Jadakiss, “The Last Kiss,â€

Originally Posted by SW33TS1NC3R1TY

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

^ but like dudes above me said, I haven't heard one Jadakiss song on the radio....(The Dream's album came out pretty recently right? Did Jada sell more than him?)

you guys seriously gotta stop believing that the only way you sell is if your on the radio......me being a chick, i haven't listened to a radio station in close to a year.

the internet, mixtapes for exposure >> the radio

shorty know exactly what she's talking about
.....all the hate forthe last month all the, this dude ain't gonna sell at all...the album is wack...all I have to say is

"If you patiently hating and waiting on my downfall just be patient and Kiss My $$%!!!!!!!!"

Kiss did decent numbers and now ya'll @#%$!+ is looking for excuses as to why...eh-haaaa!! But but he's not on the radio...and and his singleain't poppin so the *##% what...

Stop the hating!!!! Kiss did better in his first week than any of ya'll expected....Def Jam coppin albums
what will ya'll come up with next?!?!
Thing is from this point on he ain't gonna sell to much more so then ya'll joy will kick back in...130k ain't @$*! really but in the world we livein now I'm sure Kiss ain't complaining...Everywhere I go all I hear is Smoking Gun or Pain and Torture or something from the album bumping.. the hoodis killing this record right now...we starting to get some warmer weather here in CT and dudes is letting The Last Kiss bump with the windows down....I'mjust happy Kiss did more than expected....Kiss still just happy to be here ya know....

"I don't wanna sound mad I feel marvelous!!!"

Furthermore... There seems to be a misunderstanding on the "SoundSCAM". What labels would do is pay a 3rd party firm to ship boxes of FREE CDs toindependent retailors...Since it was a weighted store they get multiple scans for what should be a SINGLE sale... Labels don't benefit from the scam, itsjust all for braggin right to say... "hey Jadakiss sold such & such"... When these dudes are doing instores, they're double and triplescanning these albums... They've done it with Jay's albums BEFORE he was president, I could only imagine as someone who benefited from this he wouldcarry on that tradition, so on and so on...

And its not even expensive... Labels don't spend much to do this. The retailors are the main beneficiary in the whole Sound Scam #%$+...Record labelsdon't receive anything from this, never have... Its not something they are using to really generate income, that's what some of you are gettingconfused... The numbers would boost bonuses for some of the more instrumental members of the label, behind that particular project if anything...

Would it make some of you feel better if we said Universal bought the albums instead of Def Jam?? People see Def Jam and just rub them a certain way...

the analogy I would use for the whole SoundSCAM would be, if 2 people were selling the EXACT same... lemonade on opposite side of the streets, 30 cups on thetable... One guy takes 15 cups and puts them under the table, so now even though their selling the same product it now looks as if that leanoade was good enufffor 15 others to buy, in theory others will follow suit... SoundScam is birthed in that same vein... In all honesty its a pretty good idea... But its STILLcheating...
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Furthermore... There seems to be a misunderstanding on the "SoundSCAM". What labels would do is pay a 3rd party firm to ship boxes of FREE CDs to independent retailors...Since it was a weighted store they get multiple scans for what should be a SINGLE sale... Labels don't benefit from the scam, its just all for braggin right to say... "hey Jadakiss sold such & such"... When these dudes are doing instores, they're double and triple scanning these albums... They've done it with Jay's albums BEFORE he was president, I could only imagine as someone who benefited from this he would carry on that tradition, so on and so on...

And its not even expensive... Labels don't spend much to do this. The retailors are the main beneficiary in the whole Sound Scam #%$+...Record labels don't receive anything from this, never have... Its not something they are using to really generate income, that's what some of you are getting confused... The numbers would boost bonuses for some of the more instrumental members of the label, behind that particular project if anything...

Would it make some of you feel better if we said Universal bought the albums instead of Def Jam?? People see Def Jam and just rub them a certain way...

the analogy I would use for the whole SoundSCAM would be, if 2 people were selling the EXACT same... lemonade on opposite side of the streets, 30 cups on the table... One guy takes 15 cups and puts them under the table, so now even though their selling the same product it now looks as if that leanoade was good enuff for 15 others to buy, in theory others will follow suit... SoundScam is birthed in that same vein... In all honesty its a pretty good idea... But its STILL cheating...
cheating?!?! cuz dude sold 130k....wow...the *$@!@ sold more than ya'll thought and now +*%*%+ need excuses for it I just don'tunderstand!!

