Jay Z says 'My presence is charity', compares self to Obama in response to Harry Belafonte's critici

Not according to the IRS champ.
what does the irs have to do with a rap battle. those are two different things
Is Jay-Z a smart guy? I don't listen to all that much Jay-Z music or watch interviews, so I'm wondering how intelligent he comes off in real life. Stuff like this interview and naming his firstborn child after a color imply that, while he's a great businessman and very successful as a result of that, he may not be all that intelligent - at least in the traditional sense of the word. But I'm not basing my opinion on his full body of work.
Is Jay-Z a smart guy? I don't listen to all that much Jay-Z music or watch interviews, so I'm wondering how intelligent he comes off in real life. Stuff like this interview and naming his firstborn child after a color imply that, while he's a great businessman and very successful as a result of that, he may not be all that intelligent - at least in the traditional sense of the word. But I'm not basing my opinion on his full body of work.
Im gonna say yes considering he is not broke after 20 plus years of rapping and only 1 baby momma. He's built himself on up and stayed there. If anything He possess common sense.
Im gonna say yes considering he is not broke after 20 plus years of rapping and only 1 baby momma. He's built himself on up and stayed there. If anything He possess common sense.
Hahahah what? Your standard for intelligence is not being broke and only have "1 baby momma." That's setting the bar awfully low. I'm with you on the common sense front. He has great business acumen, but I'm wondering more about "academic" intelligence.
Hahahah what? Your standard for intelligence is not being broke and only have "1 baby momma." That's setting the bar awfully low. I'm with you on the common sense front. He has great business acumen, but I'm wondering more about "academic" intelligence.
Considering he came up from a crack dealer to a rapper and didnt ball out so hard where he bought a bunch of crappy jewelry when his peers did and had 20 pregnant groupies in the back I'm gonna say it takes some intelligence not to be a dumb *** like the rest
Considering he came up from a crack dealer to a rapper and didnt ball out so hard where he bought a bunch of crappy jewelry when his peers did and had 20 pregnant groupies in the back I'm gonna say it takes some intelligence not to be a dumb *** like the rest
Sorry. I'm just not convinced by that. It's not very difficult to not spend all your money (especially when you're making it in boatloads) and use condoms.
The fact is that some people are going to ride or die with their favorite rap artists NO MATTER WHAT.
It doesnt matter what you say, or how you say it. Because in this day in age you just cant tell anybody, anything.
If its not coming from Jay's mouth, they dont want to hear it. Even when its coming from Jay's mouth, they dont wanna hear it.

If Im listening to a song and 90% of it is about hustling, and maeterialism and then the artists throws in 2 or 3 lines about social issues,
that song is about hustling and materialism. The lines about social issues are just as invisible as "up to," in the phrase "win up to 1 billion dollars"

That just about desrcibes Jay-Z's entire catalog. And the sad part is he is still talking about street life when he clearly doesnt live it anymore.And hasnt lived it in several years. So what is the point of talking about it at this point? How is he helping black people by still talking about hustling?How is he inspiring hope by glorifying hustling? And how does being a braggert = inspiring someone to believe that they can also make it? How does me knowing what kind of watch he wears help any poor kid out of the ghetto?

By that example EVERY SINGLE rich person should be looked up to. No matter what they did to get there.
Because it doesnt matter what they did in their past, all we should look at is how successful they currently are.

Jay-Z should NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER, be mentioned with great men like MLK, Malcolm X, and even Obama.
His impact has had no where near the effect as those men. It would be one thing if he was giving out actual tips on how to become successful.
But I doubt he would sell record if he was talking about investment opportunities, or the practices of good busnessmen, or how to network on a corporate scale,or how to build credit, or how to close major deals, or the proper channels for setting up business meetings, or how to market a product, or how to keep a business schedule, or how to manage a large team of people, or how to take over a busines, or even how to start a business. Where are all the business tips since you are such a good businessman?

