This album is trash worst than the asap fam album. With artist like Kendrick Lamar and Drake out, he decides to drop low quality trash like this? At best this is a mediocre mixtape. Drakes so far gone mixtape is better than this album.
This album is trash worst than the asap fam album. With artist like Kendrick Lamar and Drake out, he decides to drop low quality trash like this? At best this is a mediocre mixtape. Drakes so far gone mixtape is better than this album.

Smh they about to kill you for bringing quality up then bringing drake up. I feel you doe :lol: :lol:

More life coming soon lol
To each their own, hoping he and Big Sean do a joint tour again

Every track been on replay including False Prophets and Everybody Dies
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Ok kill that Drake talk in here. Hes the definition of trash. Ill take Cole on his worst day over that bum
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Drake and Cole aren't even the same kind of rappers, man.

I swear, Ns can't ever enjoy music without having to compare everybody to each other.
****** can't accept when ppl just don't dig the music :lol:

Be so quick to automatically say "you don't like she's mine pt. 2?! Fam you must not have a kid and a girl at home!!"

"If you've folded clothes for ya girl how can you not like Foldin clothes from Cole?!"

"Cole **** just too deep"

Uhhhh no man...maybe they just thought the song was...boring or lackluster? Acknowledging and relating to the sentiment behind the music can be independent of actually liking the piece of music or not

Yup. Nobody ever said cole problem was his lyrics or content it's his beats and hooks and terrible singing.
This is just easily one of those albums that are hit or miss with his fanbase. Coming off of FHD which some argue is his best, its easy to see the disconnect.

All that "I appreciate the message but its boring, dry, etc...." i feel like thats BS. Point me to the songs from other artists with this subject matter that you enjoy, thats in rotation for you, that top your all time favorite lists? You aint feeling this record because it aint speaking to you and its not presented to you in a fashion that you should.

Outside of Song Cry, i would be surprised to see most people start calling out songs that are done better or is music to their ears involving the stuff Cole is talking about on this album. We all love song cry but are we running to the whip to play it? Last time you played Common "the light" lol

I would actually like to see some references to songs that are similar in subject matter but are better if anybody has some.

Some cats just can't relate to the music on this joint man. It's grown, its mature.... but if it hit you, then it hit you.

Homie talking bout the She's mine tracks being bad?

"Am I worthy of this gift, am I strong enough to lift..." Have a child man, and tell me those lyrics wont resonate with you.

"Foldin Clothes is for simps" etc... Cole talking about making life easier for his girl. Yall dont know that life... How in love with your woman are you? Whats yall love language? lol

Man I'll take those lyrics everyday over some meaningless bravado bars that make some of y'all giggle
Ehhh I'm 31, married and recently had a daughter.

I'm still not feeling this album.

We dont relate and we not grown enough to appreciate it bruh.
Cole really would have been running the game if he dropped a better album.
Everybody that dropped this year was subpar & Cole was coming off his best recieved album, a perfect situation to take control but he didn't capitalize.

But this Twitter video had me in tears,
Average album, I only like about half the songs on it.

He's a very good MC but his best project is still a mixtape and his best verses are either guest appearances or songs that don't make the album.

Life Is Good or One Day It'll All Make Sense are much better albums that are "mature" and talk about things outside of the usual topics in rap
Its actually not that difficult to understand when people don't dig the music. People gon like what they wanna like. I don't wanna be on some it's too deep and you can't relate steez, that's really not my point... its artists and albums that are acclaimed that i dont dig. and its not like Cole is incapable of making bad tracks.

Objectively, I just don't see how the album is really bad or meh and that it could be more appealing if he rapped about the same things but had "better songs". It's a slow album, deliberately slow. Even his tone of voice on a lot of the records is on some sitting on the front porch type tip. All that's done on purpose to me.

and we can be at the same point in our lives and listen to music completely different and for different reasons. I just think the dismissiveness of this particular album is because of content and not quality on a large scale.
AZwildcats AZwildcats I'm a huge KRIT fan and know his catalog like the back of my hands. KRIT has great songs and shares similarities to Cole but he got a whole difference bounce than Cole and that's why they 1a and 1b for me. I wouldn't expect this album from KRIT but I would from Cole so I guess that's partially why I don't have any true disappointment.

im supposed to be able to bend corners to a KRIT album no matter what the subject matter is. Far as Cole... if he has a track that I can ride to, its like a bonus type thing. The beat gotta be really hitting for me to not look for the strength of the song to be in the lyrics.
Whoever said he sounded like Lupe on neighbors, idk why, but it reminded me of Lupe on US Placers by CRS
****** can't accept when ppl just don't dig the music :lol:

Be so quick to automatically say "you don't like she's mine pt. 2?! Fam you must not have a kid and a girl at home!!"

"If you've folded clothes for ya girl how can you not like Foldin clothes from Cole?!"

"Cole **** just too deep"

Uhhhh no man...maybe they just thought the song was...boring or lackluster? Acknowledging and relating to the sentiment behind the music can be independent of actually liking the piece of music or not

****** can't accept when ppl just don't dig the music :lol:

Be so quick to automatically say "you don't like she's mine pt. 2?! Fam you must not have a kid and a girl at home!!"

"If you've folded clothes for ya girl how can you not like Foldin clothes from Cole?!"

"Cole **** just too deep"

Uhhhh no man...maybe they just thought the song was...boring or lackluster? Acknowledging and relating to the sentiment behind the music can be independently of actually liking the piece of music or not

THANK YOU. This whole "cuz you cant relate" narrative is one of the corniest cop outs ive seen from a fanbase yet
So do y'all have young kids?
Funny...because we all watched this same exact discussion take place when TPAB dropped. And before one of you morons think I'm comparing the albums...I'm not. I'm just pointing out the parallels in the talking points surrounding both albums.


"Good message, not captivated by the music"

"You're too dumb to understand this"

"You think you're smart for listening to this"
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Funny...because we all watched this same exact discussion take place when TPAB dropped. And before one of you morons think I'm comparing the albums...I'm not. I'm just pointing out the parallels in the talking points surrounding both albums.


"Good message, not captivated by the music"

"You're too dumb to understand this"

"You think you're smart for listening to this"

don't compare this to TPAB, two completely different levels.
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