January Wrestling Thread/Tonight Raw 8PM EST

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I want a detailed report on the washedness

Caught up with a couple things SD was solid wasn't expecting Morrison so soon Happy the Usos are back!!

WK14 P.1 for me Time bomb and Ocean Spray had MOTN. Moxley Archer was cool not enough color lol loved the plastic bag spot. GoD vs Finjuice was decent. Happy Naito moves on and is one step closer to HW champ!! Heel Ibushi I am all for, he gave no damns!!!

I don’t know if I am feeling the usso’s new look.
Morrison going to be in the RR. I wouldn’t use him before then. He will get a huge pop at the RR.
Usos look like the cartel leaders that the Colons were supposed to be

I was thinking more cartel henchmen.

I honestly have no clue who is gonna win the Rumble.

I think it's gonna be someone from Raw for the men like maybe My Cheerio or darkhorse Final Form Drew.

For the women, I have absolutely no clue.

Maybe The Baze like B Sox B Sox suggested.
Main event is honestly the only thing REALLY worth your time.

If you want to see some #LowIQ / #IndyStuff , watch Hiromu/Ocean Spray

Sorry, Ospreay does nothing for me. He's more of stuntman than wrestler.

I'll pass.

Watched the Jay White/Naito match.

Maybe it's just me but there is something about White that is missing from him being thee top guy of a company. IDK what it is but I can't see him getting that main event push.
Sanada took another L, why do they keep doing this to the Cold Skull? I haven't been this distraught since Aldo v Mcgregor.
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