Is Niketalk semi dead now? It's been a minute since I've been on here.

If this site were to flourish, women need to be involved under their own volition. The fact that women do not feel comfortable here, speaks volumes. All the great clubs get it. Protect the women, make them feel comfortable, your popularity will rise. The all boys club has never been a successful model, and their members have never been the ones to emulate.
Man goto eharmony with this low key dating request old head lol
But IG, Twitter, and FB make women comfortable? Got it...

Man goto eharmony with this low key dating request old head lol
I bet all of you are some serious lady killers.....
It's "dead" but still the number 1 source people leech off of.

Folks stay lurking, stealing info and passing it off like it's theirs for social media fame.

THIS. Also you can't always bet on a social media platform to be the go to for everything as there are less checks and balances as far as an "authority" goes. While I'll agree kids are more likely to be on whatever social media is popular at the moment I think a forum like Niketalk will be relevant and may even one day evolve into something bigger.
I can never tell if yall are serious in believing the rest of the internet steals content from NT
People come on here to steal people pics and recently happen from my recollection in the Greek freak 1 thread..some what known ig sneakerreporter took someone pics and posted on his ig account without giving the site credit or saying where he source it from...but it's vice versa on NT part cause people source information from social media as well and post it here.
saying nt is washed is basically saying we are all washed

you would be correct
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