But does he do that? NO! Its all look at me, and dont forget my street cred because I used to do this and that.
Oh wait a minute, let me drop some occasional knowledge in a line or 2.
Ok, now that that's over, back to me, and more me, and in case you missed it the first times a little more about me.

By that example EVERY SINGLE rich person should be looked up to. No matter what they did to get there.
Because it doesnt matter what they did in their past, all we should look at is how successful they currently are.

But the difference is relatibility. Many ppl especially urban blacks, blacks from the type of environment and background similar to his could be inspired because it resonates the type of lifestyle they live. Its the entire package that ppl are drawn to.

By your example you might as well Obama is no different then any other president and blacks cant/shouldn't see him any different because its all one in the same. But its not hee is seen different in AA eyes because of his skin color aka being able to relate.

So just like AA can relate and are drawn to Obama because of his race, why cant a urban black or any black for that matter who background similar to his see inspiration/hope from Jay?

Do you honestly think a petty dope peddler, a person who has had run ins with the law, a person who is from the slums/poverty etc. relates more to a person like a Jay Z, or a person like a Obama or a Colin Powell?

Jay-Z should NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER, be mentioned with great men like MLK, Malcolm X, and even Obama.

To be honest first off even MLK had acknowledge that his movement and the direction he lead AA was for the negative....that the whole "intergration" and we are all the "same" mindset/ideology was leading to the degradation and destruction of the black community, in terms of AA individuality, from a business aspect (which is proven considering most of the predominate/prominent black owned neighborhoods and businesses were taken over by whites/Koreans etc..)

Sure he was gonna change that, but he was assassinated before doing so. So whats so great about that? True his intentions were good, but the end results were not.... As far as Obama, as previously stated, ppl praise him and look up to him more or less because of his skin color and the fact he is in a position that no other black has held. It has nothing to do with what he has actually done, nor does it have anything to do with the job he has done once he held the position. So in essence his inspiration is nothing more then what Jay Z actually said. 

Ppl have a problem with what Jay said.... But praise Obama, who is nothing more then a example of what Jay has said. Name some specific laws/policies etc that Obama has done that has benefited AA as a whole for the better? Name anything he has done in his tenure that has changed the overall position AA are in, in America?

Yes he has pushed 473 policies...but in most part, majority benefited military personal, people who seek post secondary education, small business owners, women of affirmative action (aka white women) homosexuals and children of single parent households. While all of these things are great...they aren't anything specific to the AA community.  

And as I said before he gives a false sense of hope for AA, in the sense that the chances of another AA president is pretty dim, considering the US track record. Sure every hooligan, hoodlum, street thug etc... cant reach the level in terms of riches and success Jay has.. But he does show that you can come from that environment, have a checkered past like he has (which more AA can relate to, then the background a Obama/MLK/Oprah etc has) and complete a 180 and become a successful, asset to society.

Sure he sold drugs and has a blemished past, but so does a lot of AA.... hell a fair amount do. But to emphasize on that, and discredit where he is today, is no different then what the majority of this country do to AA today.

If your going to knock him/critique/discredit him despite overcoming.... what hope does that give the ppl who are in his position right now trying to jump those hurdles, and move past from what they once was, or in many AA cases, where they are now in their lives.
Considering he came up from a crack dealer to a rapper and didnt ball out so hard where he bought a bunch of crappy jewelry when his peers did and had 20 pregnant groupies in the back I'm gonna say it takes some intelligence not to be a dumb *** like the rest
Sorry. I'm just not convinced by that. It's not very difficult to not spend all your money (especially when you're making it in boatloads) and use condoms.

