Jay Z says 'My presence is charity', compares self to Obama in response to Harry Belafonte's critici

Last semester I saw a poster for the Shawn Carter Scholarship fund giving $2,500 Grants to anyone convicted of a drug crime and therefore ineligible for Federal/State Tuition assistance.

Is that considered charity, or nah?

That does NOT support the idea that Jay Z has done nothing to help the Black community! This website doesn't even exist http://www.shawncartersf.com/

Listen, Jay Z is a RAPPER. and he was s DRUG DEALER. He's just not good enough for me to recognize as influential on the Black youth, no matter what the Black youth actually think.

Plus, its not like he has a scholarship that supports mainly Black students, or has built water towers and worked to improve the lives of people in Africa.

At the end of the day, he's just another ******, another peice of black trash that no matter what will never escape our disdain for him.
I saw the statement in his interview and was instantly disgusted by it. Maybe he misspoke, but it sounded wrong.

True he's an inspiration, but that statement made him sound condescending and like he was looking down on the masses.

That being said, I don't think anyone should be forced or expected to do charity work.

Not everyone is an activist or soldier on the front line. There were people behind the scenes financing the civil rights movement. Harry was on the front line, Sidney was behind the scenes. Nothing is wrong with either.

I notice what he does do, he doesn't make a media event for it. Like paying for Sean Bell's kids college.
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I don't know him like that to say he isn't a charitable person, he just doesn't rap that well to me anymore.

But we can't be shocked by a person who annointed himself "the God emcee" if he says anything remotely vain.
I think you guys forget he wrote 13 albums and on each one talks about the status if the ghetto. Promise y'all wish him to rise a lake up.
:lol: @ these stories of dudes being inspired by Jay in this thread just to battle against the hate for him.

Yall dudes don't got nothing better to do.
To combat the hate? Nope, someone asked if anyone's actually been inspired by him and I responded.
That **** wasn't genuine. Comes off sarcastic, as a put down, or all of the above and some more I aint list.

You aint need to act like my post was directed directly to you though man. I'm skimming some of these testimonies and can't help but laugh.
i dont even know what to say. The comment wasn't the best thing to say. I do think people in his position should do more for the black community instead of just rapping about how we made him rich and how he sold drugs to our parents (of course this is not all he raps about but it is a large majority).
I guess what DMC said earlier this week holds more weight now.
Can't believe dudes were in the music forum saying how bitter DMC was for his statements
But jayz has been this way since day one...
This dude has never been conscious or rhymed like Common Sense( he even told you guys this,lol)
Now do I wish two of the biggest African American entertainers in the world would take a stand and put their necks out there to truly talk about the plight of poor and disenfranchised people,that would be awesome...
But it's not going to happen and that's sad but on the other hand I am tired of people looking up to false idols for opinions....We(not only African Americans) but the people of the US really need to unplug from the Matrix and fight for what they believe and when we fight " stand our ground", dont just protest for a month then go back and eat chick fil a or if you truly feel a certain way about an artist( jayz, Yeezus,etc) boycott their products.. This generation suffers from ADHD and as long as it doesn't impede on their liberties, they could give two *****...
um the two biggest would probably be oprah and tyler fairy...and neither one of them has done anything for the black community...and their influences far exceeds the likes of a jayz, yeezy, or beyonce. Where is the public outcry backlash for them?
But jayz has been this way since day one...

This dude has never been conscious or rhymed like Common Sense( he even told you guys this,lol)

Now do I wish two of the biggest African American entertainers in the world would take a stand and put their necks out there to truly talk about the plight of poor and disenfranchised people,that would be awesome...

