Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

Kind of a genius by Israeli mossad and their division of Hasbara. Just throw out random smearing statements

What’s next? Finkelstein is Osama Bin Ladens half brother. Mearsheimer is a robot?

Reminds me of beheaded babies
As far as I’ve seen there’s no evidence that even implies any Israeli involvement. Does Israel’s government benefit from the Iraq war? Sure, they even admitted as much. But there’s not a shred of evidence they conspired with Al Qaeda, meanwhile there’s a lot of evidence implicating Saudi intelligence/government officials.
Of course there’s a history of intel agencies planning or conducting violent covert operations but that could be said of many countries.

I’ve rarely ever heard anyone point to Israel as the perpetrator of 9/11 prior to this genocide. Suddenly social media posts about 9/11 are flooded with baseless comments claiming it was obviously Israel/zionists.
One could argue that hypothetical Israeli involvement would be covered up to protect Israel but that’s exactly what actually happened with Saudi Arabia.

There’s countless reasons, supported by actual evidence, to criticize Israel. No need for all these people to accuse them of practically anything. Their genocide and overall historical treatment of Palestinians should be more than sufficient.

Israel did push and campaign to go invade Iraq for years leading up to the Iraqi invasion, as there is evidence out there Israeli intelligence officials had given Washington a variety of alarming reports about Iraq’s WMD programmes. But, however, I could and have not come across information or evidence of Israeli intel or government financing the 9/11 operation, or their involvement with Saudis for it. But, you can say 9/11 was used as a pretext and came in handy for Israeli motives to topple Saddam and Iraq's regime change.

People should really look into the Saudis and their motives if they had deeper complicity in 9/11. The Saudis are very undercover because they like to play all sides, but they are also involved in many of the operations of destabilization and regime change in the region.

Sorry, my earlier post missed some words. As for the Israeli motives, I meant I couldn't find evidence when it comes to funding 9/11, but there is evidence for motives to use 9/11 as a pretext for their motives to support invasion of Iraq.

Pressure from Israel and the Lobby was not the only factor behind the decision to attack Iraq in March 2003, but it was critical. They were advocating for war into Iraq since the 90s. Under Saddam Hussein's rule, Israel regarded Iraq as a major security threat. The threats to Israelis came from multiple fronts when it comes to Saddam due to geopolitical power in the region, but also because of financial support for Palestinian resistance, and because of his arsenal of weapons, including Scud missiles. He had threatened to hit Israel again, which he has before during the 1990 invasion of Kuwait.

There was also pipeline politics angle to it: Netanyahu says Iraq-Israel oil line will open in near future

From the news article above:
LONDON - Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he expected an oil pipeline from Iraq to Israel to be reopened in the near future after being closed when Israel became a state in 1948.

"It won't be long when you will see Iraqi oil flowing to Haifa," the port city in northern Israel, Netanyahu told a group of British investors, declining to give a timetable.

"It is just a matter of time until the pipeline is reconstituted and Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean."

Netanyahu later told Reuters the government was in the early stages of looking into the possibility of reopening the pipeline, which during the British Mandate sent oil from Mosul to Haifa via Jordan.

"It's not a pipe-dream," Netanyahu said.
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Wanna know how bad Israel is losing?

They have now entered the phase of attacking US journalists and those who speak the truth

First it was the Grayzone (max and Aaron) with claims (without substantial evidence) he’s a Iranian agent

Now they going after Ritter and my main man Judge Napolitano

Pays to be pro-israeli


Fun fact: she’s the Dallas Mavericks majority owner
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We have discussed that I believe Saudi Arabia as a government entity had played much more of a complicit role, which needs to be further uncovered.

I don't think I came across Israel ties, especially regarding motives.

But, I will say that conspiracies what believe intelligence agencies or certain governments are behind or play a role in these types of attacks is not ludicrous such as believing Santa Clause is real.

Intelligence agencies and governments have been involved and do manufacture or have committed red flag operations.
Don’t know what this means but the fact that you cannot ask about this or the dancing Israelis (or be cancelled, banned, blackballed…) makes it suspicious.

Haaretz is an ISRAELI journal btw

Why nobody can ever trust legacy media:

As opposed to the very reliable Max Blumenthal, who had dinner with Putin at a Kremlin-sponsored event? Where afterwards, Blumenthal's view on Syria became the polar opposite of his prior views. To be fair to Max Blumenthal, he might just be not that bright and easy to influence. Blumenthal's 'girlfriend' of course also worked for RT (RussiaToday).

Apologies in advance for potential spelling and grammar mistakes. I acccidentally took both my Ambien 7.5mg sleeping pills already but it's only 7pm.
Kinda hard to type a decent sentence with text and lines floating around.
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As opposed to the very reliable Max Blumenthal, who had dinner with Putin at a Kremlin-sponsored event? Where afterwards, Blumenthal's view on Syria became the polar opposite of his prior views. To be fair to Max Blumenthal, he might just be not that bright and easy to influence. Blumenthal's 'girlfriend' of course also worked for RT (RussiaToday).
Jill Stein was at that dinner too.

I tend to find him on the ball about certain issues, but I disagree with him on COVID-19 lockdowns.

Some people can have very reliable and credible perspectives and reporting, despite all of our biases, but questionable takes on other issues.

That's where our media literacy kicks in in knowing and discerning certain biases and how that affects the reporting.

I don't see it as any different if he is more Pro-Putin/anti-imperialism West than all other journalists and reporters in the West that work for corporation-controlled Western media and are heavily pro-Western/American.
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So it's been popping off between Israel and Lebanon last few days and keeps escalating. Word on the street is now Israel wants to conduct an offensive attack in July against Lebanon.

From an analysis on AL-Jazeera, there are also domestic political considerations at play in Israel. According to polls, the majority of the Israeli public wants a confrontation with Hezbollah. Some members of the war cabinet are also in favour of a wider war and are calling for a new occupation of south Lebanon.
So it's been popping off between Israel and Lebanon last few days and keeps escalating. Word on the street is now Israel wants to conduct an offensive attack in July against Lebanon.

From an analysis on AL-Jazeera, there are also domestic political considerations at play in Israel. According to polls, the majority of the Israeli public wants a confrontation with Hezbollah. Some members of the war cabinet are also in favour of a wider war and are calling for a new occupation of south Lebanon.

Literally a daily occurance since October 8


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I take my military analysis from Scott Ritter who, just as he predicted Ukraine would get rocked, IdF will get rocked by Hamas, is and has been predicting that Hezbollah gonna make the IDF look worse than they already look.

I predict the US will get DIRECTLY involved bc they can’t see Haifa get burned to its studs as some predict. Does Iran then get involved? If so, will US attack Iran? If so will China just stand idly by as its oil supplier get bombed? What about Russia?

All of this bc AIPAC owns the US congress/executive branch. My goodness. Wake up
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So, does Israel sees it has no choice but to invade Lebanon as this point?

This may definitely pull in more countries and proxies into the mix other than just current support and proving more military power.

So timely with Netanyahu addressing U.S. Congress next week. Very reminiscent of when US and allied coalition moved from Afghanistan to Iraq.
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