If it's so easy then why was he one of the only people doing it? I swear people will always find a way to discredit those that are successful. He's married to a dime, is worth hundred of millions and is one of the most influential people in the world. You can't knock his hustle.
Hahahah what? Your standard for intelligence is not being broke and only have "1 baby momma." That's setting the bar awfully low. I'm with you on the common sense front. He has great business acumen, but I'm wondering more about "academic" intelligence.
But academia is just a means to and end. The whole so called "purpose" for education is to get the position he is in....ironic enough most of the ppl that are in his position as far as from a business standpoint aren't heavily post secondary educated. And even if you look at it for what it is neither are most AA...last I checked it was slightly under 20%.

So that gives even more of a reason considering over 80% of AA basically have the same background he has....lower income upbringing, single mother homes, without a college degree, who have made mistakes/hiccups in their past (be it with the criminal system, unwed pregnancies etc...) So just off numbers and stats alone Jay past/background is more relatable to the common AA.

So I don't really get how ppl are saying he cant inspire hope etc... or isn't a person that the AA community can relate to or find inspiration from when majority of AA are either living his past or came from the lifestyle of his past.
The fact is that some people are going to ride or die with their favorite rap artists NO MATTER WHAT.

It doesnt matter what you say, or how you say it. Because in this day in age you just cant tell anybody, anything.

If its not coming from Jay's mouth, they dont want to hear it. Even when its coming from Jay's mouth, they dont wanna hear it. :lol:

If Im listening to a song and 90% of it is about hustling, and maeterialism and then the artists throws in 2 or 3 lines about social issues,

that song is about hustling and materialism. The lines about social issues are just as invisible as "up to," in the phrase "win up to 1 billion dollars"

That just about desrcibes Jay-Z's entire catalog. And the sad part is he is still talking about street life when he clearly doesnt live it anymore.And hasnt lived it in several years. So what is the point of talking about it at this point? How is he helping black people by still talking about hustling?How is he inspiring hope by glorifying hustling? And how does being a braggert = inspiring someone to believe that they can also make it? How does me knowing what kind of watch he wears help any poor kid out of the ghetto?

By that example EVERY SINGLE rich person should be looked up to. No matter what they did to get there.

Because it doesnt matter what they did in their past, all we should look at is how successful they currently are.

Jay-Z should NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER, be mentioned with great men like MLK, Malcolm X, and even Obama.

His impact has had no where near the effect as those men. It would be one thing if he was giving out actual tips on how to become successful.

But I doubt he would sell record if he was talking about investment opportunities, or the practices of good busnessmen, or how to network on a corporate scale,or how to build credit, or how to close major deals, or the proper channels for setting up business meetings, or how to market a product, or how to keep a business schedule, or how to manage a large team of people, or how to take over a busines, or even how to start a business. Where are all the business tips since you are such a good businessman?

But does he do that? NO! Its all look at me, and dont forget my street cred because I used to do this and that.

Oh wait a minute, let me drop some occasional knowledge in a line or 2.

Ok, now that that's over, back to me, and more me, and in case you missed it the first times a little more about me.

By that example EVERY SINGLE rich person should be looked up to. No matter what they did to get there.

Because it doesnt matter what they did in their past, all we should look at is how successful they currently are.

But the difference is relatibility. Many ppl especially urban blacks, blacks from the type of environment and background similar to his could be inspired because it resonates the type of lifestyle they live. Its the entire package that ppl are drawn to.

By your example you might as well Obama is no different then any other president and blacks cant/shouldn't see him any different because its all one in the same. But its not hee is seen different in AA eyes because of his skin color aka being able to relate.

So just like AA can relate and are drawn to Obama because of his race, why cant a urban black or any black for that matter who background similar to his see inspiration/hope from Jay?

Do you honestly think a petty dope peddler, a person who has had run ins with the law, a person who is from the slums/poverty etc. relates more to a person like a Jay Z, or a person like a Obama or a Colin Powell?

Jay-Z should NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER, be mentioned with great men like MLK, Malcolm X, and even Obama.