But it's not going to happen and that's sad but on the other hand I am tired of people looking up to false idols for opinions....We(not only African Americans) but the people of the US really need to unplug from the Matrix and fight for what they believe and when we fight " stand our ground", dont just protest for a month then go back and eat chick fil a or if you truly feel a certain way about an artist( jayz, Yeezus,etc) boycott their products.. This generation suffers from ADHD and as long as it doesn't impede on their liberties, they could give two *****...
um the two biggest would probably be oprah and tyler fairy...and neither one of them has done anything for the black community...and their influences far exceeds the likes of a jayz, yeezy, or beyonce. Where is the public outcry backlash for them?
I think there has been
I can't think of any black people that actually support her
Like watching her network
Buying her magazine
In Tyler Perry's defense at least he seems to employ alot of people of color
I also think Oprah does a lot of charitable work though so.........
I think there has been
I can't think of any black people that actually support her
Like watching her network
Buying her magazine
In Tyler Perry's defense at least he seems to employ alot of people of color
I also think Oprah does a lot of charitable work though so.........
Yea ill give her that she does for everyone except black men....in which she in most part does everything to demoralize/belittle/discredit them.

As far as tyler he basically is hiring blacks to play modern day minstrels...So if anything that's nothing more then a power move to justify the wrong his movies etc does. Hiring a handful of blacks don't outweigh...all the ppl he has negatively influenced with his movies/shows.
^^Oprah and Tyler Perry stay getting **** on(at least in my circle), even most black blogs **** on them, especially Spike Lee with Mr.Perry...
But for 80s' babies and this generation Beyonce and Jay as much as it pains me to say, they are like our "Black" royality( yes even I laughed as I typed that) but now I truly think its the "Old" vs "Young" and alot of young people who are doing grass roots work in the communities that are trying to change and help being about solutions to our plight(African Americans at least) don't get the news stories but people are more worried about what these stars have to say( no matter what color)... I mean even though it was small in comparison to what lets say a Jim Brown or Kareem stood for it was nice seeing the Miami Heat don the hoodies after TMs' murder) yeah I said it), but I haven't seen any entertainer of color stay true on any social issue( that includes all colors)...
I mean I get were Jay is coming from because if he does show up or his wife shows up, attention is brought to that situation(whether bad or good), but do any of us knows what they do behind closed doors, we don't know his charitable contributions...
Once you become famous it's a damn if you do damn if you don't....
But this dude has been a straight hustler from the beginning and I just don't ever see that changing
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I think there has been

I can't think of any black people that actually support her

Like watching her network

Buying her magazine

In Tyler Perry's defense at least he seems to employ alot of people of color

I also think Oprah does a lot of charitable work though so.........
Yea ill give her that she does for everyone except black men....in which she in most part does everything to demoralize/belittle/discredit them.

As far as tyler he basically is hiring blacks to play modern day minstrels...So if anything that's nothing more then a power move to justify the wrong his movies etc does. Hiring a handful of blacks don't outweigh...all the ppl he has negatively influenced with his movies/shows.
Honestly what's different from his movies than say menace II society or boys in the hood or movies like that. I wouldn't really call his movies minstrel shows. I actually like that movie the family that prays and that other movie why did I get married. I think those were legit good all around movies. I don't watch those madea movies though so I can't speak on those
^^Oprah and Tyler Perry stay getting **** on(at least in my circle), even most black blogs **** on them, especially Spike Lee with Mr.Perry...
But for 80s' babies and this generation Beyonce and Jay as much as it pains me to say, they are like our "Black" royality( yes even I laughed as I typed that) but now I truly think its the "Old" vs "Young" and alot of young people who are doing grass roots work in the communities that are trying to change and help being about solutions to our plight(African Americans at least) don't get the news stories but people are more worried about what these stars have to say( no matter what color)... I mean even though it was small in comparison to what lets say a Jim Brown or Kareem stood for it was nice seeing the Miami Heat don the hoodies after TMs' murder) yeah I said it), but I haven't seen any entertainer of color stay true on any social issue( that includes all colors)...
I mean I get were Jay is coming from because if he does show up or his wife shows up, attention is brought to that situation(whether bad or good), but do any of us knows what they do behind closed doors, we don't know his charitable contributions...
Once you become famous it's a damn if you do damn if you don't....
But this dude has been a straight hustler from the beginning and I just don't ever see that changing
Hot 97 just interviewed spike lee and said he cool will perry and that he hires people of all color and doesn't see anything wrong with perry movies. Check there YouTube channel
^^ in all honesty I am glad Spike has come to some resolution with Tyler Perry( personally I have never had a problem with his programs, except Meet the Browns) Now Oprah is a whole another debate and thread..Didnt like her in "The Color Purple" and I don't like her now
A lot of black celebrities are all show, and Belafonte's criticism resonates with me as a bi-racial man in America. Is it JayZ's duty to speak and elaborate on social issues? Of course not, it isn't anyones. I also don't expect to hear anything of importance from Jay if it doesn't have to do with business anyway. What Hov has got to realize is that the same hood he grew up in still there, **** aint gon change, and just cuz he's a marketing genius, doesn't mean he's inspiring anyone with is "presence", the nerve of this guy to compare himself to Obama. These people must surround themselves with yes-men. He sounded like he actually believed it. SMH.
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Jay Z needs to give back to the communities that he helped destroy with his poison. I'm sure he is the cause of hundreds of black families being broken up and irrevocably damaged due to his crack pushing. Jay Z is a destroyer of his own community and now figuratively spits on the face of the community that he helped destroy and who in a twist of irony have helped him achieve his "god-like" status in the rap game. 

