It's starting to look like that time were I leave the earth

Have you tried any alternative treatments? Anything is worth a shot at this point. I truly believe that when you have a lot of people thinking about you and praying for you miraculous things can happen. The power of the mind is amazing.

If worst comes to worst, don't fear death man, don't be sad about it. People become so attached to this material life and physical experience that they don't even realize how much more life offers in death, if that make sense. You may soon be better off than all of us. Should be one hell of an experience. I don't know what your beliefs are but it doesn't even matter. I don't want to use the cliche about going to a better place cause it just sounds stupid to say, but man, be excited about the journey ahead of you. My thoughts are with you, I hope you can find peace one way or another.

PS screw the netflix bro, go watch the sunrise, watch the eyes of your loved ones. Many doctors have said DMT can go along way toward helping the terminally ill find peace and reassurance if you're into that sort of thing. The plant (Ayahuasca) and instructions can be purchased legally online.
damn man, i remember you posting about that a long time ago. i just figured you were in the clear since you never mentioned it again. sorry things aren't going so well but there is always hope. my uncle has been in the clear now for a while and he had a 20% survival chance.
:frown: damn man, I'll keep you in my prayers man. My PM is open if you need anything.
Good luck my man. I've seen you post about this before and you always have an inspiring attitude. Hope to continue reading your posts after you beat this thing.
stay strong
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