 See how dumb ****** are?
Finally bought the album yesterday. 

This album is way melo except for Change, Immortal, a couple others. 

She's mine, For your eyes, she's mine pt 2, Deja vu, etc, are ehhh.. 

Album almost made me get into a car crash with merging in too early, Lol, it just so melo that it set my mood that way. 

Immortal is my favorite, Change is dope... 

But this is definitely a different tone from J Cole. It's not what I would expect and I definitely expected more lyrical exercise. 

I get a feeling of Kendrick Lamar influences in this album. I appreciate the album even more after watching "EYEZ" on youtube but at the end, it doesn't WOW me like how TPAB did, but that's because they are on different levels as mentioned above. FYEO lacked that substance. I believe Born Sinner, out of all albums, certainly has the most substance and most quality within it. 

"At the bottom and hanged the strangest fruit you ever seen.."

Strangest fruit = hanging yourself from a tree

Definitely suicidal thoughts
This is just easily one of those albums that are hit or miss with his fanbase. Coming off of FHD which some argue is his best, its easy to see the disconnect.

All that "I appreciate the message but its boring, dry, etc...." i feel like thats BS. Point me to the songs from other artists with this subject matter that you enjoy, thats in rotation for you, that top your all time favorite lists? You aint feeling this record because it aint speaking to you and its not presented to you in a fashion that you should.

Outside of Song Cry, i would be surprised to see most people start calling out songs that are done better or is music to their ears involving the stuff Cole is talking about on this album. We all love song cry but are we running to the whip to play it? Last time you played Common "the light" lol

I would actually like to see some references to songs that are similar in subject matter but are better if anybody has some.

Some cats just can't relate to the music on this joint man. It's grown, its mature.... but if it hit you, then it hit you.

Homie talking bout the She's mine tracks being bad?

"Am I worthy of this gift, am I strong enough to lift..." Have a child man, and tell me those lyrics wont resonate with you.

"Foldin Clothes is for simps" etc... Cole talking about making life easier for his girl. Yall dont know that life... How in love with your woman are you? Whats yall love language? lol

Man I'll take those lyrics everyday over some meaningless bravado bars that make some of y'all giggle

It's always funny to me when dudes try to tell you why YOU don't like something. :lol:

The music on this album is lacking. Period. Nothing else to it. This is classic boring *** J Cole that I couldn't really get into for years. Then when FHD dropped I became a fan cuz finally made a album that was good and kept your attention from beginning to end. Then he drops this? :lol: I'm actually willing to kinda give it a pass cuz it's a real personal album. It sounds like it's for his girl and daughters ears only. I get it but I'm not gon act like this album ain't boring as a MFer. Beats and his rapping.
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Funny...because we all watched this same exact discussion take place when TPAB dropped. And before one of you morons think I'm comparing the albums...I'm not. I'm just pointing out the parallels in the talking points surrounding both albums.


"Good message, not captivated by the music"

"You're too dumb to understand this"

"You think you're smart for listening to this"

don't compare this to TPAB, two completely different levels.

:lol:  See how dumb ****** are?
Is he lying tho?

It's always funny to me when dudes try to tell you why YOU don't like something. :lol:

The music on this album is lacking. Period. Nothing else to it. This is classic boring *** J Cole that I couldn't really get into for years. Then when FHD dropped I became a fan cuz finally made a album that was good and kept your attention from beginning to end. Then he drops this? :lol: I'm actually willing to kinda give it a pass cuz it's a real personal album. It sounds like it's for his girl and daughters ears only. I get it but I'm not gon act like this album ain't boring as a MFer. Beats and his rapping.

And once again. Thank you. I cant believe this statement has repeated.

youngthundercat youngthundercat to answer your question, no i dont but i highly doubt that woulda changed my mind on this album since my problem with it is MUSICALLY. Not the message & concept
:rofl: :rofl:

He couldn't have made it anymore clear that he WASN'T trying to take things there and ___s brought it there anyway.
Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius dat dude chris dat dude chris

Im not refuting that the album isnt bumping, that it lacks the bounce and uptempo that FHD had. Thats clear as night and day. Its obvious that this album is lacking the type of songs that made some of yall fans, that cannot be argued IMO

I am more so challenging the statement that boring=bad.

When you guys say something is boring, I see yall as saying its bad, that its a failure. Sooo because you dont care for the pace of the album, does that make it bad?

I see a dark and slow album. You guys see a boring and wack one... but you say you are attributing that to the music tho right, not the content?

Trust me I get it... its pretty easy to not be a fan of this album.
Anyone who calls TPAB garbage never listened to the album PERIOD.

That's easily the best album in the past 10 years.

Not one single list you find online from 2015 best albums of the year throughout all genres will have TPAB in any place besides #1. That's saying something.

Take time and actually listen to the album.
Anyone who calls TPAB garbage never listened to the album PERIOD.

That's easily the best album in the past 10 years.

Not one single list you find online from 2015 best albums of the year throughout all genres will have TPAB in any place besides #1. That's saying something.

Take time and actually listen to the album.

Wow so we using list to validate our subjective claims? [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]
Anyone who calls TPAB garbage never listened to the album PERIOD.

That's easily the best album in the past 10 years.

Not one single list you find online from 2015 best albums of the year throughout all genres will have TPAB in any place besides #1. That's saying something.

Take time and actually listen to the album.

^^and that its totally understandable. I rocked with those records too. Caged bird got one of Cole's hardest verses on there hands down...

For me tho... I can still rock with an album, if its good, without those type of tracks being present. And Im thinking the reason I am able to do that with this album, is maybe because of where I am at personally for sure and that I listen to other genres of music that some may consider "boring".

and again we could be in the same stage in life and still not agree on this album because of a number of reasons. I wouldnt recommend this album to some of my closet friends cuz I know they wouldnt get jiggy with it
This album was alright. It certainly wasn't trash or bad by any means.

Like the rest of ya'll, I got in my feels listening to the she's mine tracks. The problem is there isn't any standout tracks to me to make me want to revisit and replay. So with that said, its not on the level of FHD. The production on this isn't as lively as it was before. So with his delivery mixed with the almost too laid back vibe from the beat, I was checkin' to make sure I wasn't falling asleep between tracks.

Where he really caught me was his content. He spoke on a lot in 10 songs. That's what you expect from Cole though. 
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