Is Kobe still Top 5?

Originally Posted by jbone2308

That dude on NBATV is nothing more than a homer.

When you have to go on National TV as an objective analyst and yet do totally the opposite to prove a point, you are a hater and are not doing your job correctly.

Guys like him make the media out to be total haters and totally discredits the objective opinions of other analyst.
cosign, he contradicts himself a lot too. he was bagging on kobe for "disappearing" in the finals but where was lebron in the gold medalgame when spain almost upset us? he was watching kobe score relentlessly against spain including a 4-point play that broke their hearts. lebron is a greatplayer and could possibly be the greatest but bron hasn't done anything yet, except make the finals where he only had to beat one (complacent andarrogrant) pistons to get there.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

if I need one player for one game, I'm going with Kobe.

No way....

Dude can LOSE you a game...

I'm taking LeBron or Wade.
So can LeBron and Wade...

im saying. dude still driding lebron like no other and tired to throw wade in there as a cover
lol joon "PRETTYPLAYA" getting in on this thread!

lebron is flat out the best 2k9 player that guy cant be stopped.


2k9 isn't the only reason why lebron is the best player by far.

But man, i did not know lebron could shoot. hahah
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Originally Posted by ai3mac1

I still consider him to be the best in the world right now.
Well, Lebron's Cavs gave the C's all they could handle last postseason. More than the Lakers.

Lebron led Team USA to gold.

And Lebron is the best player in the NBA this season.

So no, Kobe is not the best in the world right now.

Come on my man! No way ... Lebron played well ... in fact Team USA played well. But ... he ain't take over nothing. Kobe held it down with stellar D (didyou see Bron trynna guard the team's best offensive player?) If we wanna say one player took over I'm gonna have to go with D. Wade. Also Kobe and allof his skill took over in the Gold Medal game.

Lastly, to answer your question, in my opinion Kobe is still at least top 2 in the league. Yes, Lebron is great and it may be a toss up between those two! ButI'm not seeing his J progress as well as it should. A lot of his points are from inside. Real talk, I can hit open or contested jumpers better than Bron.(but I CLAIM to have a nice stroke) I will say it has improved vastly over his first two seasons. During that time I wouldn't have let Bron do anything butdunk and lay it up. Wade is nice, simply put. He would have to be the player I would compare to Kobe but he's got to show he can put this team on his backand make them win. Kinda like Kobe did last season. Kobe is in chill mode this season. But at 30 he's my BIW, (Best In World) word to Pat Riley.
Is this thread a joke?
Kobe is still the best in the League (Lebron close 2nd)
So he's not putting up crazy #s.... who cares.... he actually has a TEAM now, he doesn't need to.
Originally Posted by yungmatt


Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Have you seen his taste in women? Dude stayed posting elephants and rhinoceroses in the Big Breast Appreciation Thread, talking about 'What? These girls look good.'

Come on Ska..... it 09....
--Too lazy to look at everyone's opinions on the matter, just looked at the first few.
--I'm a Kobe/Laker fan and I cant say whether he's still Top 5, I could care less. Lakers come first.
--I can say, he still belongs in All-NBA First Team IMO.
go ask Lebron, Wade, Timmy and anybody else(besides Paul Peirce) in the league who the best is...

a few might say Sasha(joke calm down) but the PLAYERS know the deal and the majority will and have said Bean is the best in the league.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Top 5 five in no order

Magic or Kareem

I wonder what team you root for.

Actually I'm a Spurs fan..but Lakers have been probably most dominant team since 1970. And all those Lakers didnt play their whole career together like say a Jordan and Pippen.They had to time to shine separately.

I really dont who else to add the top 5 in the modern era maybe Duncan or Russell. But I cant put Russell in the my top 5 because his last year was before the 1970 and never averaged more than 19 ponts a game although his rebounds per game were incredible career high 24.7
but Wilt career highs for points a game was 44.8 and rebounds were 27.2

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Originally Posted by ERASCISM

I think as of today you could put him at no. 5

Lebron and Wade are runnin it. KG you gotta put before Kobe cause he's a champ and more valuable to his team. That leaves Dwight Howard, Paul, and Roy. You could make a case for all those players being better than Kobe today in terms of individual stats and value to their team's success.

We are witnessing CHANGE in the NBA.

Btw- do you think Granger will have a better career than T-Mac?

Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Can Paul take over a game in the 4th qtr like Roy?
I was out in Indy sitting first row behind the scorer's table, chatting it up with players left and right (they were, however, ignoring me). The P's had a solid lead and CP wasn't showing up much directly on offense, missing several jumpers. He came to check in at around 3:36, and I was in complete Pacers mode. Without thinking, I murmured, "CP ain't !#!!." He quickly turned around and said, "What?" High off the fact that he even acknowledged me, I said, "Yeah, you're lucky T.J.'s (Ford) not playing." He replied, "Yeah, I prayed for that last night," and rolled his eyes and laughed. I was in complete disarray, and said to the man that I had so passionately spoken in MVP support for last year: "You shouldn't have been mentioned for MVP last year, Kobe is way better than you." He laughed and walked off. My friend gave me the "what have you done" look.
CP, the passing machine, stopped passing then. He began to shoot every time he got the ball and took over the game going 6/8 and scoring 11 points in the final 3:36. I was standing and cheering passionately every time Granger hit a big shot and he was looking my way.

After a timeout, he walked from the bench to halfcourt smirking and smiling, staring me down the whole way. I gave him a thumbs down and shook my head. With 26 seconds left he drove, danced around with the ball and hit West for a wide open jumper to win it. I thought the game was over, but it wasn't.

