it's also amazing what hasnt been done for New orleans

Weezy speaks the truth. NOLA is my second favorite city in the US, I absolutely love it there, but a lot of places in the city are still completely devastated.
true story weezy!

But is anyone else kind of skeptical about how the aid for Haiti is being handled? Im afraid that someone is making a lot of money from all the financial support Americans are providing. We forget that the Red Cross uses the money they receive from donations for marketing and advertisements for aid. And they are marketing the hell out of it!

From what Ive heard the relief effort has been extremely unorganized and chaotic. Stock loads of food and medical supplies being held up in customs for three weeks! The UN seems to be in control and the US basically has the attitude of "We will provide support, but its Haiti's disaster".

Check this link out: Conyers wants Haiti relief official demoted over diversity deficit.
Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY

US basically has the attitude of "We will provide support, but its Haiti's disaster"

the disaster is in Haiti and were doing as much as we can..... everyone is so quick to criticize, we got marines bringing in food day and night. countless others are helping out right now.. the US is basically doing everything 
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY

US basically has the attitude of "We will provide support, but its Haiti's disaster"

the disaster is in Haiti and were doing as much as we can..... everyone is so quick to criticize, we got marines bringing in food day and night. countless others are helping out right now.. the US is basically doing everything 

^^^^wrong. straight up. thats just what they want us to think, seriously. And I do agree somewhat that ultimately the country will need to be responsible in their own recovery down the road but now they are nearly helpless. The real heroes are the people who have been living in Haiti and have been helping the people of the country before this disaster that are putting their families and lives aside to even more than they already do to help as much as possible. Human to Human hand to hand. I agree that we are trying but we are simply just falling short of our potential and that my friend is a fact.
Theres gotta be a more interesting discussion goin on about these (Waynes) comment.


so many different issues to be raised.
Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

Weezy speaks the truth. NOLA is my second favorite city in the US, I absolutely love it there, but a lot of places in the city are still completely devastated.

No, the question should be what has Wayne done for NO? Sure hes rebuilt some parks and such, however, you think hes done ALL that he can to help them. This is another case of the pot calling the kettle black. People help when they feel they should. NO was a dirt poor place before Katrina. Haiti was a dirt poor place before the earthquake. It will all take time to be fixed. However, I guarantee the folks in NO are doing better than the Haitians. Tell Wayne to think about that. Only reason why I even listen to these celebs talk is because they are on a worldwide platform. To be honest, its just another celeb thinking his opinion means more because hes famous. Get out of here with that nonsense.
. hats off to canadians for giving the most. 0.16 cents from americans? petty %+#*$%%%*#+*@
glad someone responded, my thread got drowned out, by the Jrose fiasco today, but do any of you guys know someone that lives or seen the present lower 9th ward, it is unacceptable
People acting like they are following a trend by helping people. This is no joke, people are helping because in their hearts they know its right. You help in the way you can. I didn't help during Katrina, but I'm helping now in Haiti. Does that make me a bad person? No, I just help when I feel it is right.
Wackamega wrote:

Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

Weezy speaks the truth. NOLA is my second favorite city in the US, I absolutely love it there, but a lot of places in the city are still completely devastated.

No, the question should be what has Wayne done for NO? Sure hes rebuilt some parks and such, however, you think hes done ALL that he can to help them. This is another case of the pot calling the kettle black. People help when they feel they should. NO was a dirt poor place before Katrina. Haiti was a dirt poor place before the earthquake. It will all take time to be fixed. However, I guarantee the folks in NO are doing better than the Haitians. Tell Wayne to think about that. Only reason why I even listen to these celebs talk is because they are on a worldwide platform. To be honest, its just another celeb thinking his opinion means more because hes famous. Get out of here with that nonsense.

 whatever he has done, he did it. You expect him rebuild a 5 large neighborhoods by his lonely fam, half the money that was donated to haiti could of fixed new Orleans within 2 years. People that had insurance on there homes were told they either had to live in a mobile home or move to another state, meaning start over with no stable income. This is America fam, one of our most populated cities shouldn't look like a waste land in 2010. i hope you just typed that because you don't dig celebrities opinions.
I feel like what people are failing to recognize is that the whole NOLA situation raised awareness in a lot of people.. it sort of served as a huge message to people that when disaster strikes, we need to do more and take it a lot more serious.. I feel like we, as a society, learned from that and its showing during the Haiti relief efforts.. I dont think it's any kind of conspiracy..
Originally Posted by bluedeniro

Wackamega wrote:

Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

Weezy speaks the truth. NOLA is my second favorite city in the US, I absolutely love it there, but a lot of places in the city are still completely devastated.

No, the question should be what has Wayne done for NO? Sure hes rebuilt some parks and such, however, you think hes done ALL that he can to help them. This is another case of the pot calling the kettle black. People help when they feel they should. NO was a dirt poor place before Katrina. Haiti was a dirt poor place before the earthquake. It will all take time to be fixed. However, I guarantee the folks in NO are doing better than the Haitians. Tell Wayne to think about that. Only reason why I even listen to these celebs talk is because they are on a worldwide platform. To be honest, its just another celeb thinking his opinion means more because hes famous. Get out of here with that nonsense.
 whatever he has done, he did it. You expect him rebuild a 5 large neighborhoods by his lonely fam, half the money that was donated to haiti could of fixed new Orleans within 2 years. People that had insurance on there homes were told they either had to live in a mobile home or move to another state, meaning start over with no stable income. This is America fam, one of our most populated cities shouldn't look like a waste land in 2010. i hope you just typed that because you don't dig celebrities opinions.

Do you know how much damage was done in NO? Did you weigh in the amount of factors? Did 200,000 people die in NO? I didn't think so. Sure everyone knows project save NO was a major fail, but in no way is it right for somebody to say that people should have helped NO more than Haiti. As I already said, people help who they want to help. Just cause your homeless on the street, doesn't mean everyone will give you money.  And with the kind of money hes racked in since Katirnia, dude could rebuild a whole lot more than what hes done. When people start complaing about stuff like this, it makes actions like being apart of something such as the We Are The World song seem dishonest and bring notice that you have another motive.
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