Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

When the worst person you know makes a good point.
I don't think anyone would deny that Andrew Tate is a very intelligent person and extremely skilled in manipulation. Something that is not only easily observed but also according to his own words.
As someone who's been following his criminal case and has read Andrew and Tristan Tate's indictments and some of their additional court filings though, I find it practically impossible to believe he of all people has any genuine care whatsoever about this horrible conflict.

not gunna lie, it's funny to ya boy to see the same kinds of people who claimed "cancel culture isn't real lol"
suddenly discover that it's bad when upper class people use elite speech norms to silence debate.

personally I don't mind it when artists have potentially offensive politics.
I wish more people on the left agreed with me.

Given how Hollywood talent is publicly being laid off & condemned for Supporting Palestine (not attacking Jews, not being anti semetic) literally for saying stop killing innocent people. I would like to take this time to again question why have people been called anti semetic for stating that Jewish People are in control of a large portion of the media, despite that being true.

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Given how Hollywood talent is publicly being laid off & condemned for Supporting Palestine (not attacking Jews, not being anti semetic) literally for saying stop killing innocent people. I would like to take this time to again question why have people been called anti semetic for stating that Jewish People are in control of a large portion of the media, despite that being true.

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I mean it's pretty obvious why people get butt hurt about people who harp on this fact.

Because usually people who do use this random quirk of vocational choice as a justification for genocide.
I mean it's pretty obvious why people get butt hurt about people who harp on this fact.

Because usually people who do use this random quirk of vocational choice as a justification for genocide.

I think it's pretty easy to differentiate someone saying Jewish people should be killed in mass because of their power vs someone saying that large media corporations being primarily owned & operated by Jewish media could lead to clear bias in their favor.

Up until these current events of the past month simply stating the latter in public, you were thrown in the boat of Antisemitism & treated as if making that very logical assumption somehow meant that you wanted genocide of the Jewish community.

Now we are here, quite literally watching Israel commit Genocide & running PAID ADVERTISEMENTS on social media to justify their genocide.... and i think it's important to revisit why people were pointing this out
I think it's pretty easy to differentiate someone saying Jewish people should be killed in mass because of their power vs someone saying that large media corporations being primarily owned & operated by Jewish media could lead to clear bias in their favor.

Up until these current events of the past month simply stating the latter in public, you were thrown in the boat of Antisemitism & treated as if making that very logical assumption somehow meant that you wanted genocide of the Jewish community.

Now we are here, quite literally watching Israel commit Genocide & running PAID ADVERTISEMENTS on social media to justify their genocide.... and i think it's important to revisit why people were pointing this out

1. It's not that easy to tell, tons of right of wing influencers dance that line of plausible deniability incredibly well.

In fact this thread is perfect evidence of that, people were tossing out Jackson Hinkle tweets like he's Wolf Blister.

So no it's easy to tell, and yes it's very close to Nazi talking points, so obviously Jewish people will be sensitive of that fact.

Proceed accordingly.

2. It's not a "genocide", people need to stop with the overheated language. Things can be bad without having to be the worst thing.
1. It's not that easy to tell, tons of right of wing influencers dance that line of plausible deniability incredibly well.

In fact this thread is perfect evidence of that, people were tossing out Jackson Hinkle tweets like he's Wolf Blister.

So no it's easy to tell, and yes it's very close to Nazi talking points, so obviously Jewish people will be sensitive of that fact.

Proceed accordingly.

2. It's not a "genocide", people need to stop with the overheated language. Things can be bad without having to be the worst thing.

What exactly do you call trying to run All Palestinians out of their home, bombing hospitals & starving civilians???
2. It's not a "genocide", people need to stop with the overheated language. Things can be bad without having to be the worst thing.

You'll find different experts saying different thing, as it is highly politicized but it is clear cut genocide.

