Is Social Media Destroying Society? Former Facebook Exec Says 'Yes'

Random but...

Am I the only person that refuses to watch videos over 30 seconds? :lol:

I mean I've probably killed months of my life on NT, but I don't see how people sit and watch a random person talk for 4 minutes.

I have AirPods and music playing 95 percent of the time when I have the free time to watch a video someone sends me, I’m not pausing my listening experience to watch whatever video you sent me. If I can’t read it, I don’t want it 😭

It’s bothered me for YEARS when I click a headline, and it’s a video and not an article I can read.
This is facts.

Imagine if NWO taking over WCW happened today. No way it would work. We would know about the impending fate of their contracts long before they ended and we'd know that they had been negotiating with WCW.

Imagine if the first time we found out that NCAA Football was coming back was in a 30 second spot like this during the Super Bowl:

Seems like you read the caption but didn't watch the video...

Comparing things from different eras is flawed like with sports
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Random but...

Am I the only person that refuses to watch videos over 30 seconds? :lol:


Seems like you read the caption but didn't watch the video...

Could go in the fools wildin' thread, but I want to see what others think of her explanation. I actually agree with her about women love attacking our outlets.

Video games arent outlets, they are distractions from your real life problems. The fact hes on the floor crying about a game would suggest its not just his "peace" but a pretty significant crutch, hes addicted like many are. Soon as you take it away all the underlying issues coming rushing to the surface. His reaction indicates hes got a problem, she saw it, which is why she went out of her way to get him away from it. All that said, obviously she was way out of line making an executive decision like that.
Not gunna lie deleting a MyPlayer now is like burning $100 not counting the time invested to get badges, level progression etc. Just monetarily speaking if he had 5+ players that's $500 gone.

With that being said I still think it's fake.
Lol I got my player to 80 and stopped playing. I wouldn’t have done all that, but I probably would’ve let her go. No matter his reaction, thats still a lack of respect for other people’s things. Like why is she even on there deleting stuff in the first place? Was she deleting stuff to make room for something she wanted. Or did she just do that to get a reaction to post online??? Either this **** id fake or she fraud as hell.

They almost got me.
I can’t believe adults sit and watch that stuff :lol: :lol: :lol:

But then I realize this is the generation that grew up watching real world MTV and reality TV shows…..

Watching other grown adults do basic household chores? People ACTUALLY sit through minutes or hours of this stuff? :lol: :lol: :rofl:

There’s really something for EVERYBODY. That’s the greatest asset of SM/Web. Find your pocket or niche that you enjoy and flourish.

But that up there? Not for me.

Show me a dude farming, doing some woodworking, fishing or whatever. Anything but that

dawg...I came across this video last night and said the same thing. My man had multiple shots of him walking in rooms. That means buddy had to go set the camera up, press record, pick the baby up, walk back out the room, and then walk back in all nonchalantly for the scene, then walk back into the room to press stop.

all that, just for that scene alone. When they showed his wife coming to eat she seemed over it all lol.

I just feel like its too much. People recording "GRWM" videos and "Sunday Reset" videos like bruh....just get dressed or clean your house and do them dishes...not everything has to be recorded and posted...

/End Old Man Rant
Have y'all seen the women who does the whole "I do everything aesthetically pleasing"? I wanted to claw my eyes out and throw my phone against the wall when I saw it.
I mite need to get in on this content stuff. My life is way more entertaining than that drying paint routine I just watched. My girls never wanna get up so I grab my guitar and freestyle a concert in their room til they cant take it anymore. And my boys get up next and it looks like NBA intros the way we each have elaborate *** handshakes as they pile out of their room. Let me find a camera rite quick, im ****in the game up!
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