Of course. It's really that simple. I've already done it with Darth deezy.
alright, fair enough.

people may want to start attacking this guys ideas rather than his internet persona then
Let me show you something,

These are the first posts on this thread.
Now mods please lock this up before we have 30 pages of nonsense.
Kobe haters are the worst. You got to be raw as f**k to have people hate on you like this
I can't believe what I have just read after reading OP's post.
Literally, did dis dude just did this?
LMAO wait, isn't that article from a year ago? ***** OP
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alright, fair enough.

people may want to start attacking this guys ideas rather than his internet persona then

Let me show you something,

These are the first posts on this thread.


Now mods please lock this up before we have 30 pages of nonsense.


Kobe haters are the worst. You got to be raw as f**k to have people hate on you like this

I can't believe what I have just read after reading OP's post.

Literally, did dis dude just did this?

LMAO wait, isn't that article from a year ago? ***** OP

The Kobe fans on Nike Talk do NOT want any discussion around Kobe Bryant, that isn't PRO Kobe all the way.
I wasn't even on this thread when it began.
These cats are really afraid, scared to death. No heart whatsoever, soft as ice cream.

You want to quote me, as saying let's close it up before we have 30 pages of nonsense. And out of all the pages you provided plenty of it.

But I was still willing to engage you in debate, and make you look foolish..

Enjoy hearing Kobe's top 10, and top 5 for the rest of your life. I know it's going to make you angry. So chin up chap.
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You want to quote me, as saying let's close it up before we have 30 pages of nonsense. And out of all the pages you provided plenty of it.
But I was still willing to engage you in debate, and make you look foolish..
Enjoy hearing Kobe's top 10, and top 5 for the rest of your life. I know it's going to make you angry. So chin up chap.
What made me look foolish was actually trying to be reasonable with you, like I am right now.

It's a risk that I take while discussing Kobe Bryant on Nike Talk.
is Kobe clutch? Yes. is Kobe overrated? Yes.

ahaha, you gotta be joking.. kobe is being underrated, even though the man is one of five players to ever score 30000 points in his career.. people still say that he is overrated and that lebron is better..
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