Is my insurance co. trolling me?

Aug 21, 2010
So I got into a minor car accident a few days ago. I got rear ended while at a stop light. I provided my insurance (State Farm) with all the info. They're telling me "I" have to personally talk to the insurance co. of the party at fault and file the claim. This isn't my first accident. I've always provided the info to my insurance and they've handled it. Granted I'd get a call here and there on the progress of the case or if they needed some further info, but that's about it. Then she comes out and tells me that I have to pay my deductible to get my repairs done and who knows when I'll get reimbursed depending on when the other insurance co. pays it back. I pretty much tell her "what's the point of having insurance if I'm the one doing all the leg work?" Like I mentioned, I've never had to file the claims with the other insurance co. That's their job is it not?
If you use your insurance you will have to pay a deductible.

If you use the other persons insurance YOU have to work out the details of getting your car fixed and obtaining a rental.

A bit more hassle but its essentially free (If the other person is insured)
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Agents are not necessarily responsible for doing the legwork. It really depends on how far your agent is willing to go. Most of the time, they use their expertise to guide you through the situation rather than call up the other parties themselves. Also, you do not want to file a claim through your insurance. It is not your fault that you were rear ended - you need to file a claim with the insurance company of whoever hit you. That way, you are not paying deductibles and your insurance company has no need to subrogate.
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