To be honest first off even MLK had acknowledge that his movement and the direction he lead AA was for the negative....that the whole "intergration" and we are all the "same" mindset/ideology was leading to the degradation and destruction of the black community, in terms of AA individuality, from a business aspect (which is proven considering most of the predominate/prominent black owned neighborhoods and businesses were taken over by whites/Koreans etc..)

Sure he was gonna change that, but he was assassinated before doing so. So whats so great about that? True his intentions were good, but the end results were not.... As far as Obama, as previously stated, ppl praise him and look up to him more or less because of his skin color and the fact he is in a position that no other black has held. It has nothing to do with what he has actually done, nor does it have anything to do with the job he has done once he held the position. So in essence his inspiration is nothing more then what Jay Z actually said. 

Ppl have a problem with what Jay said.... But praise Obama, who is nothing more then a example of what Jay has said. Name some specific laws/policies etc that Obama has done that has benefited AA as a whole for the better? Name anything he has done in his tenure that has changed the overall position AA are in, in America?

Yes he has pushed 473 policies...but in most part, majority benefited military personal, people who seek post secondary education, small business owners, women of affirmative action (aka white women) homosexuals and children of single parent households. While all of these things are great...they aren't anything specific to the AA community.  

And as I said before he gives a false sense of hope for AA, in the sense that the chances of another AA president is pretty dim, considering the US track record. Sure every hooligan, hoodlum, street thug etc... cant reach the level in terms of riches and success Jay has.. But he does show that you can come from that environment, have a checkered past like he has (which more AA can relate to, then the background a Obama/MLK/Oprah etc has) and complete a 180 and become a successful, asset to society.

Sure he sold drugs and has a blemished past, but so does a lot of AA.... hell a fair amount do. But to emphasize on that, and discredit where he is today, is no different then what the majority of this country do to AA today.

If your going to knock him/critique/discredit him despite overcoming.... what hope does that give the ppl who are in his position right now trying to jump those hurdles, and move past from what they once was, or in many AA cases, where they are now in their lives.

Your post is rubbish. I was going to respond with more but realized that it appears that you think Jay-Z has done more than MLK, so that's all I have to say.
Your post is rubbish. I was going to respond with more but realized that it appears that you think Jay-Z has done more than MLK, so that's all I have to say.
MLK inspired with words but actions was a totally different issue. The proof is in the pudding. Integration and his ideology has been a detriment to the AA community. Hell he even acknowledge it.

Please post his ideas/concepts and show how the AA community as a whole improved?

Its a reason he is acknowledged and accepted as a whole by whites and the likes of a Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey etc...aren't ever talked about, let alone praised.
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This is the 21st Century.

Who is gonna rise out of THIS era as an inspirational figure to those of a similar background?

I'm not riding or dying for Jay Z, but I am acknowledging his greatness. Just like I'm working toward having my own greatness acknowledged. Just like there are so many who don't want us to acknowledge Obama's greatness.

It's very obvious that Jay Z has pulled himself out of extreme poverty. It's very obvious that Jay Z has contributed to the advancement of Black youth culture (button ups vs. throwbacks, anyone?, talking about being a businessman; his newfound love of Jean Michelle Basquiat having lots of folks getting their knowledge of art up). It's very obvious that there is an entire generation of young Black men who cite Jay Z as their inspiration in life.

You can't deny these things, but this is making you so irate and frustrated for some reason.

Here in this thread is an album of songs whose lyrics are right there for you to read. Right there for you to see him stating that we come from Kings in Africa. Right there for you to see him stating that we've all been brainwashed into believing we can't be great. Over and over. But, hey, he also talks about being rich, and that just ain't right. Sure, if that's how your mental leap allows you to disregard whatever he says.

Here in this thread is evidence of his charity work, directly touching and effecting the Black community, not only in America but in Africa as well. But hey, he hasn't done enough, even though he's done much more than you have.

Here in this thread are videos of him speaking to and for the Black youth, telling them that it is completely possible to be where he is, and that none of the claims of greatness he makes are crazy because they can say those things a as well.