I can't stomach this guy because he seems to literally see himself as a God among men. His lyrics all brag about his wealth and fortune in an effort to make his listeners embrace their inferiority in comparison to his awesomness.  Jay Z....you will be humbled one of these days. And in a big way. All I can do is pray to God that my God-given compassion and empathy prevent me from rejoicing when that day comes.
Jay Z needs to give back to the communities that he helped destroy with his poison. I'm sure he is the cause of hundreds of black families being broken up and irrevocably damaged due to his crack pushing. Jay Z is a destroyer of his own community and now figuratively spits on the face of the community that he helped destroy and who in a twist of irony have helped him achieve his "god-like" status in the rap game. 

I can't stomach this guy because he seems to literally see himself as a God among men. His lyrics all brag about his wealth and fortune in an effort to make his listeners embrace their inferiority in comparison to his awesomness.  Jay Z....you will be humbled one of these days. And in a big way. All I can do is pray to God that my God-given compassion and empathy prevent me from rejoicing when that day comes.
Yet you just wished ill will on someone you dont even know in the previous sentence. LOL
Jay Z needs to give back to the communities that he helped destroy with his poison. I'm sure he is the cause of hundreds of black families being broken up and irrevocably damaged due to his crack pushing. Jay Z is a destroyer of his own community and now figuratively spits on the face of the community that he helped destroy and who in a twist of irony have helped him achieve his "god-like" status in the rap game. 

I can't stomach this guy because he seems to literally see himself as a God among men. His lyrics all brag about his wealth and fortune in an effort to make his listeners embrace their inferiority in comparison to his awesomness.  Jay Z....you will be humbled one of these days. And in a big way. All I can do is pray to God that my God-given compassion and empathy prevent me from rejoicing when that day comes.
but he does.... I mean just because he doesn't brag or boast about it doesn't mean he doesn't do it. I find it ironic ppl hate him and say he exploits blacks and sees himself as a god, yet on a sneaker website in which probably wouldn't exist if another man (being mj) didn't do the same thing and exploit his ppl with sweatshop mass produced, cheaply made shoes.

Hell to the point will rob/steal/kill/campout late at night go thru great lengths to help him exploit blacks....and he does nothing for his community.

The hypocrisy is crazy....a rapper who does support help the community albeit be lowkey and anonymous...says something while true in a pompous way = is evil etc...

A guy who overpriced shoes caused mass murders much throughout the late 80's (hell to be honest still does today) who solution was to raise the prices...thus causing more crime/murders. Gambles to the point that causes the death of his father, does nothing for his community etc... amongst other things = campout, fight tooth and nail, to support him, and wanting to be like him and praising him like a god.
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