Is my brother in the wrong for what he did?

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

So my sister seen this girl at a party she doesn't like because she talks hella head.
My sister goes outside, and i knew she was going to fight her so i came outside too.
They argued for a little while then my sister started to fight her and the other girl's girlfriend hit my sister in her face, so i broke it up , then they fought again like 3 minutes later after arguing again and i stopped it again because they were going to try to jump her.

WE go back inside the hotel and i tell everyone what happened and told them that they tried to jump her, so my brother gets mad. the girls that tried/ kind of jumped my sister come back inside, and everyone starts arguing.
they try to get in my sisters face and my brother comes up and pushes all the girls out of the way because they were all arguing with my sister.

so one of the butch lesbian girls punch my brother in his face, and broke his nose, my brother got mad and punched her in her face and she fell to the ground.
Everyone starts fighting again and i pull my brother back before he woops her a!@.
his girlfriend started getting jumped so he comes in there flying and starts just beating up another butch lesbian that was jumping his girlfriend.
securtiy broke it up and we left right after all that happened.

we come back home and my brothers nose is crooked.
my brother was kind of drunk.
and every girl that was fighting was basically a butch lesbian.

is my brother wrong for what he did?
see, your brother never should have gotten in that fight from the get go, cause that was a girl fight. He got his nose cracked, so the obvious reaction is for him was to knock her out.
he didn't knock her out, she just fell and got back up.
so you're saying if your sister(if you have one) was getting yelled at by a bunch of lesbians and you push them all away, and for pushing them some lesbiangirl breaks your nose, you would just take it like a man and walk away?
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

yeah your brother is wrong, and this is coming from a dude that karate kick a female in her chest.
Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

So my sister seen this girl at a party she doesn't like because she talks hella head.
My sister goes outside, and i knew she was going to fight her so i came outside too.
They argued for a little while then my sister started to fight her and the other girl's girlfriend hit my sister in her face, so i broke it up , then they fought again like 3 minutes later after arguing again and i stopped it again because they were going to try to jump her.

WE go back inside the hotel and i tell everyone what happened and told them that they tried to jump her, so my brother gets mad. the girls that tried/ kind of jumped my sister come back inside, and everyone starts arguing.
they try to get in my sisters face and my brother comes up and pushes all the girls out of the way because they were all arguing with my sister.

so one of the butch lesbian girls punch my brother in his face, and broke his nose, my brother got mad and punched her in her face and she fell to the ground.
Everyone starts fighting again and i pull my brother back before he woops her a!@.
his girlfriend started getting jumped so he comes in there flying and starts just beating up another butch lesbian that was jumping his girlfriend.
securtiy broke it up and we left right after all that happened.

we come back home and my brothers nose is crooked.
my brother was kind of drunk.
and every girl that was fighting was basically a butch lesbian.

is my brother wrong for what he did?
see, your brother never should have gotten in that fight from the get go, cause that was a girl fight. He got his nose cracked, so the obvious reaction is for him was to knock her out.
he didn't knock her out, she just fell and got back up.
so you're saying if your sister(if you have one) was getting yelled at by a bunch of lesbians and you push them all away, and for pushing them some lesbian girl breaks your nose, you would just take it like a man and walk away?
that's not what happen though from your story. your sister fought them AND THEN YOUR BROTHER HEARD ABOUT IT AND THEN HE GOT MAD and then therewas more arguing about it and then YOUR BROTHER PUSHES THEM. Me personally, A female can talk about my race, my income, my gender, anything. But if she yapsabout my MOM.( LOL I made a thread about moms too on NT, so people know how I feel about moms.) Then I know it's a low-blow and I'll proceed to playdirty. That's just me.That butch chick had a mean punch, cause I got hit by like 5 girls, and it felt like I was getting tickle.
nope i would have done the same thing, no matter what gender you are if you put your hands on me you're going to get hit.
if my brother hadn't pushed them out of the way, then they would of all probably jumper my sister.
if they were in your sisters face you wouldn't do anything?
and do you have a sister?
Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

if my brother hadn't pushed them out of the way, then they would of all probably jumper my sister.
if they were in your sisters face you wouldn't do anything?
and do you have a sister?
I don't have sisters, but I do have females cousins that i look at as sisters. If those girls jump my cousin, I know they wouldn't wincause they can fight and plus they got more female folks. I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna do anything, but I would diffuse the situation. I would say"hey man, we don't want no trouble." You be surprise how good that line works when people want to fight cause then you'll hear "YEAH,that's right you don't want no trouble." and then the whole thing gets shutdown. But you are saying these girls were PROBABLY going to jump yoursister, I would have sepearated them and treated them like kids and then just work my mouth and proceed to leave.
Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