@ u hateful ungrateful NT dudes....Kiss and Def Jamcheating

Some of ya'll sound mad that ya'll can't laugh at Jada this week like ya'll laugh at every other artist who flops. Seriously. This +$+shouldn't be no damn 6 pages of cats bringing up conspiracy theories on how Jada sold 130k lol. Didn't Mims do 12k? Ya'll can laugh at him to getsome giggles if ya'll want.
... The uninformed...

I personally don't care too much for Jadakiss... Or his music. But his success is very important to us as artists... Lyricists are gonna be likedinosours...

Jada bringin a plaque of anyform back to the east is good... Will it happen, prolly not... And some of you don't seem to realize. He's not on pace togo gold... Again... How is this a success?? It would be great cause atleast now he can put a plaque with his name on his wall instead of just collecting O.P.P.(Other Peoples Plaques) as he's done for the majority of his career...
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

... The uninformed...

I personally don't care too much for Jadakiss... Or his music. But his success is very important to us as artists... Lyricists are gonna be like dinosours...

Jada bringin a plaque of anyform back to the east is good... Will it happen, prolly not... And some of you don't seem to realize. He's not on pace to go gold... Again... How is this a success?? It would be great cause atleast now he can put a plaque with his name on his wall instead of just collecting O.P.P. (Other Peoples Plaques) as he's done for the majority of his career...
this is my point though... soundscam??? and he not even on pace to have a gold record I don't get the conspiracy theory...This is not asuccess in anyway for a lyricist who already has two gold plaques
.... what it is however is an over achievement to all the haters on NT who thought this man would flop completely....you've beenfooled
wait till his next single drop if it's Smoking Gun + Radioairplay its going to grab about another 100 to 200 thousand copies sold pushing him near the gold echelon.
aka another solid album from Kiss that ya'll can hate on!!
Originally Posted by KingZarus1

ok he broke the 100k mark. give props and move on... waitin on Ross' soundscan
exactly dude's acting like he sold a millie in his first week nah this ain't even an accomplishment....dude's turning Mel Gibson withthe Conspiracy Theories over 100k sold

give props keep it moving...
How is not being on pace to go gold after what is 9 times out of 10 the BIGGEST sales week not a "FLOP"... I think that is a flop by definetion,because as you pointed out he has a Platinum & Gold record... How in the world is this a success?? Because he sold more than some guys on NT thought hewould??... Are they givin awards for defying the internet message board odds??

And most importantly... The music isn't good, and that's the main thing that people are uneasy about... Record sales are record sales... But when theproduct is mediocre people are gonna say !%%#... Its always happened and always will... I've seen albums sell waaaay more than that and be called a flop onNT... Some deserving... Some not...
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

How is not being on pace to go gold after what is 9 times out of 10 the BIGGEST sales week not a "FLOP"... I think that is a flop by definetion, because as you pointed out he has a Platinum & Gold record... How in the world is this a success?? Because he sold more than some guys on NT thought he would??... Are they givin awards for defying the internet message board odds??

And most importantly... The music isn't good, and that's the main thing that people are uneasy about... Record sales are record sales... But when the product is mediocre people are gonna say !%%#... Its always happened and always will... I've seen albums sell waaaay more than that and be called a flop on NT... Some deserving... Some not...
my point is your brought up SoundScam and cheating and now you're agreeing with me....I don't know about your tactics sir...now yourconfusing me...are you actually reading what I'm writing?!?

"exactly dude's acting like he sold a millie in his first week nah this ain't even an accomplishment....dude's turning Mel Gibson with theConspiracy Theories over 100k sold

give props keep it moving... " is exactly what I said...I was bringing up the whole SoundScam thing cause it's mad unnecessary...dude's didn'tthink he was even gonna sell this they were expecting Mims numbers from Kiss....but he did the 130k and now dude's is trying to find excuses for anaccomplishment that isn't even that large...this is my point...

I'm not saying this is a huge accomplishment and I personally feel the album is better than a lot of other trash out right now....therefore I'm happyfor Kiss and I hope he at least can push this to Gold...simply saying stop all the ++*$$%+! about +%!#@% from the label coppin this @@+!% #$*$ if that was thecase I'm sure with the money they got they could have done a lot better than 130k
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

insider perspective: they do buy a lotta albums back. but ya'll aint hear that from me lmao

I respect my dude Magnus and his inside information but I still don't believe it...I'm still thinking they could of made him gold in the first week ifthey really wanted to do all that..
It would be obvious tho... The point on ANY scam is for it to go on successfully, and unnoticed...

