Is my brother in the wrong for what he did?

Not at all...if dey man enuff to hit a man, den dey sure as hell man enuff to get knocked out like one...if my girl or sis was gettin jumped I'd do thesame...push em off at first, but once I get hit I'm swingin
Originally Posted by mdresident

Nah, hes not wrong @ all...but why were there so many enemies at a hotel together?
he only had beef with one girl, then i guess the other girl had hella of her friends there.
my sister is also a lesbian, but she's not one of those butch ones.
the butch ones are the manly basketball player type of lesbian.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

So my sister seen this girl at a party she doesn't like because she talks hella head.

Must be a Bay Area thing.
hella head
Regardless of how man like she may have been SHE is not a man. I've always taught my brother you NEVER HIT ANY WOMAN, for any reason..that's just notright, I'm not excusing her actions, but damn..fighting girls?
Butch lesbian = dude in my book

Girl punching you in face = Falcon punch, but not limited to - based on the severity of her his punch
Its actually your sisters fault. She is a fool for starting a fight, even if the girls was running their mouths about her.
nah he did wut he had to.. no respect for butch lesbos who hit men. ef that. if ur pretty u get a pass tho. lol
so one of the butch lesbian girls punch my brother in his face,

he wasn't in the wrong imo cuz
if a chick acts/dresses/and obviously wishes she was a dude...then treat her like one lol
plus butch started it!
so one of the butch lesbian girls punch my brother in his face,

he wasn't in the wrong imo cuz
if a chick acts/dresses/and obviously wishes she was a dude...then treat her like one lol
plus butch started it!
so one of the butch lesbian girls punch my brother in his face,

he wasn't in the wrong imo cuz
if a chick acts/dresses/and obviously wishes she was a dude...then treat her like one lol
plus butch started it!
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