Is Social Media Destroying Society? Former Facebook Exec Says 'Yes'

I just don’t understand how anyone over 30 even uses a tik tok… and the fact that people don’t realize when something is staged.

It’s embarrassing seeing adults do that s****

It depends what you use tiktok and other sites like it for. I dont have one but i know there are educational vids or even how-to vids or just inspirational or funny vids.
It's not just cringy videos for 15 minutes of fame
How else are "prison baes" gonna get their 250K when they get out of prison without social media? Anybody think of that?

I can’t remember the last time something on the internet pissed me off this much. Lady deserves everything that comes her way and then some.

The save attempt was pathetic and cringy af.

…. She’s chastising her daughter for being more concerned about glamour, vanity and “looking good”… yet she has a FILTER with her and her daughter with eye lashes, etc…. Make it make sense.

And she’s using the #1 source of attention seekers (social media) to draw attention to her daughter, who she’s already allegedly worried about wanting more attention, as opposed to education…..
Thing about regulation is that it's never regulated freely, there's always a big company/political movement behind it & all that happens is that they supress whatever information doesn't fit their agenda & use that communication to continue to try & shape people in their intended ways.
Could AI save humans from ourselves? Seems like there’s a political fight for peoples data. Gov vs Corp
Social media
Medical Debt
Political Divide
Wealth Gap

Our US society is crumbling from the inside out. The only reason it takes a while is because we built the best infrastructure over the past 50 years and our belief in government is still very strong. But literally we’re able to take no steps forward these days in any meaningful way whether it is the general baselines of a normal citizen or as a country. The 2100s going to be an interesting time.

Smaller countries

They definitely are playing the long game
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