It's Snowing Outside!

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Jul 21, 2005
i had no clue it was supposed to snow here in Boston. unfortunately, it's not snowing out that bad and i'm in work, so i'm kinda glad it's nota full blown blizzard yet.
Originally Posted by Opiin

nothin in ny

But Rain
Damn it's supposed to get in the 80s today here in Texas, but it's supposed to drop to the 50s by Thanksgiving day.
It's like 65 degrees here in SoCal. I like the cold weather, but I also hate it b/c the air is dryer and I get ashier...
DeadsetAce, it's not snowing out that bad. hope you have no problems getting to the home of the 2007 WS Champs and 2008 S.B. Champs.
Yeah its like 66 here in Lawrence but come tomorrow this area is expecting snow. Just crazy because yesterday I was wearing shorts to class.
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