Raz Segal, an Israeli expert in modern genocide, calls Israel’s assault on Gaza a textbook case of “intent to commit genocide” and its rationalization of its violence a “shameful use” of the lessons of the Holocaust. Israeli state exceptionalism and comparisons of its Palestinians victims to “Nazis” are used to “justify, rationalize, deny, distort, disavow mass violence against Palestinians,” says Segal.
Given how Hollywood talent is publicly being laid off & condemned for Supporting Palestine (not attacking Jews, not being anti semetic) literally for saying stop killing innocent people. I would like to take this time to again question why have people been called anti semetic for stating that Jewish People are in control of a large portion of the media, despite that being true.

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Antisemitism surely does exist, but here is a stake from Finklestein that puts it into perspective.

So, basically antisemitism can be weaponized when it is not antisemitic to point out Zionist lobby groups that have very strong pull, power and money in many industries. Also, many Zionists are not even Jews, but it it is the Christian evangelicals and neo-cons.

When I talk about influence and pull...
Given how Hollywood talent is publicly being laid off & condemned for Supporting Palestine (not attacking Jews, not being anti semetic) literally for saying stop killing innocent people. I would like to take this time to again question why have people been called anti semetic for stating that Jewish People are in control of a large portion of the media, despite that being true.

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wow this is pretty eye opening as a graphic. it’s wild how much different industries are dominated by certain people. the fact that people don’t think nepotism and stuff is alive and well is a problem. We’re very still a built on privilege society.
What exactly do you call trying to run All Palestinians out of their home, bombing hospitals & starving civilians???

Genocide is a word with a specific meaning.
it does not mean "lots of civilian casualties in a war", it "doesn't mean extended occupation or blockade of citizens."

again I promise you things can be very very bad,/inhumane but you don't need to reach for the worst word possible to convey that point.
Genocide is killing large numbers of people with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.

20% of Israel's population is Palestinian, hard for me to believe there intent is to destroy the Palestinian ethnic group
they don't seem to be killing them.

Israel–Jordan have a peace treaty I believe and what 60% of Jordan is Palestinian? Israel shares a boarder with them. right?

again if your intent is genocide yet you have peace treaty with majority Palestinian state.

If Isreal intent is to genocide the Palestinian ethnic group, they have a funny way of showing it.

Are illegal occupations good? No.
Are Illegal settlements good? No.
Is indiscriminate bombing good? No.
Is civilian death good. No.

Is it automatically genocide? No it isn't.

Terrible things can be terrible, all on their own, no need to reach for the worst possible term.
From my knowledge, saying Jewish folks ‘controls’ the media has the dangerous potential of assuming that Jewish folks can and are actively creating narratives to destroy anyone that they don’t deem as peers and we should be wary of them because of it— and that’s different from just owning media. And ‘them‘ owning media assumes that all Jewish people are working under the same conspiracy-- which is dangerous and discriminatory. Jewish elites using influence to silence dissent against Israel doesn't make any of those claims less discriminatory or dangerous.

Also, genocide also refers to killing a large number of a group of people; so I think it's fair to say that indiscriminately bombing and killing over 11,000 people in a given state fares as genocidal

This is Israel's prime minister.... In the past year there's been a surplus of of discussions around celebrities words & how it could ignite major violence towards the Jewish Community, but the prime Minister Essentially Calling for Holy War on Palestinians is "overheated" ?

I genuinely get that those who are truly antisemetic will try to use Israel's recent actions to fuel their hate further, there's no debating that. However I can't let a minorities hateful & skewed views take away from the truth of any situation.

And the truth is Jewish leaders & politicians have been committing a slow genocide of these people for YEARS, that shouldn't reflect on Every person of Jewish Descent, the same way the US government terrorizes countries all over the world & i wouldn't want inhabitants of those countries to feel like the majority of Americans agree with those actions.

With that said Israels leadership is committing straight up criminal & evil actions & i'm not gonna sugar coat their actions because some other group of idiots will try to use it to justify their hate of all Jewish people
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