But y'all are straight up ignoring it. It's very easy for me to go on YouTube and copy and paste lyrics, but its gotta be harder for y'all to read the lyrics and catch the one thing you don't like then focus on that. It's gotta be hard watching toss videos and being able to be mad at what he was doing, because those seemed to have completely fallen out of this debate.
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Jay can tell me about his various favorite brands and business moves yet won't list a single charity or give actual advice on. Business.
One idea right off the top of my head is that people are
"... judged not for the color of their skin but for content of their character"

He inspired with words AND his actions. WTH are you talking about dude?
His actions were the non-violent protests that he organized, As far as his words, they inspired people, not only of his time, but for generations to come.
No verse Jay-Z will EVER write will EVER be more inspiring to black people than the "I Have A Dream" speech.

You sound incredibly ignorant right now.
And Im saying ignorant because you act like you have no idea of what MLK Jr did for blacks.
Even in death he inspired millions of black people to stand together and fight for equal rights.
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But academia is just a means to and end. The whole so called "purpose" for education is to get the position he is in....ironic enough most of the ppl that are in his position as far as from a business standpoint aren't heavily post secondary educated. And even if you look at it for what it is neither are most AA...last I checked it was slightly under 20%.

So that gives even more of a reason considering over 80% of AA basically have the same background he has....lower income upbringing, single mother homes, without a college degree, who have made mistakes/hiccups in their past (be it with the criminal system, unwed pregnancies etc...) So just off numbers and stats alone Jay past/background is more relatable to the common AA.

So I don't really get how ppl are saying he cant inspire hope etc... or isn't a person that the AA community can relate to or find inspiration from when majority of AA are either living his past or came from the lifestyle of his past.
I'd like to think that education is valued as more than just a means to get rich.
One idea right off the top of my head is that people are
"... judged not for the color of their skin but for content of their character"

He inspired with words AND his actions. WTH are you talking about dude?
His actions were the non-violent protests that he organized, As far as his words, they inspired people, not only of his time, but for generations to come.
No verse Jay-Z will EVER write will EVER be more inspiring to black people than the "I Have A Dream" speech.

You sound incredibly ignorant right now.
And Im saying ignorant because you act like you have no idea of what MLK Jr did for blacks.
Even in death he inspired millions of black people to stand together and fight for equal rights.

Thanks. I don't have the tolerance for the foolishness anymore.
Lol at only having one kid being the standard by which his intelligence is defined.
Then you show your intelligence by making comments like "he's the only one doing it".
As if men with no kids is some type extinct type of people.
Your post is rubbish. I was going to respond with more but realized that it appears that you think Jay-Z has done more than MLK, so that's all I have to say.
King's eventual disillusionment became because of the lack
of success the blacks were making in America. This
discomfort is reflected in his "A time to break the
silence" speech. He realize that while his efforts to bridge the racial gap in America,

were of importance, it was at the expense of African Americans progression.

No one even mentioned that he has done more... when did I say that. People comprehension skills are at an all time low today.

What I said is that Jay Z is more relatable to TODAYS AA then MLK is. And that for all the great things MLK did, there was a cost to it that hurt his community as well ala Jay Z.

If you take each of their respective backgrounds and compare it to the average AA of TODAY...far more ppl backgrounds would reflect one of Jay Z's then that of MLK's...this isn't an opinion but fact.

72.8% of AA American homes are single parent homes in which the single parent is the mother.

81.3% of AA do not have a post secondary college

48% of AA have been arrested and convicted of a crime

54% of AA have a high school diploma or equivalent

Those numbers coincide with Jay and a vast majority of AA ie relate to his background...