CP went over, took a photo with someone, then walked in my direction. I stood up. He stopped directly in front of the scorers table and, pointing a solid finger, and said in LeBron fashion, "It's your fault. It's your fault." My legs began to shake as my star crush walked away.

What did I do.

[table][tr][td]Paul Driving Layup Shot: Made (10 PTS)[/td] [td]3:36
[NOH 93-94]
[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]3:24
[IND 97-93]
[/td] [td]Granger 3pt Shot: Made (32 PTS)
Assist: Jack (6 AST)
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Paul Pullup Jump shot: Made (12 PTS)[/td] [td]3:11
[NOH 95-97]
[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]2:53[/td] [td]Granger Jump Bank Shot: Missed[/td] [/tr][tr][td]West Rebound (Off:0 Def:10)[/td] [td]2:51[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]Paul Driving Layup Shot: Made (14 PTS)[/td] [td]2:42
[NOH 97-97]
[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]2:42[/td] [td]Foster Foul:Shooting (4 PF)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Paul Free Throw 1 of 1 (15 PTS)[/td] [td]2:42
[NOH 98-97]
[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]2:23[/td] [td]Granger Turnover:Lost Ball (5 TO) Steal:tongue:aul (3 ST)[/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]2:23[/td] [td]Foster Foul:Loose Ball (5 PF)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Posey Free Throw 1 of 2 missed[/td] [td]2:23[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]Team Rebound[/td] [td]2:23[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]2:23[/td] [td]Foster Substitution replaced by Nesterovic[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Posey Free Throw 2 of 2 (19 PTS)[/td] [td]2:23
[NOH 99-97]
[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]2:08[/td] [td]Granger Jump Shot: Missed[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Stojakovic Rebound (Off:3 Def:5)[/td] [td]2:06[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]Paul Pullup Jump shot: Made (17 PTS)[/td] [td]1:45
[NOH 101-97]
[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]1:45[/td] [td]Team Timeout:Short[/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]1:34
[IND 99-101]
[/td] [td]Nesterovic Jump Shot: Made (4 PTS)
Assist: Daniels (6 AST)
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Paul Fade Away Jumper Shot: Missed[/td] [td]1:12[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]1:10[/td] [td]Nesterovic Rebound (Off:1 Def:2)[/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]0:50
[IND 101-101]
[/td] [td]Daniels Finger Roll Layup Shot: Made (7 PTS)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Paul Fade Away Bank shot: Made (19 PTS)[/td] [td]0:30
[NOH 103-101]
[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]0:30[/td] [td]Team Timeout:Regular[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Posey Foul:Shooting (5 PF)[/td] [td]0:27[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]0:27
[IND 102-103]
[/td] [td]Granger Free Throw 1 of 2 (33 PTS)[/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]0:27[/td] [td]Nesterovic Substitution replaced by Foster[/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]0:27
[IND 103-103]
[/td] [td]Granger Free Throw 2 of 2 (34 PTS)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]West Fade Away Jumper Shot: Made (18 PTS)
Assist: Paul (12 AST)
[/td] [td]0:02
[NOH 105-103]
[/td] [td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]0:00[/td] [td]Jack 3pt Shot: Missed[/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]0:00[/td] [td]Team Rebound[/td] [/tr][/table]

how do you go 6/8 and score 11 points?
Dude must've been making a late push for worst post of the year with this one... and you know what, i think he might've snatched it.

I had this guy ignored but still saw this darkened out on the front page and just laughed... if i ever needed reminded why this guy is ignored, i just got it.
I'm a Sacramento Kings fan and I recognize Kobe is still the best player in the league, period. His numbers are less than Wade's and Lebron'sbecause he has better teammates. Numbers are nothing unless you're playing fantasy basketball since it's all relative. With the game on the line andthe clock running down there's not a single person mentioned in this thread that I'd rather give the ball than Kobe. The whole 'who'd you starta franchise with' isn't equivalent to who is the best right now. It would be Lebron since he's younger. But to win now, you'd pick up Kobe.
Originally Posted by Beats05

I'm a Sacramento Kings fan and I recognize Kobe is still the best player in the league, period. His numbers are less than Wade's and Lebron's because he has better teammates. Numbers are nothing unless you're playing fantasy basketball since it's all relative. With the game on the line and the clock running down there's not a single person mentioned in this thread that I'd rather give the ball than Kobe. The whole 'who'd you start a franchise with' isn't equivalent to who is the best right now. It would be Lebron since he's younger. But to win now, you'd pick up Kobe.
kids under the age of 15 should not be able to make threads
kgover kobe? seriously?!?

the admins need to make him get parental permission before voicing his opinion on ANY thread let alone starting his own.
First thread I get to enter in 09 is a failure.

So when Kobe played with bums and put up nintendo numbers, he was knocked for not elevating his team and winning.
Now he plays with a great cast and wins ALOT, and he's being knocked for not putting up numbers.

Cuz 26 5 and 4 really suck for a guy who plays 35 minutes.

Lebron and Wade have looked great this season. So I have no problem if you wanna bump Kobe to 3 for not getting eqaul numbers.

Isn't the OP Laker4Life guy? Isn't he the same guy? Cuz I remember Laker4Life last year starting threads upset that Kobe didn't score 50 anymorebecause the Lakers had Gasol and were winning. If this is the same dude, then whatever he did to get banned as Laker4life, he should get banned with hiscurrent SN.
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