So my sister seen this girl at a party she doesn't like because she talks hella head.
My sister goes outside, and i knew she was going to fight her so i came outside too.
They argued for a little while then my sister started to fight her and the other girl's girlfriend hit my sister in her face, so i broke it up , then they fought again like 3 minutes later after arguing again and i stopped it again because they were going to try to jump her.

WE go back inside the hotel and i tell everyone what happened and told them that they tried to jump her, so my brother gets mad.
the girls that tried/ kind of jumped my sister come back inside, and everyone starts arguing.
they try to get in my sisters face and my brother comes up and pushes all the girls out of the way because they were all arguing with my sister.

so one of the butch lesbian girls punch my brother in his face, and broke his nose, my brother got mad and punched her in her face and she fell to the ground.
Everyone starts fighting again and i pull my brother back before he woops her a!@.
his girlfriend started getting jumped so he comes in there flying and starts just beating up another butch lesbian that was jumping his girlfriend.
securtiy broke it up and we left right after all that happened.

we come back home and my brothers nose is crooked.
my brother was kind of drunk.
and every girl that was fighting was basically a butch lesbian.

is my brother wrong for what he did?
I would feel bad if it was a regular female, but those butch lesbians I would be quick to put em in they place. Like the other thread earlier today about butchlesbians, if you wanna act like a dude ima beat you down like a dude simple as that.
YO that would suck to get your nose broke by a broad.
i dont have a sister but it would be hard for me to watch my sis fight. wouldnt allow it.
So your sister was bout to get jumped by some butch lesbians? Your brother was justified. I wouldn't let some females that want to be a dude try and hit mysister.
1-on-1 fight he should let them fight

but if they talkin about jumping my sister and then proceed to break my nose... this 6'2 black man is going to work on a butch lesbian

your brother wasnt wrong
Being a lesbian doesn't make her not a woman, he was wrong. On top of that he shouldn't have been involved in that mess, if your sister wanted to fightshe should've handled it herself. Now your brother got lumped up and all he has to say is "I beat up some butches."..he's wrong and kindadumb..
Originally Posted by firenflames

Originally Posted by joshyy1834

Originally Posted by firenflames

Nope, if a girl is going to step to you like a man, you treat her like a man.

nah , that's a femaile , chill . he was wrong for it .

In this particular case he wasn't. These people impersonate men, and wish they were born as males.
ignorance on NT is beyond me
In all honesty, he is in the wrong.

The fight was over and he escalated by swinging on them girls.

Now all he has left is his pride and a broken nose.
I think your brother was somewhat in the wrong. It looks like your sister was just as interested in fighting as the other girls. If that's the case thenlet them have at it. Jumping however is a no no. If your sister wanted to go just keep a watchful eye on the situation so things don't get out of hand. Asfar as your brother pushing the other girls back that wasn't necessary unless your sister was by herself. Even if that was the case just separate thegroups don't come in pushing people because that can be seen as a threat. In this case it was perceived as such and one of the ladies reacted violently.
Your brother did the right thing, if she didnt want to get hit she shouldnt have punched first.
Nal they were butch lesbians which mean they were practically dudes, he wasnt in the wrong
Nah he did the right thing...if I see a bunch of 16 yr old girls jumpin my sis I'm puttin in that work as well...early...and that butch that broke hisnose, she wouldn't have went home in an ambulane if it were me
I would have done the same thing, but much more worse. I'll never let a broad break my nose, and just give her apunch. If a "butch @#@%*" ever broke my nose, i'll go Rocky Balboa on the broad.
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