Am I saying Jay Z is some civil right activist or has done anything on the levels of a MLK a Rose Parks so on and so forth NO. What I said was as far as TODAY, in our current society, in the current conditions of AA's. Jay Z background and past is more relatable and can inspire the youth moreso then an MLK because his struggles upbringing etc... is closely similar to the VAST MAJORITY of AA of TODAY.
I'd like to think that education is valued as more than just a means to get rich.
Education is valued in most part because of the dividends in which it may provide...be it a carefree comfortable life, stability, a future for your family etc... ie money.

Yea its some ppl who go to college etc...just if nothing else to enrich their minds (hell im doing it now) but most ppl go to be able to provide a decent/well off/rich life for themselves or/and for their family.
Your post is rubbish. I was going to respond with more but realized that it appears that you think Jay-Z has done more than MLK, so that's all I have to say.

King's eventual disillusionment became because of the lack

of success the blacks were making in America. This

discomfort is reflected in his "A time to break the

silence" speech. He realize that while his efforts to bridge the racial gap in America,
were of importance, it was at the expense of African Americans progression.

No one even mentioned that he has done more... when did I say that. People comprehension skills are at an all time low today.

What I said is that Jay Z is more relatable to TODAYS AA then MLK is. And that for all the great things MLK did, there was a cost to it that hurt his community as well ala Jay Z.

If you take each of their respective backgrounds and compare it to the average AA of TODAY...far more ppl backgrounds would reflect one of Jay Z's then that of MLK's...this isn't an opinion but fact.

72.8% of AA American homes are single parent homes in which the single parent is the mother.
81.3% of AA do not have a post secondary college
48% of AA have been arrested and convicted of a crime
54% of AA have a high school diploma or equivalent

Those numbers coincide with Jay and a vast majority of AA ie relate to his background...

Am I saying Jay Z is some civil right activist or has done anything on the levels of a MLK a Rose Parks so on and so forth NO. What I said was as far as TODAY, in our current society, in the current conditions of AA's. Jay Z background and past is more relatable and can inspire the youth moreso then an MLK because his struggles upbringing etc... is closely similar to the VAST MAJORITY of AA of TODAY.

Strong irony in your post. You are the one talking down on MLK in the post that I quoted and then going on to state how Jay-Z can inspire so many.

These are your words:
To be honest first off even MLK had acknowledge that his movement and the direction he lead AA was for the negative
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One idea right off the top of my head is that people are
"... judged not for the color of their skin but for content of their character"

He inspired with words AND his actions. WTH are you talking about dude?
His actions were the non-violent protests that he organized, As far as his words, they inspired people, not only of his time, but for generations to come.
No verse Jay-Z will EVER write will EVER be more inspiring to black people than the "I Have A Dream" speech.

You sound incredibly ignorant right now.
And Im saying ignorant because you act like you have no idea of what MLK Jr did for blacks.
Even in death he inspired millions of black people to stand together and fight for equal rights.
He inspired with words AND his actions. WTH are you talking about dude?
His actions were the non-violent protests that he organized, As far as his words, they inspired people, not only of his time, but for generations to come.

I agree and never said I didn't...almost with it all but that last part.

Lets take off the rose colored glasses and view things for what they are. MLK in TODAYS time in reference with TODAYS youth is synonymous with a 3 day weekend, a week studying his past and a possible speech/book report for the average AA youth of TODAY.

It is naïve and foolish to think the average AA youth of today see inspiration and value....hell even knows outside of black history month about civil rights, mlk...

I can promise you more AA youth know the lyrics to N's in Paris then the I have a dream speech. I can promise you the average AA youth knows who Jay Z wife is....over who MLK wife was.

Hell Arthur Ashe broke and accomplished more for tennis and AA...then the Williams sisters... but to say he is more inspirational and is more relatable to a young AA of TODAY, trying to get into the tennis world of today is asinine.  

Im saying it all sounds good and fluffy...but if you really think the average YOUTH of today relates to and seeks inspiration/hope and is driven by a MLK over a lets say a Jay Z, a Puffy, a LeBron James....you are really detached to our current society and the current status of TODAYS AA youth.
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