I wouldn't be surprised if labels are using the digital download #s and manipulating them... That would be easier than scanning something 2 or 3 times...They same way the implemented the Soundscan structure to influence the Billboard Charts... When they started to count digital downloads as a normal saleI'm sure record labels wasted no time in finding a NEW way to inflate their #s... Its only right.
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

It would be obvious tho... The point on ANY scam is for it to go on successfully, and unnoticed...

I wouldn't be surprised if labels are using the digital download #s and manipulating them... That would be easier than scanning something 2 or 3 times... They same way the implemented the Soundscan structure to influence the Billboard Charts... When they started to count digital downloads as a normal sale I'm sure record labels wasted no time in finding a NEW way to inflate their #s... Its only right.
I don't know fam I know mad %%%%%! that went out and copped the album then went out and copped a dub of haze went home and enjoyed....dudesaid his whole barbershop copped everybody in my hood copped, suburbs is coppin, I don't see why this is so unbelievable being that the amount of sales wasnot shocking...some people might have had the
going on but not me...thisain't Kiss' first rodeo...I understand what you're saying as far as them not going overboard to expose the scam but how silly does that sound?? Idon't know at the end of the day it's a highly debatable album and everybody has they're own opinion...NT is like when a dude play for a team andget traded and then go back to the old arena and there be a mixed reaction form the crowd...thats exactly how i would explain this topic...some dudes digginthe album some are not..."Men lie, Women lie, Number's don't"
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

if numbers dont lie then nelly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kiss
just a play on words Mr. Hatred
I was just using that inregards to this Kiss album... nobody thought dude was gonna even touch the 100k mark...

As I said not a huge accomplishment but it's more than anyone expected...I really can't understand the hate for this album like everytime I listen toit I'm waiting to feel the way ya'll do and I don't the album doesn't dissapoint at all....Kiss came correct and in the industry now if uain't Wayne 130k first week ain't all that bad...the sad thing is now dude's is trying to make excuses for why he sold this much that's thecrazy part about it
Isn't that ironic... Jay Z was the one to say it... I first heard of the whole SoundSCAM thing in 1998 (im sure it existed as soon as Soundscan wasestablished back in the early 90s)... In Sept Jay, Lauryn Hill & Outkast dropped within a week or 2 of one another... It was later found that IDJ wasinflating Jay's #s to compete... The album ended up being is best selling album... I still wonder how

The NY Post had an article when Universal was exposed for doing this when Blueprint 2 came out... He should be the last one talking about the validity of aman/computer generated #... Its laughable...
As far as the whole barbershop copping... MAYBE... I was in the barbershop they day it dropped and Ns was mad that Best Buy sold out... But that doesn'tmean much to me...
Originally Posted by sdfbheat

Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

if numbers dont lie then nelly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kiss
just a play on words Mr. Hatred
I was just using that in regards to this Kiss album... nobody thought dude was gonna even touch the 100k mark...

As I said not a huge accomplishment but it's more than anyone expected...I really can't understand the hate for this album like everytime I listen to it I'm waiting to feel the way ya'll do and I don't the album doesn't dissapoint at all....Kiss came correct and in the industry now if u ain't Wayne 130k first week ain't all that bad...the sad thing is now dude's is trying to make excuses for why he sold this much that's the crazy part about it

130k is great 1st week numbers. For rappers though while I think its still great I just don't with us unless you have a crossover hit your probably gonnabottom out at 300k. Does Def Jam find that a success? Not sure how much the album cost to produce. But 130k for Lady Gaga is huge. 130k for Keri Hilson wouldbe huge. A dude like Jada? Huge but I think that's going to be the highlight of the album sales. Pop singles allow albums to sell in the 30-50k rangeconsistently for WEEKS.
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Isn't that ironic... Jay Z was the one to say it... I first heard of the whole SoundSCAM thing in 1998 (im sure it existed as soon as Soundscan was established back in the early 90s)... In Sept Jay, Lauryn Hill & Outkast dropped within a week or 2 of one another... It was later found that IDJ was inflating Jay's #s to compete... The album ended up being is best selling album... I still wonder how

The NY Post had an article when Universal was exposed for doing this when Blueprint 2 came out... He should be the last one talking about the validity of a man/computer generated #... Its laughable...
As far as the whole barbershop copping... MAYBE... I was in the barbershop they day it dropped and Ns was mad that Best Buy sold out... But that doesn't mean much to me...
very ironic damn....well I mean as convincing as it sounds Harlem I still think Jada handled these sales onhis own....It's not impossible for dude to sell he does have a legitimate fan base that feels he is top 5 DOA...IMO heis not but he's still one of my favorite artists...and is capable of selling records....all his albums havedone well for the most part...

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